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F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott Fitzgerald by Stephen Alcorn, 1983.

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Fabre, Geneviève (1983). Drumbeats, Masks, and Metaphor: Contemporary Afro-American Theatre. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.

Fagan, Brian M. and Charlotte Beck (1996). The Oxford Companion to Archaeology
. New York, Oxford University Press.
When we think of archaeology, most of us think first of its many spectacular finds: the legendary city of Troy, Tutankhamun's golden tomb, the three-million-year-old footprints at Laetoli, the mile-high city at Machu Picchu, the cave paintings at Lascaux. But as marvelous as these discoveries are, the ultimate goal of archaeology, and of archaeologists, is something far more ambitious. Indeed, it is one of humanity's great quests: to recapture and understand our human past, across vast stretches of time, as it was lived in every corner of the globe. Now, in The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, readers have a comprehensive and authoritative overview of this fascinating discipline, in a book that is itself a rare find, a treasure of up-to-date information on virtually every aspect of the field.

The range of subjects covered here is breathtaking--everything from the domestication of the camel, to Egyptian hieroglyphics, to luminescence dating, to the Mayan calendar, to Koobi Fora and Olduvai Gorge. Readers will find extensive essays that illuminate the full history of archaeology--from the discovery of Herculaneum in 1783, to the recent finding of the "Ice Man" and the ancient city of Uruk--and engaging biographies of the great figures in the field, from Gertrude Bell, Paul Emile Botta, and Louis and Mary Leakey, to V. Gordon Childe, Li Chi, Heinrich Schliemann, and Max Uhle. The Companion offers extensive coverage of the methods used in archaeological research, revealing how archaeologists find sites (remote sensing, aerial photography, ground survey), how they map excavations and report findings, and how they analyze artifacts (radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, stratigraphy, mortuary analysis). Of course, archaeology's great subject is humanity and human culture, and there are broad essays that examine human evolution--ranging from our early primate ancestors, to Australopithecus and Cro-Magnon, to Homo Erectus and Neanderthals--and explore the many general facets of culture, from art and architecture, to arms and armor, to beer and brewing, to astronomy and religion. And perhaps most important, the contributors provide insightful coverage of human culture as it has been expressed in every region of the world. Here entries range from broad overviews, to treatments of particular themes, to discussions of peoples, societies, and particular sites. Thus, anyone interested in North America would find articles that cover the continent from the Arctic to the Eastern woodlands to the Northwest Coast, that discuss the Iroquois and Algonquian cultures, the hunters of the North American plains, and the Norse in North America, and that describe sites such as Mesa Verde, Meadowcraft Rockshelter, Serpent Mound, and Poverty Point. Likewise, the coverage of Europe runs from the Paleolithic period, to the Bronze and Iron Age, to the Post-Roman era, looks at peoples such as the Celts, the Germans, the Vikings, and the Slavs, and describes sites at Altamira, Pompeii, Stonehenge, Terra Amata, and dozens of other locales. The Companion offers equally thorough coverage of Africa, Europe, North America, Mesoamerica, South America, Asia, the Mediterranean, the Near East, Australia and the Pacific. And finally, the editors have included extensive cross-referencing and thorough indexing, enabling the reader to pursue topics of interest with ease; charts and maps providing additional information; and bibliographies after most entries directing readers to the best sources for further study.

Featuring 700 articles written by hundreds of respected scholars from all over the world, The Oxford Companion to Archaeology provides authoritative, stimulating entries on everything from bog bodies, to underwater archaeology, to the Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings.

Falk, Richard (2016). Power Shift: On the New Global Order
. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
This book depicts the challenges associated with the emergence of a new global order in which patterns of conflict and the role of traditional military power are in the process of radical flux. Eloquently written by the world's leading international lawyer, Richard Falk's new book is an must read for anyone seeking to understand power shifts in the world order and our human condition in the early 21st century.

Fall, Bernard B. (1985). Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu
. New York, N.Y., Da Capo Press.
The definitive account" (Saturday Review) of the battle that paved the way for American involvement in Vietnam. The 1954 battle of Dien Bien Phu ranks with Stalingrad and Tet for what it ended (imperial ambitions), what it foretold (American involvement), and what it symbolized: A guerrilla force of Viet Minh destroyed a technologically superior French army, convincing the Viet Minh that similar tactics might prevail in battle with the U.S.

Fall, Bernard B. (1994). Street without Joy
. Mechanicsburg, PA, Stackpole Books.
"Street Without Joy" is a must for the library of anyone interested in the 20th Century's Indo-China wars. Bernard Fall explored the French disaster brilliantly -- exposing the foolishness of the French military and political leaders while honoring the valor and dedication of the fighting men. Fall was a Frenchman who immigrated to America and accompanied French Union forces for graduate research at a U.S. university. His writing brought to light the hidebound French military leadership's failure to grasp the realities of counter-insurgency warfare. The French knew mobility was the key to thwart the Viet Minh, but they applied European concepts of mobile warfare that depended too heavily on roads and vehicular transport. The cruel fate of Mobile Group 1 in central Annam unveiled the limitations of French military vision more completely than the renowned fiasco at Dienbienphu.

The French bungled and miscalculated everywhere. They failed at tactical intelligence gathering, routinely neglected to conduct adequate reconnaissance, mismanaged the propaganda war, underestimated the capabilities and tenacity of their enemy and squandered troops and scarce material resources in defense of worthless fixed installations. In virtually every respect, French leadership ceded the initiative to General Giap and Ho Chi Minh - and you don't win by simply reacting to your enemy. One of war's oldest maxims is: Carry the war to the enemy. The French did not. The Viet Minh carried it to them - again, and again, and again!

"Street Without Joy" drew lessons from the French debacle applicable to America's growing involvement in Indo-China; unfortunately Fall was a prophet without honor in his adopted country. While a few forward-looking American officers appreciated the value of effective counter-insurgency warfare, conventional forces generals held sway in Saigon, Hawaii and Washington. Some of our greatest successes in Vietnam resulted from effective operations by Special Forces, Long Range Penetration Groups, SEALs, and native guerillas, but most of our vast resources went into conventional operations. Bernard Fall told us what to expect in the jungles of Southeast Asia, but too few of our generals and politicians heeded the admonition.

Fanon, Frantz; Richard Philcox, tr. (2004). The Wretched of the Earth
. New York, Grove Press.
A distinguished psychiatrist from Martinique who took part in the Algerian Nationalist Movement, Frantz Fanon was one of the most important theorists of revolutionary struggle, colonialism, and racial difference in history. Fanon's masterwork is a classic alongside Edward Said's Orientalism or The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and it is now available in a new translation that updates its language for a new generation of readers. The Wretched of the Earth is a brilliant analysis of the psychology of the colonized and their path to liberation. Bearing singular insight into the rage and frustration of colonized peoples, and the role of violence in effecting historical change, the book incisively attacks the twin perils of post independence colonial politics: the disenfranchisement of the masses by the elites on the one hand, and intertribal and interfaith animosities on the other. Fanon's analysis, a veritable handbook of social reorganization for leaders of emerging nations, has been reflected all too clearly in the corruption and violence that has plagued present-day Africa. The Wretched of the Earth has had a major impact on civil rights, anticolonialism, and black consciousness movements around the world, and this bold new translation by Richard Philcox reaffirms it as a landmark.

Fanon, Frantz; Richard Philcox, tr. (2008). Black Skin, White Masks
. New York, Grove Press.
Few modern voices have had as profound an impact on the black identity as Frantz Fanon's, and this book represents some of his most important work. A major influence on cvil rights, anti-colonial, and black consciousness movements around the world, Black Skin, White Masks is the unsurpassed study of the black psyche in a white world. Hailed for its scientific analysis and poetic grace when it was first published in 1952, the book remains a vital force today.

Fante, John (1980). Ask the Dust
. Santa Barbara, Black Sparrow Press.
The under-appreciated Fante's second outing details the adventures of his alterego, Arturo Bandini, as the struggling young writer tackles Los Angeles in the late 1930s. And take it from personal experience, tackling L.A. as a destitute young scribe some decades later isn't much different. In other words: Fante gets it right and sets it down in his Chianti-steak-and-potatoes style, with prose both simple and rich. This Black Sparrow edition has a bonus: Charles Bukowski's great preface on how Fante stacks up against writers that were at once more famous--and far more anemic. Says Charles Bukowski of his first encounter with Fante's work, "Then one day I pulled a book down and opened it, and there it was. I stood for a moment, reading. Then like a man who had found gold in the city dump, I carried the book to a table. The lines rolled easily across the page, there was a flow. Each line had its own energy and was followed by another like it. The very substance of each line gave the page a form, a feeling of something carved into it. And here, at last, was a man who was not afraid of emotion."

Fante, John (1988). The Brotherhood of the Grape
. Santa Rosa, CA, Black Sparrow Press.
Henry Molise, a 50 year old, successful writer, returns to the family home to help with the latest drama; his aging parents want to divorce. Henry's tyrannical, brick laying father, Nick, though weak and alcoholic, can still strike fear into the hearts of his sons. His mother, though ill and devout to her Catholicism, still has the power to comfort and confuse her children. This is typical of Fante's novels, it's autobiographical, and brimming with love, death, violence and religion. Writing with great passion Fante powerfully hits home the damage family can wreck upon us all.

Fante, John (1982). Dreams from Bunker Hill
. Santa Barbara, Black Sparrow Press.
This book was Fante' s last novel, which he dictated in an episodic style to his wife after he lost his eyesight to diabetes. Fante returns to his alter-ego Arturo Bandini and though he does not explicitly refer back to the other books, the novel feels like a continuation of Ask the Dusk. Arturo still lives in Los Angeles, writing short stories and struggling with his career; yet, he manages to lead a comfortable life by working for Hollywood studios. This economic improvement, however, parallels his loss of inspiration, literary purity and motivation; in the end, Arturo flees the superficial world of Hollywood to end up poor again in front of his typewriter.

Fante, John (1985). The Road to Los Angeles
. Santa Barbara, Black Sparrow Press.
The "Bandini Saga" narrates the coming of age of a writer; it thus best represents the typical tension between working-class community and the artist's individualism. The first novel, Wait until Spring, Bandini, employs a plurality of narrators creating a sort of choral account of the Bandini's life. Arturo, however, is set apart from his family because of his ambition to be American and rich; he constantly vacillates between his attachment towards his family and his individualism. This inner struggle is exacerbated in the second novel, Road to Los Angeles that centers on Arturo's adolescent narcissism. Arturo works odd jobs, but he feels intellectually superior to his family and co-workers; his writings and philosophic readings become symbols of his ambition. Fante counterbalances this increasing individualism by dedicating much of the narration to the realistic description of the harbor communities of immigrant and poor workers. In the end, Arturo leaves behind his family, in pursuit of success in the big city, where we find him at the beginning of Ask the Dusk, the third novel of the saga. Here Arturo experiences his first successes as a writer. He still retains a certain narcissistic attitude, but he gradually returns to his working class origins. He tells the story of the other poor tenants in the hotel that functions as a sort of community and he seeks the companionship of the poor Mexican waitress Camilla. He writes his first novel about the Jewish housekeeper Vera Rivken and he defines his narration as "a slice out of life," namely a working-class life. It is this lack of authenticity that Arturo complains about in the last novel of the saga, Dreams from Bunker Hill. Here, Arturo has moved to the middle-class neighborhood of Bunker Hill, thanks to his work as a screenwriter for Hollywood Studios. However, he has never felt so unproductive and he soon starts despising the superficiality of the new environment. After seeking inspiration onto a fishing island, he decides to go back home to Colorado, to his working-class and Italian origins. Yet, this trip results in a disaster and he is compelled to go back to Los Angeles. At the end of the novel, we find him moneyless and friendless in a shabby room sitting in front of his typewriter in search of the poetic working-class realism he had mastered in Rivken's story.

Fante, John (1985). The Wine of Youth: Selected Stories
. Santa Barbara, Black Sparrow Press.
This book is a compilation of short stories that take place during Fante's youth as an Italian American growing up in Colorado. Many themes converge: growing up Catholic & Italian, dealing with dysfunctional parents, alcoholism, and poverty. These themes thread together in different stories like familiar snapshots. Growing up Catholic is a dominant theme and entire stories are dedicated to the sacraments - particularly the sacrament of reconciliation. In his 1930's tales of American youth he finds the wine of the Mass, the fire of desire, and the love of family. Fante writes with passion and clarity. The bottle is full and waiting.

Farber, Manny and Robert Polito, editor (2009). Farber on Film: The Complete Film Writings of Manny Farber.
. New York, NY, Library of America.
Manny Farber (1917-2008) was a unique figure among American movie critics. Champion of what he called "termite art" (focused, often eccentric virtuosity as opposed to "white elephant" monumentality), master of a one-of-a- kind prose style whose jazz-like phrasing and incandescent twists and turns made every review an adventure, he has long been revered by his peers. Susan Sontag called him "the liveliest, smartest, most original film critic this country ever produced"; for Peter Bogdanovich, he was "razor-sharp in his perceptions" and "never less than brilliant as a writer."

Farber was an early discoverer of many filmmakers later acclaimed as American masters: Val Lewton, Preston Sturges, Samuel Fuller, Raoul Walsh, Anthony Mann. A prodigiously gifted painter himself, he brought to his writing an artist's eye for what was on the screen. Alert to any filmmaker, no matter how marginal or unsung, who was "doing go-for-broke art and not caring what comes of it," he was uncompromising in his contempt for pretension and trendiness-for, as he put it, directors who "pin the viewer to the wall and slug him with wet towels of artiness and significance."

The excitement of his criticism, however, has less to do with his particular likes and dislikes than with the quality of attention he paid to each film as it unfolds, to the "chains of rapport and intimate knowledge" in its moment-to- moment reality. To transcribe that knowledge he created a prose that, in Robert Polito's words, allows for "oddities, muddles, crises, contradictions, dead ends, multiple alternatives, and divergent vistas." The result is critical essays that are themselves works of art.

Farber on Film contains this extraordinary body of work in its entirety for the first time, from his early and previously uncollected weekly reviews for The New Republic and The Nation to his brilliant later essays (some written in collaboration with his wife Patricia Patterson) on Godard, Fassbinder, Herzog, Scorsese, Altman, and others. Featuring an introduction by editor Robert Polito that examines in detail the stages of Farber's career and his enduring significance as writer and thinker, Farber on Film is a landmark volume that will be a classic in American criticism.

Fargnoli, A. Nicholas and Michael Patrick Gillespie (1995). James Joyce A to Z: The Essential Reference to the Life and Work
. New York, Facts on File.
Over 800 concise entries relating to all aspects of Joyce are gathered here in one easy-to-use volume of impressive scope. Supplies the basic cultural, historical, biographical and critical information so crucial to an appreciation and enjoyment of Joyce's primary works.

Farsoun, Samih K. and Naseer Hasan Aruri (2006). Palestine and the Palestinians
. Boulder, CO, Westview Press.
A sweeping social, economic, ideological, and political history of the Palestinian people, from antiquity to the Road Map to Peace. This second edition is thoroughly revised and updated, including entirely new chapters on the most current issues confronting Palestine today, including: Palestinians in Israel; the Oslo Accords and the Second Intifada; Palestinian refugees and the right to return; Jerusalem; the diplomatic "peace process" and two-state/single-state solutions.

Faulkner, William (1985). Novels, 1930-1935
. New York, N.Y., Literary Classics of the U.S.: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by Viking Press.
Joseph Blotner and Noel Polk, editors. This first volume in what will eventually be the complete Library of America Faulkner includes As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August, and Pylon in newly restored texts. With Novels 1936-1940, the fruits of perhaps the most astonishing ten-year period in any American writer's career are now available in authoritative editions."At last readers can enjoy and ponder these works in the form intended by their author. A distinguished addition to a distinctive series." - Library Journal.

Faulkner, William (1990). Novels, 1936-1940
. New York, N.Y., Library of America: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by the Viking Press.
Joseph Blotner and Noel Polk, editors. Absalom, Absalom!, The Unvanquished, If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem (published as The Wild Palms), and The Hamlet, the first novel of the famous "Snopes trilogy ". Presented in new texts prepared from Faulkner's own manuscripts and typescripts, these novels demonstrate the range of his genius, exploring the tragic, comic, and grotesque struggles of characters who must confront life in a South caught betweeen a romantic and tragic past and the corrupting enticements of the present.

Faulkner, William (1994). Novels, 1942-1954
. New York, Library of America: Distributed by Penguin Books.
Joseph Blotner and Noel Polk, editors. At the height of his career, battling depression, alcohol, and Hollywood's demands, Faulkner miraculously continued to break new ground in American fiction. This volume is made up of Go Down, Moses, which includes "The Bear," one of the most famous works in all American fiction; Intruder in the Dust; Requiem for a Nun; and A Fable, which earned a Pulitzer Prize.

Faulkner, William (1999). Novels, 1557-1962
. New York, Literary Classics of the United States.
Noel Polk, editor, with notes by Joseph Blotner. The newest volume in The Library of America's authoritative Faulkner edition presents the final chapters of the Yoknapatawpha saga.

William Faulkner's fictional chronicle of Yoknapatawpha County culminates in his last three novels, rich with the accumulated history and lore of the microcosmic domain where he set most of his novels and stories. Faulkner wanted to use the time remaining to him to achieve a summing-up of his fictional world: "I know I won't live long enough to write all I need to write about my imaginary country and county," he wrote to a friend, "so I must not waste what I have left."

The Town (1957) is the second novel in the "Snopes trilogy" that began with The Hamlet (collected in a previous Library of America volume). Here the rise of the rapacious Flem Snopes and his extravagantly extended family as they connive their way into power in the county seat of Jefferson, is brilliantly filtered through three separate narrative voices. Flem's relentless drive toward wealth and control plays itself out in The Mansion (1959), in which a wronged relative finally succeeds in avenging himself and bringing down the corrupt Snopes dynasty. His last novel, The Reivers: A Reminiscence (1962), is mellower and more elegiac than his earlier work. A picaresque adventure involving a Memphis brothel, a racehorse, and a stolen automobile, it evokes the world of childhood with a final burst of comic energy.

Like the three previous volumes in The Library of America's edition of the complete novels of William Faulkner, Novels 1957-1962 has been newly edited by textual scholar Noel Polk of the University of Southern Mississippi to establish an authoritative text in accordance with the author's intentions. Faulkner's esteemed biographer Joseph Blotner wrote the volume's chronology and explanatory notes.

Feiffer, Jules (1960). The Explainers
. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Jules Feiffer has had successful careers as playwright, screenwriter, and, lately, children's book creator but remains best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning weekly comic strip that ran in the Village Voice for 42 years. Initially entitled Sick Sick Sick, the strip captured the era's zeitgeist with acerbic accuracy and mordant humor and was equally incisive in skewering political foibles and gender warfare. This chunky volume, the first of four in a complete edition, shows that Feiffer was at first finding his way visually, for early installments show the strong influences of cartoonist William Steig and UPA animated cartoons. It wasn't long, however, before he developed the strip's hallmark willowy look and balloonless dialogue. Such Eisenhower-era themes as nuclear fallout, bohemia, and jazz figure early on, to be joined by 1966 by pollution, unisex fashions, and, above all, Vietnam. Perusal of the hundreds of intervening cartoons discovers that, for all the strip's contemporary relevance, intellectual pretensions, the banality of television, and miscommunication between the sexes never went out of style as targets of Feiffer's satire.

Feinstein, Harold (2009). One Hundred Butterflies
. New York, Little, Brown.
In One Hundred Butterflies, photographer Harold Feinstein showcases butterfly varieties from around the world, turning exquisite details into mesmerizing works of art. Feinstein's breathtaking photographs capture the color, vibrancy, and infinite variety of patterns that occur on the wings of these ornate insects. One hundred impeccably reproduced, oversized photographs allow viewers to appreciate the Blue Morpho of Central America, the African Birdwing, and the Asian Swallowtail at a scale and depth impossible to experience in nature. An elegantly printed deluxe gift book, it is a treasure for butterfly enthusiasts and art lovers alike.

Feinstein, Howard M. (1999). Becoming William James
. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press.
For William James work was the problem. Ultimately, going to work was the resolution, and Jame's quest for meaningful work remains as relevant today as it was in the nineteenth century. Weaving letters, diaries, drawings, and published texts, Becoming William James provides a convincing biographical analysis rich in detail and tone. Howard Feinstein has written a brilliant study of James' crises over idleness, illness and vocation within the context of intense parental and sinbling entanglement.

Feldstein, Al & Gary Groth (1913). Child of Tomorrow and Other Stories
. Seattle, Fantagraphics.
Al Feldstein is best known as the main writer/editor of the EC comics line during the first half of the 1950s — and then the editor of Mad Magazine for the first three decades of its existence. But what many don't know or remember is that Feldstein was also an accomplished and distinctive cartoonist, whose comics (which he both wrote and drew, a relative rarity in those days) adorned the pages of many of those self same EC comics. His powerfully composed, meticulously inked pages, often featuring grotesque creatures or scenes of ghastly destruction (and some of the greatest stiffly handsome/beautiful specimens of 1950s humanity ever put to paper), were a vital part of the allure of these classic comics. Feldstein's contributions to the first year and a half of EC's two SF titles, Weird Science and Weird Fantasy — comprising 16 classic O. Henry-style shock-ending stories with such evocative, vintage title as "'Things' From Outer Space." "The Flying Saucer Invasion," "Spawn of Venus," "Destruction of the Earth," and "Am I Man or Machine?" — will be collected in their integrity in this volume, which will also boast a new interview with Feldstein about his years at EC, focusing in particular in his work on these science fiction titles that were the company's pride and joy (and were killed a few years later by the Comics Code).

Fellini, Federico (1996). Fellini on Fellini
. New York, Da Capo Press.
Fellini on Fellini is a fascinating collection of Federico Fellini's articles, interviews, essays, reminiscences, and table talk, carefully arranged to chart the progress of his life and work. There are boyhood memories of his hometown, Remini, and his highly improbable beginnings as a scriptwriter for Rossellini; letters to Jesuit priests and Marxist critics defending his first international success, La Strada; anecdotes and revelations about the making of La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2, and The Clowns; and insights into all aspects of filmmaking.

Feltrinelli, Carlo (2001). Feltrinelli
. New York, Harcourt.
The extraordinary life of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli - visionary, publisher, revolutionary - as told by his only son.

On a spring evening in 1972, a man climbed up an electricity tower outside Milan, intending to place a bomb. He fell to his death. Notices in the next day's newspapers announced the botched action of an unnamed "terrorist." It quickly became clear, however, that this "terrorist" was one of the most famous men in Europe.

Born into a wealthy and distinguished family, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli fought with the partisans against the Nazis, joined the Communist Party, then took over the family's financial empire after the war. In 1954 he founded the house that bears the family name, and went on to publish the likes of Pasternak, Kerouac, Bellow, and Che Guevara. In the sixties he supported revolutionary movements in Europe and the Americas, and befriended Fidel Castro. But in spite of his leftist sympathies, Feltrinelli wasn't proletarian enough to give up his yachts, sports cars, and the lavish estates in which he entertained the best and brightest of a generation.

Combining warm personal memories of his father with a carefully documented history of the period, Carlo Feltrinelli has written an unsparing, provocative, and above all deeply engrossing book.

Ferguson, Margaret W., Mary Jo Salter, et al. (2004). The Norton Anthology of Poetry
. New York, W.W. Norton.
Long the classic anthology of poetry in English, "The Norton Anthology of Poetry, Fifth Edition, adds to its wealth of known and loved poems a rich gathering of new poetry. Beginning with "Beowulf, newly represented by selections from Seamus Heaney's dazzling translation, and continuing to the present day, "The Norton Anthology of Poetry includes over 1,700 poems by 340 poets in the Regular Edition, and 1,100 poems by 250 poets in the Shorter. Many major figures--from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Ashbery and Walcott--have expanded sections, and a range of outstanding younger voices have been newly added. Concise annotations, biographical sketches, an Essay on Versification by Jon Stallworthy, and, new to this edition, an Essay on Poetic Syntax by Margaret Ferguson help readers understand and enjoy the poems.

Feinstein, Andrew (2011). The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade
. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
The Shadow World is the harrowing behind-the-scenes tale of the global arms trade, revealing the deadly collusion that all too often exists among senior politicians, weapons manufacturers, felonious arms dealers, and the military - a situation that compromises our security and undermines our democracy.

Pulling back the curtain on this secretive world, Andrew Feinstein reveals the corruption and the cover-ups behind a range of weapons deals, from the largest in history - between the British and Saudi governments - to the guns-for-diamonds deals in Africa and the imminent $60 billion U.S. weapons contract with Saudi Arabia. He exposes in forensic detail both the formal government-to-government trade in arms and the shadow world of illicit weapons dealing, and lays bare the shockingly frequent links between the two. Drawing on his experience as a member of the African National Congress who resigned when the ANC refused to launch a corruption investigation into a major South African arms deal, Feinstein illuminates the impact this network has not only on conflicts around the world but also on the democratic institutions of the United States and the United Kingdom.

Based on unprecedented access to top-secret information and major players in this clandestine realm, The Shadow World places us in the midst of the arms trade's dramatic wheeling and dealing - from corporate boardrooms to seedy out-of-the-way hotels - and reveals the profound danger and enormous financial cost this network represents to all of us.

Ferris, Emil (2017). My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Volume 1
. Seattle, Washington, Fantagraphics Books.
Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of late ’60s Chicago, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters is the fictional graphic diary of 10-year-old Karen Reyes, filled with B-movie horror and pulp monster magazines iconography. Karen Reyes tries to solve the murder of her enigmatic upstairs neighbor, Anka Silverberg, a holocaust survivor, while the interconnected stories of those around her unfold. When Karen’s investigation takes us back to Anka’s life in Nazi Germany, the reader discovers how the personal, the political, the past, and the present converge. Full-color illustrations throughout.

Ferling, John (1996). John Adams : A Life
. Newtown, CT, American Political Biography Press.
John Adams will always fascinate historians, if only because he left so many introspective ruminations. Ferling, the biographer of George Washington ( The First of Men) masterfully reinterprets these and other writings. Ferling relies heavily on outstanding recent investigations of Adams's family, especially his wife Abigail. His solid, comprehensive, moving biography sees Adams as a "one-dimensional man" who sacrificed his family to a relentless pursuit of recognition and fame. "America's first great nationalist," the self-styled "John Yankee" could be petty, vain, self-centered, acerbic, and his social skills were extremely limited. He was not a military leader. But he drove himself with intellect and ambition to the front of the Revolution. Ferling emphasizes Adams's compuslive need for personal sacrifice as a substitute for military service. This is an outstanding biography; Adams will not have to be redone for this generation.

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (1958). A Coney Island of the Mind, Poems
. New York, New Directions.
The title of this book is taken from Henry Miller's Into the Night Life and expresses the way Lawrence Ferlinghetti felt about these poems when he wrote them during a short period in the 1950's - as if they were, taken together, a kind of Coney Island of the mind, a kind of circus of the soul.

Fermor, Patrick Leigh (2006). Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese
. New York, New York Review Books.
The Mani, at the tip of Greece's-and Europe's-southernmost promontory, is one of the most isolated regions of the world. Cut off from the rest of the country by the towering range of the Taygetus and hemmed in by the Aegean and Ionian seas, it is a land where the past is still very much a part of its people's daily lives.

Patrick Leigh Fermor, who has been described as "a cross between Indiana Jones, James Bond, and Graham Greene," bridges the genres of adventure story, travel writing, and memoir to reveal an ancient world living alongside the twentieth century. Here, in the book that confirmed his reputation as one of the English language's finest writers of prose, Patrick Leigh Fermor carries the reader with him on his journeys among the Greeks of the mountains, exploring their history and time-honored lore.

Fermor, Patrick Leigh (2006). Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece
. New York, New York Review Books.
Roumeli is not to be found on present-day maps. It is the name given in olden times to northern Greece - stretching from the Bosphorus to the Adriatic and from Macedonia to the Gulf of Corinth. In the same way that thace lands of Greece's southern peninsula captivated his readers in Mani, Patrick Leigh Fermor was so seduced by the strangeness of this name that he immortalized it in the classic account of his travels there.

It is a journey that takes us with him amongst Sarakatsan shepherds, the monasteries of Meteora and the villages of Karkora, even tracking down a pair of Byron's slippers at Missolonghi. And it is one that uncovers the inherent conflict of the Greeks' inheritance; a tenuous scholastic link with the glories of the ancient world, and the more recent but no less historic Byzantine heritage and legacy of Ottoman domination. But underlying all is an even older world, evidence of which he finds in the hills and mountains and along stretches of barely-explored coast.

Ferris, Emil (2017). My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Book One
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics.
Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of late '60s Chicago, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Book One is the fictional graphic diary of 10-year-old Karen Reyes, filled with B-movie horror and pulp monster magazines iconography. Karen Reyes tries to solve the murder of her enigmatic upstairs neighbor, Anka Silverberg, a holocaust survivor, while the interconnected stories of those around her unfold. When Karen's investigation takes us back to Anka's life in Nazi Germany, the reader discovers how the personal, the political, the past, and the present converge.

Ferris, Emil (2024). My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Book Two
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics.
Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of late ’60s Chicago, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Book Two is the eagerly awaited conclusion to the most acclaimed graphic novels of the past decade. Presented as the fictional graphic diary of 10-year-old Karen Reyes as she tries to solve the murder of her beloved and enigmatic upstairs neighbor, Anka Silverberg, a holocaust survivor, while the interconnected stories of those around her unfold. In Book Two, dark mysteries past and present continue to abound in the tumultuous and violent Chicago summer of 1968. Young Karen attends the Yippie-organized Festival of Life in Grant Park and finds herself swept up in a police stomping. Privately, she continues to investigate Anka’s recent death and discovers one last cassette tape that sheds light upon Anka's heroic activities in Nazi Germany. She wrestles with her own sexual identity, the death of her mother, and the secrets she suspects her brother Deez of hiding. Ferris’s exhilarating cast of characters experience revelations and epiphanies that both resolve and deepen the mysteries visited upon them eariler. Visually, the story is told in Ferris' inimitable style that breathtakingly and seamlessly combines panel-to-panel storytelling and cartoon montages, filled with B-movie horror and pulp monster mag iconography.

Ferry, David (1992). Gilgamesh: A New Rendering in English Verse
. New York, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Ferry's (On the Way to the Island) version of this Mesopotamian epic is not simply a translation but an artful interpretation which aims to convey the spirit rather than the letter of the fragmentary original. Working from scholarly translations of the Sumerian and Akkadian tablets but departing from them freely, he has produced a "rendering" with shape and wholeness. And Ferry has enhanced the closeness of the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the wild man created by the gods to temper the hero's fierceness. Early in the poem, Gilgamesh sagely tells Enkidu, "The life of man is short. / What he accomplishes is but the wind." After Enkidu's death, Gilgamesh is driven to seek the secret of eternal life from Utnapishtim, who was granted eternal life. Gilgamesh learns bitterly the truth of his own words in the beautiful but unconsoling speech of the wise man: "Time after time the river has risen and flooded. / The insect leaves the cocoon to live but a minute." Ferry's iambic pentameter is more lyrical than epic, and captures the elegiac and ironic undertones of Gilgamesh's failed search for immortality.

Feyerabend, Paul K. (1993). Against Method
. London; New York, Verso.
Modern philosophy of science has paid great attention to the understanding of scientific 'practice', in contrast to the earlier concentration on scientific 'method'. Paul Feyerabend's acclaimed work, which has contributed greatly to this new emphasis, shows the deficiencies of some widespread ideas about the nature of knowledge. He argues that the only feasible explanations of scientific successes are historical explanations, and that anarchism must now replace rationalism in the theory of knowledge. While disavowing populism or relativism, Feyerabend continues to insist that the voice of the inexpert must be heard. [E.g., many environmental perils were first identified by nonexperts against prevailing assumptions in the scientific community.]

Fielding, Henry (1978). The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
. Franklin Center, Pa., Franklin Library.
Tom, a foundling, is discovered one evening by the benevolent Squire Allworthy and his sister Bridget and brought up as a son in their household; when his sexual escapades and general misbehavior lead them to banish him, he sets out in search of both his fortune and his true identity. Amorous, high-spirited, and filled with what Fielding called "the glorious lust of doing good," but with a tendency toward dissolution, Tom Jones is one of the first characters in English fiction whose human virtues and vices are realistically depicted. This edition is set from the text of the Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding.

Figes, Orlando (2002). Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia
. New York, Metropolitan Books.
Beginning in the eighteenth century with the building of St. Petersburg and culminating with the Soviet regime, Figes examines how writers, artists, and musicians grappled with the idea of Russia itself--its character, spiritual essence, and destiny. Skillfully interweaving the great works by Dostoevsky, Stravinsky, and Chagall with folk embroidery, peasant songs, religious icons, and all the customs of daily life, Figes reveals the spirit of 'Russianness' as rich and uplifting, complex and contradictory - and more lasting than any Russian ruler or state. A vivid, entertaining, and enlightening account of what it has meant to be culturally a Russian over the last three centuries.

Filiu, Jean-Pierre and David B. (2012). Best of Enemies: A History of Us and Middle East Relations, Part One: 1783-1953
. New York, Harry N. Abrams.
From the cover of this impressive historical précis, FDR and King Ibn Saud stare impassively. They are seated on a huge pipe in front of a meander of more pipes. The metallic maze signifies what brings them together—oil—and exemplifies David B.’s illustrative strategy in the book. He characteristically evokes the political and economic implications of the narrative by replacing naturalistic detail with striking symbols, such as cannons with legs during the earliest American encounter with the Islamic East, and plenty of pipelines later on. Diplomat turned historian Filiu’s text opens with the main action of the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, then rehearses three historic encounters between the U.S. and the dar al-Islam: the Barbary Wars of the Jefferson and Madison administrations; the alliance with Saudi Arabia for oil to fuel WWII; and the 1953 CIA-engineered coup that overthrew Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh’s government in Iran. Filiu’s presentation is very even-handed. Neither the cruel superciliousness of the Barbary pirate states nor the crafty treachery of Kermit Roosevelt in Tehran is whitewashed or sensationalized.

Filiu, Jean-Pierre and David B. (2014). Best of Enemies: A History of Us and Middle East Relations, Part Two: 1954-1984
. London, SelfMadeHero.
The second volume of Jean-Pierre Filiu and David B.’s graphic novel history of US–Middle East relations begins in the 1950s with the Eisenhower Doctrine and ends with the Lebanese War of 1982. A perceptive and authoritative account of this turbulent historical period, Best of Enemies provides an overview of the Six-Day War between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria; the Iranian Revolution of 1979; the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; and other Middle Eastern conflicts involving the United States. A beautifully drawn account of the time period, Best of Enemies is a milestone of graphic novel reportage and of great relevance to the current political situation in the Middle East.

Filiu, Jean-Pierre and David B. (2018). Best of Enemies: A History of Us and Middle East Relations, Part Three: 1984-2013
. London, SelfMadeHero.
In the third volume of their graphic history of US and Middle East relations, Jean-Pierre Filiu and David B. cover the tumultuous period that began with Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and ended with Obama's decision, in 2013, not to intervene in Syria. Taking in the First Gulf War, the rise of al-Qaeda, the military response to the September 11 attacks and the present conflict in Syria, Best of Enemies: Part Three is propelled by a clash between four US presidents and their Middle Eastern antagonists: on the one hand, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; on the other, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Bashar al-Assad. Covering thirty years of conflict and diplomacy, Best of Enemies: Part Three is a breezy and engaging guide to the events that shaped our current politics, from the rise of populism and the so-called Islamic State to the global refugee crisis.

Finch, Robert and John Elder (1990). The Norton Book of Nature Writing
. New York, W.W. Norton.
This fine, well-annotated anthology offers selections from familiar writers such as Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Annie Dillard, and Barry Lopez. It contains surprises as well, including George Orwell's little-known essay, "Some Thoughts on the Common Toad" and Herman Melville's musings on how the great white whale came to be so white in the first place, the fruit of the deep natural-historical research that underlies Moby-Dick.

Finkel, Alvin (1997). Our Lives: Canada after 1945
. Toronto, J. Lorimer.
"This book is the first to look at the people, forces and events that have shaped post-war Canada. All the major themes of our history are covered, such as the evolution of the welfare state, our domination by the United States, our days of importance as a Middle Power, the quiet Revolution, the growth of First Nations' Power, the flowering of English-Canadian Nationalism, the women's movement, Quebec Nationalism, and globalization. An excellent read." (R.J. Love, Fredericton Daily Gleaner).

Finkel, Alvin (2006). Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History
. Waterloo, Ont., Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History traces the history of social policy in Canada from the period of First Nations' control to the present day, exploring the various ways in which residents of the area known today as Canada have organized themselves to deal with (or to ignore) the needs of the ill, the poor, the elderly, and the young.

This book is the first synthesis on social policy in Canada to provide a critical perspective on the evolution of social policy in the country. While earlier work has treated each new social program as a major advance, and reacted with shock to neoliberalism's attack on social programs, Alvin Finkel demonstrates that right-wing and left-wing forces have always battled to shape social policy in Canada. He argues that the notion of a welfare state consensus in the period after 1945 is misleading, and that the social programs developed before the neoliberal counteroffensive were far less radical than they are sometimes depicted.

Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History begins by exploring the non-state mechanisms employed by First Nations to insure the well-being of their members. It then deals with the role of the Church in New France and of voluntary organizations in British North America in helping the unfortunate. After examining why voluntary organizations gradually gave way to state-controlled programs, the book assesses the evolution of social policy in Canada in a variety of areas, including health care, treatment of the elderly, child care, housing, and poverty.

Finkelstein, Norman G. (2005). Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Finkelstein, a political science professor and author of The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, has conducted a rancorous public feud with Harvard Law professor and pro-Israel stalwart Alan Dershowitz over the latter's The Case for Israel, and here expands his arguments into a vigorous polemic on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The first part of the book examines what he feels is a growing tendency of pro-Israel commentators to use spurious charges of anti-Semitism to deflect and discredit legitimate criticism of Israel. The second, much longer, part is a line-by-line debunking of The Case for Israel, which he compares to Communist apologetics for Stalinist Russia. Rebutting Dershowitz's claims about Israel's "superb" human rights record, Finkelstein cites human rights organizations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Israeli group B'Tselem to document Israeli abuses in the occupied territories, including killings of Palestinian civilians, torture of Palestinian prisoners and home demolitions. Lengthy appendices flesh out his explosive assertion that Dershowitz plagiarized the historical research and interpretations (but not the actual phrasing) of Joan Peters's From Time Immemorial. The Middle East conflict rarely inspires calm discussion, and Finkelstein duly pillories his opponents as perpetrators of "hoax" and "fraud" who lack "ordinary moral values" and whose behavior resembles anti-Semitic stereotypes. Inflammatory rhetoric aside, he does raise serious questions about the veracity, scholarly methods and fairness of Dershowitz and others. More important, he presents a wealth of evidence on the human rights situation in the occupied territories, so often ignored in American debate on these issues. Exhaustively researched and meticulously-if intemperately-argued, Finkelstein's book is a formidable challenge to the conventional wisdom on the Middle East.

Finkelstein, Norman G. (2018). Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom
. Oakland, California, University of California Press.
Gaza is among the most densely populated places in the world. Two-thirds of its inhabitants are refugees, and more than half the population is under eighteen years of age. Since Israel occupied Gaza in 1967, it has systematically de-developed the economy. After Hamas won democratic elections in 2006, Israel intensified its blockade of Gaza, and after Hamas consolidated its control of the territory in 2007, Israel tightened its illegal siege another notch. In the meantime, Israel has launched no less than eight military operations against Gaza--culminating in Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9 and Operation Protective Edge in 2014--that left behind over three million tons of rubble. Recent UN reports predict that Gaza will be unlivable by 2020. Norman G. Finkelstein presents a meticulously researched and devastating inquest into Israel's actions of the last decade. He argues that although Israel justified its blockade and violent assaults in the name of self-defense, in fact these actions were cynical exercises of brutal power against an essentially defenseless civilian population. Based on hundreds of human rights reports, the book scrutinizes multifarious violations of international law Israel committed both during its operations and in the course of its decade-long siege of Gaza. It is a monument to Gaza's martyrs and a scorching accusation against their tormenters.

Finkelstein, Norman G. (2001). The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering: With a New Foreword and a New Postscript
. London; New York, Verso.
This iconoclastic study was one of the most widely debated books of 2000. Finkelstein indicts with both vigor and honesty those who exploit the tragedy of the Holocaust for their own personal political and financial gain. This new edition includes updated material discussing the initial reception to the book's publication.

In an iconoclastic and controversial new study, Norman G. Finkelstein moves from an interrogation of the place the Holocaust has come to occupy in American culture to a disturbing examination of recent Holocaust compensation agreements. It was not until the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, when Israel's evident strength brought it into line with US foreign policy, that memory of the Holocaust began to acquire the exceptional prominence it enjoys today. Leaders of America's Jewish community were delighted that Israel was now deemed a major strategic asset and, Finkelstein contends, exploited the Holocaust to enhance this newfound status. Their subsequent interpretations of the tragedy are often at variance with actual historical events and are employed to deflect any criticism of Israel and its supporters. Recalling Holocaust fraudsters such as Jerzy Kosinski and Binjamin Wilkomirski, as well as the demagogic constructions of writers like Daniel Goldhagen, Finkelstein contends that the main danger posed to the memory of Nazism's victims comes not from the distortions of Holocaust deniers but from prominent, self-proclaimed guardians of Holocaust memory. Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries as well as legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket. Thoroughly researched and closely argued, The Holocaust Industry is all the more disturbing and powerful because the issues it deals with are so rarely discussed.

Finkelstein, Norman G. (1995). Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
. London; New York, Verso.
First published in 1995, this highly acclaimed study scrutinizes popular and scholarly representations of the Israel-Palestine conflict. It begins with a novel theoretical inter-pretation of Zionism, and then moves on to critically engage the influential studies of Joan Peters, Benny Morris, and Anita Shapira.

Carefully rehearsing the documentary record, Finkelstein also challenges the dominant images of the June 1967 and October 1973 Arab-Israeli wars. In a comprehensive new introduction, he provides the most succinct overview available in the English language of the Israel-Palestine conflict, while in several new chapters he juxtaposes Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories against South African apartheid, and demolishes the scholarly pretensions of Michael Oren's recent bestseller on the June 1967 war.

Fisher, Barry A.J. and David R. Fisher (2012). Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation
. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
The application of science and technology plays a critical role in the investigation and adjudication of crimes in our criminal justice system. But before science can be brought to bear on evidence, it must be recognized and collected in an appropriate manner at crime scenes. Written by authors with over 50 years of combined experience in forensic science, Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation examines the concepts, field-tested techniques, and procedures of crime scene investigation. Detectives, crime scene technicians, and forensic scientists can rely on this updated version of the "forensics bible" to effectively apply science and technology to the tasks of solving crimes.

Fisher, Mark (2018). K-Punk: The Collected and Unpublished Writings of Mark Fisher
. New York, Penguin.
This comprehensive collection brings together the work of acclaimed blogger, writer, political activist and lecturer Mark Fisher (aka k-punk). Covering the period 2004-2016, the collection will include some of the best writings from his seminal blog k-punk; a selection of his brilliantly insightful film, television and music reviews; his key writings on politics, activism, precarity, hauntology, mental health and popular modernism for numerous websites and magazines; his final unfinished introduction to his planned work on "Acid Communism"; and a number of important interviews from the last decade. Edited by Darren Ambrose and with a foreword by Simon Reynolds.

Fisk, Robert (2002). Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon
. New York, Thunder's Mouth Press/Nation Books.
With the Israeli-Palestinian crisis reaching wartime levels, where is the latest confrontation between these two old foes leading? Robert Fisk's explosive Pity the Nation recounts Sharon and Arafat's first deadly encounter in Lebanon in the early 1980s and explains why the Israel-Palestine relationship seems so intractable. A remarkable combination of war reporting and analysis by an author who has witnessed the carnage of Beirut for twenty-five years, Fisk, the first journalist to whom bin Laden announced his jihad against the U.S., is one of the world's most fearless and honored foreign correspondents. He spares no one in this saga of the civil war and subsequent Israeli invasion: the PLO, whose thuggish behavior alienated most Lebanese; the various Lebanese factions, whose appalling brutality spared no one; the Syrians, who supported first the Christians and then the Muslims in their attempt to control Lebanon; and the Israelis, who tried to install their own puppets and, with their 1982 invasion, committed massive war crimes of their own. It includes a moving finale that recounts the travails of Fisk's friend Terry Anderson who was kidnapped by Hezbollah and spent 2,454 days in captivity. Fully updated to include the Israeli withdrawl from south Lebanon and Ariel Sharon's electoral victory over Ehud Barak, this edition has sixty pages of new material and a new preface."Robert Fisk's enormous book about Lebanon's desperate travails is one of the most distinguished in recent times." - Edward Said

Fitzgerald, Frances (2002). Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam
. Boston, Little, Brown.
This landmark work, based on Frances FitzGerald's own research and travels, takes us inside Vietnam-into the traditional, ancestor-worshiping villages and the corrupt crowded cities, into the conflicts between Communists and anti-Communists, Catholics and Buddhists, generals and monks -and reveals the country as seen through Vietnamese eyes. With a clarity and authority unrivaled by any book before it or since, Fire in the Lake shows how America utterly and tragically misinterpreted the realities of Vietnam.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott (2000). Novels and Stories, 1920-1922
. New York, Library of America. Jackson R. Bryer, editor.
At the outset of what he called "the greatest, the gaudiest spree in history," F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the works that brought him instant fame, mastering the glittering aphoristic prose and keen social observation that would distinguish all his writing. Celebrating the riotous energy and naïve optimism of a generation that believed itself liberated from the past, Fitzgerald's early works also sound a plaintive strain beneath the era's wild cacophony, a lament for the wasted potential of youth. They remain the fullest literary expression of one of the most fascinating eras in American life.

This Side of Paradise (1920) gave Fitzgerald the early success that defined and haunted him for the rest of his career. Offering in its Princeton chapters the most enduring portrait of college life in American literature, this lyrical novel records the ardent and often confused longings of its hero's struggles to find love and to formulate a philosophy of life. Flappers and Philosophers (1920), a collection of accomplished short stories, includes such classics as "Dalyrimple Goes Wrong," "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," and "The Ice Palace.

Fitzgerald continues his dissection of a self-destructive era in his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned (1922), as the self-styled aristocrat Anthony Patch and his beautiful wife, Gloria, are cut off from an inheritance and forced to endure the excruciating dwindling of their fortune. Here New York City, playground for the pleasure-loving Patches and brutal mirror of their dissipation, is portrayed more vividly than anywhere else in Fitzgerald's work. Tales of the Jazz Age (1922), his second collection of stories, includes the novella "May Day," featuring interlocking tales of debutantes, soldiers, and socialists brought together in the uncertain aftermath of World War I, and "A Diamond as Big as the Ritz," a fable in which the excesses of the Jazz Age take the hallucinatory form of a palace of unfathomable opulence hidden deep in the Montana Rockies.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott and Edmund Wilson (1993). The Crack-Up
. New York, New Directions Pub. Corp.
Compiled and edited by Edmund Wilson shortly after Fitzgerald's death, The Crack-up tells the story of Fitzgerald's sudden descent at age thirty-nine from a life of success and glamor to one of emptiness and despair, and his determined recovery. This vigorous and revealing collection of essays and letters renders the tale of a man whose personality still charms us all and whose reckless gaiety and genius made him a living symbol of the Jazz Age.

Flannery, Tim F. (2005). The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth
. New York, Atlantic Monthly Press.
Alarmed by global warming, Australian scientist Flannery synthesizes evidence supporting a dire disaster-is-near thesis, intending to mobilize his readers personally and politically. Flannery first reviews climate history as preserved in ice cores and sediment cores from the seabed. Explaining how climatic conditions are inferred from these samples, Flannery stresses the natural variability they reveal, adducing as an example the climate's tip into the warm interglacial period that has prevailed for the past 10,000 years. Incorporating en route information about cyclical changes in the earth's orbit and axial tilt, the thermodynamics of greenhouse gases, and data indicating these gases have increased, Flannery switches over to descriptions of how nature is affected by global warming. After disturbing his audience with predictions of the imminent disappearance of coral reefs and polar bears, Flannery verbally accosts the industries and politicians he believes are responsible. This work is distinctive in its marriage of science to an act-now attitude and should energize environmentally minded readers.

Flaubert, Gustave (1959). Madame Bovary
. New York, Bantam.
If one were to ask, "World, which is the most perfect novel ever written?," the world would immediately answer: Madame Bovary. There are novels of greater structural complexity, such as Lord Jim and The Good Soldier, or of a broader social canvas, like Anna Karenina and In Search of Lost Time, or of more stylistic dash -- Ulysses, Lolita -- and many far more beloved (Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, The Leopard), but Madame Bovary still stands as the most controlled and beautifully articulated formal masterpiece in the history of fiction.

Flaubert, Gustave (1968). Dictionary of Accepted Ideas. New York, New Directions Pub. Corp.
Flaubert's unfinished Dictionaire de Idees Reçues was written as a supplemental appendix to his final novel, Bouchard & Pecuchet. However, the dictionary need not be read in tandem with the novel. It holds its own quite well as a satirical work of social criticism. Containing some 950 entries, the dictionary slowly skewers the cliche, the "conventional wisdom" and the mental entropy which allows individuals to adopt popular beliefs and misconceptions without thinking. Flaubert loathed ignorance, prejudice and irrationality and he blamed much of his society's problems upon the triumph of "accepted ideas" over individual thought. His antipathy to cliches is unmistakable in his dictionary.

Flaubert, Gustave (1977). Salammbo
. Harmondsworth; New York [etc.], Penguin.
Famous for its erotic, sadistic, and decadent content, Flaubert's exotic novel Salammbô is also noted for its lush descriptive quality, visual brilliance, and Oriental texturing. It is a symbolic work notorious for its atmospheric evocation of a dying civilization and imagery of sensuous and terrifying cruelty. Set in North Africa after the First Punic War in the third century b.c., Salammbô details a mercenary revolt against the city of Carthage led by the Libyan soldier Mâtho and suppressed by the renowned Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca. Within the historical context of the rebellion Flaubert inserts his unique fictional character, Salammbô, Barca's daughter and the object of Mâtho's passion. A work principally concerned with sacrilege, ruin, and the tragic futility of desire, Salammbô has both intrigued and repelled critics with its depiction of lust, violence and excess.

Flaubert, Gustave and Mark Polizzotti (2005). Bouvard and Pecuchet
. Normal, IL, Dalkey Archive Press.
Bouvard and Pecuchet are two Chaplinesque copy-clerks who meet on a park bench in Paris. Following an unexpected inheritance, they decide to give up their jobs and explore the world of ideas. In this, his last novel, unfinished on his death in 1880, Flaubert attempted to encompass his lifelong preoccupation with bourgeois stupidity and his disgust at the banalities of intellectual life in France. Into it he poured all his love of detail, his delight in the life of the mind, his despair of human nature and his pleasure in passionate freindship. This edition includes the Dictionary of Received Ideas, whcih was intended to follow Bouvard and Pecuchet as part of a second volume.

Fleming, Ian (2002). Casino Royale: A James Bond Novel
. New York, Penguin Books.
In the first of Ian Fleming's tales of 007, Bond finds himself on a mission to neutralize lethal, high-rolling Russian operative called "le Chiffre."

Fleming, Ian (2002). Dr. No: A James Bond Novel
. New York, Penguin Books.
Ace undercover agent James Bond travels to the Caribbean to investigate why a secret service team has mysteriously disappeared.

Fleming, Ian (2003). From Russia with Love: A James Bond Novel
. New York, Penguin Books.
Every major foreign government organization has a file on British secret agent James Bond. Now, Russia's lethal SMERSH organization has targeted him for elimination. SMERSH has the perfect bait in the irresistible Tatiana Romanova, who lures 007 to Istanbul promising the top-secret Spektor cipher machine. But when Bond walks willingly into the trap, a game of cross and double-cross ensues, with Bond both the stakes and the prize.

Fleming, Ian (2003). On Her Majesty's Secret Service: A James Bond Novel
. New York, Penguin Books.
James Bond has come to a crossroads in this book. He's seriously thinking of quitting and goes as far as composing a bitter resignation from the Secret Service. He's restless, unhappy and is looking for something. And then he meets a girl. In the middle of a romance that surprises and even scares him a little Bond gets handed an asignment that turns out to be far more complicated than even he could've dreamed. Blofeld is back and this time their encounter becomes personal.

Fleming, Ian (2003). Thunderball: A James Bond Novel
. New York, Penguin Books.
For fans of the literary James Bond, Thunderball is one of the most pivotal works of the series. It was in Thunderball that Bond creator Ian Fleming first introduced the world to perhaps the ultimate Bond villian -- Ernest Stavro Blofeld. Though Bond and Blofeld never actually meet in Thunderball, it is in this book that Bond first battles the schemes of SPECTRE, Blofeld's criminal organization.

Fleming, Ian (2003). You Only Live Twice: A James Bond Novel
. New York, Penguin Books.
"You Only Live Twice" (1964) was published the year of Ian Fleming's death, and, as with its predecessor, the superb "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," it is suffused with doom and death. It is unlike any of the other Bond books, with a pervasive gloominess that was as much the result of Fleming's rapidly declining health and unhappiness with the world around him as it was the result of Bond's clinical depression after the tragedy that finished the last book. Bond, recovering from the death of his wife, is falling to pieces. Taking the advice of a friend, M sends him on a vital mission to Japan, which he hopes will restore Bond's spirits. What seems at first to be a rather placid visit soons turns dangerous as Bond agrees to accept secrets about the Russians in exchange for carrying out a delicate mission for the Japanese government. What he encounters is the culmination of the previous two Bond novels, and the last half of the novel is virtually unputdownable.

Fleming, John, Hugh Honour, et al. (1991). The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture
. London, England; New York, N.Y., USA, Penguin Books.
Thousands of documents surviving on stone and papyrus help us to understand the complex society that took shape after the death of Alexander the Great. This book presents some of the most revealing of these documents in translation, allowing readers to form a direct impression of life in the Hellenistic world.The book contains 175 documents capturing the political, social, economic, and religious dynamism of the Hellenistic kingdoms and cities. It covers the entire Hellenistic world and draws extensively on the papyrus remains of the Ptolemaic kingdom in Egypt, which allow an unequalled depth of insight into daily life at every level of society.

Flint, Julie, Alexander De Waal, et al. (2005). Darfur: A Short History of a Long War
. London; New York. Palgrave Macmillan.
Details the history of Darfur, its conflicts, and the designs on the region by the governments in Khartoum and Tripoli. Investigates the identity of the infamous "Janjawiid" militia and the nature of the insurrection, charts the unfolding crisis and the international respons.

Foley, Barbara (1993). Radical Representations: Politics and Form in U.S. Proletarian Fiction, 1929-1941
. Durham, Duke University Press.
In this revisionary study, Barbara Foley challenges prevalent myths about left-wing culture in the Depression-era U.S. Focusing on a broad range of proletarian novels and little-known archival material, the author recaptures an important literature and rewrites a segment of American cultural history long obscured and distorted by the anti-Communist bias of contemporaries and critics. Josephine Herbst, William Attaway, Jack Conroy, Thomas Bell and Tillie Olsen, are among the radical writers whose work Foley reexamines. Her fresh approach to the U.S. radicals' debates over experimentalism, the relation of art to propaganda, and the nature of proletarian literature recasts the relation of writers to the organized left. Her grasp of the left's positions on the "Negro question" and the "woman question" enables a nuanced analysis of the relation of class to race and gender in the proletarian novel. Moreover, examining the articulation of political doctrine in different novelistic modes, Foley develops a model for discussing the interplay between politics and literary conventions and genres. Radical Representations recovers a literature of theoretical and artistic value meriting renewed attention form those interested in American literature, American studies, the U. S. left, and cultural studies generally.

Follain, John (1998). Jackal: The Complete Story of the Legendary Terrorist, Carlos the Jackal
. New York, Boston, Arcade Pub.; Distributed by Little, Brown.
For over two decades beginning in the early 1970s, Carlos the Jackal (a.k.a. Illich Ramirez Sanchez) terrorized the Western world. No one really knew who he was or when he would strike, and with every incident his stature grew. Investigative journalist Follain details the life and philosophy of the Jackal. Originally from Venezuela, he was weaned on communism and eventually joined the Popular Front, a pro-Palestinian group. He took their training and struck out on his own, achieving notoriety in 1975 when he successfully kidnapped 11 OPEC oil ministers in Vienna. He owed his success to several factors: he maintained safe havens in Eastern Europe and in Syria and the Sudan, his organization was extremely small and difficult to infiltrate, and his missions were unpredictable. In 1994, Carlos was tricked by the Sudanese into being captured by the French and tried in France. Thoroughly researched, this is the first definitive biography of the man who was able to hold the world at bay for over two decades.

Foner, Eric (1988). Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877
. New York, Harper & Row.
This "masterful treatment of one of the most complex periods of American history" (New Republic) made history when it was originally published in 1988. It redefined how Reconstruction was viewed by historians and people everywhere in its chronicling of how Americans - black and white - responded to the unprecedented changes unleashed by the war and the end of slavery.

Foner, Eric, John Arthur Garraty, et al. (1991). The Reader's Companion to American History
. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin.
The Reader's Companion to American History offers a fresh, absorbing portrait of the United States from the origins of its native peoples to the nation's complex identity in the 1990s. Covering political, economic, cultural, and social history, and combining hundreds of short descriptive entries with longer evaluative articles, the encyclopedia is informative, engaging, and a pleasure to read. The Reader's Companion is sponsored by the Society of American Historians, an organization dedicated to promoting literary excellence in the writing of biography and history. Under the editorship of the eminent historians John A. Garraty and Eric Foner, a large and distinguished group of scholars, biographers, and journalists -- nearly four hundred contemporary authorities -- illuminate the critical events, issues, and individuals that have shaped our past. More than a reference book to be consulted simply for the dates or details of an event, the Companion offers a history of ideas. It distinguishes itself from conventional encylcopedias by featuring several hundred thematic articles. A chronological account of immigration, for example, is complemented by a conceptual article on ethnicity. Similarly, the Bull Moose party and the Know-Nothings, examined in individual entries, are also placed within a larger context in an article on third parties in American politics. And readers consulting entries on specific religious groups, leaders, and movements will be led to an article offering an overview of religion in America. Linking discrete facts, dates, and events through its interpretive essays, the Reader's Companion presents the overarching themes and ideas that have animated our historical landscape. Over the past twenty years, the study of history has undergone a metamorphosis. Political history, once the primary avenue for exploring the past, has given way to the "new social history." Focus has shifted from key events and leaders to everyday life in America, including the history of the family, women and the work force, race relations, and community life. The Reader's Companion to American History reflects this broader vision of our past. Interweaving traditional political and economic topics with the spectrum of America's social and cultural legacies -- everything from marriage to medicine, crime to baseball, fashion to literature -- the Companion is certain to engage the curiosity, interests, and passions of every reader.

Foner, Philip Sheldon (1975). History of the Labor Movement in the United States, Volumes 1-10
. New York, International Publishers.
Philip S. Foner is one of the most progressive if not prolific labour historians of this century. While other labour historians have focused on the rise and fall of individual trade union leaders or their particular unions, Foner has always written about the working class and their unions in relation to broader social movements. He has elaborated this in his mulit-volume work on The Labor Movement in the United States. From this work he has developed a literature of labour that deals with the struggles of people rather than institutions.

  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 01: From Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Federation of Labor  
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 02: From the Founding of the American Federation of Labor to the Emergence of American Imperialism
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 03: The Policies and Practices of the American Federation of Labor, 1900-1909  
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 04: Industrial Workers of the World  
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 05: The AFL in the Progressive Era, 1910-1915
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 06: On the Eve of America's Entrance into World War I, 1915-1916 
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 07: Labor and World War I, 1914-1918
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 08: Postwar Struggles, 1918-1920
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 09: The T.U.E.L. to the End of the Gompers Era 
  • History of the Labor Movement In the United States, Vol. 10: The T.U.E.L., 1925-1929

Foner, Philip Sheldon (1986). May Day: A Short History of the International Workers' Holiday 1886-1986
. New York, International Publishers.
This is the story of May Day! -- a holiday born in the USA a hundred years ago and since 1890 celebrated by working people the world over. In this short history, Philip Foner clarifies the dramatic origins of labor's May Day and recounts many highlights of May Day celebrations through the years. Here is a story with a multitude of heroes and heroines who protest the injustices of their time as they unite to demand shorter hours of labor and a world free from imperialist war. In a stirring panorama, labor's May Day banners affirm the struggle for a better life now and the bright promise of a future still to be won.

Foner, Philip Sheldon (1995). The Black Panthers Speak
. New York, Da Capo Press.
The first and only collection of the most vital writings of the Black Panther Party. For over three decades, The Black Panthers Speak has represented the most important single source of original material on the Black Panther Party. With cartoons, flyers, and articles by Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, and Eldridge Cleaver, this collection endures as an essential part of civil-rights history.

Foran, Charles (2010). Mordecai: The Life & Times
. Toronto, Knopf Canada.
The definitive, detailed, intimate portrait of Mordecai Richler, the lion of Canadian literature, and the turbulent, changing times that nurtured him and the first major biography with access to family letters and archives. Mordecai Richler won multiple Governor General's Literary Awards, the Giller Prize, the Commonwealth Writers' Prize, among others, as well as many awards for his children's books. He also wrote Oscar-nominated screenplays. His influence was larger than life in Canada and abroad. In Mordecai, award-winning novelist and journalist Charlie Foran brings to the page the richness of Mordecai's life as young bohemian, irreverent writer, passionate and controversial Canadian, loyal friend and deeply romantic lover. He explores Mordecai's distraught childhood, and gives us the "portrait of a marriage" – the lifelong love affair with Florence, with Mordecai as beloved father of five. The portrait is alive and intimate – warts and all.

Forbath, William E. (1991). Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement
. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.
Why did American workers, unlike their European counterparts, fail to forge a class-based movement to pursue broad social reform? Was it simply that they lacked class consciousness and were more interested in personal mobility? In a richly detailed survey of labor law and labor history, William Forbath challenges this notion of American "individualism." In fact, he argues, the nineteenth-century American labor movement was much like Europe's labor movements in its social and political outlook, but in the decades around the turn of the century, the prevailing attitude of American trade unionists changed. Forbath shows that, over time, struggles with the courts and the legal order were crucial to reshaping labor's outlook, driving the labor movement to temper its radical goals.

Foreman, Dave (2004). Rewilding North America: A Vision for Conservation in the 21st Century
. Washington, Island Press.
Dave Foreman is one of North America's most creative and effective conservation leaders, an outspoken proponent of protecting and restoring the earth's wildness, and a visionary thinker. Over the past 30 years, he has helped set direction for some of our most influential conservation organizations, served as editor and publisher of key conservation journals, and shared with readers his unique style and outlook in widely acclaimed books including The Big Outside and Confessions of an Eco-Warrior.

In Rewilding North America, Dave Foreman takes on arguably the biggest ecological threat of our time: the global extinction crisis. He not only explains the problem in clear and powerful terms, but also offers a bold, hopeful, scientifically credible, and practically achievable solution.

Foreman begins by setting out the specific evidence that a mass extinction is happening and analyzes how humans are causing it. Adapting Aldo Leopold's idea of ecological wounds, he details human impacts on species survival in seven categories, including direct killing, habitat loss and fragmentation, exotic species, and climate change. Foreman describes recent discoveries in conservation biology that call for wildlands networks instead of isolated protected areas, and, reviewing the history of protected areas, shows how wildlands networks are a logical next step for the conservation movement. The final section describes specific approaches for designing such networks (based on the work of the Wildlands Project, an organization Foreman helped to found) and offers concrete and workable reforms for establishing them. The author closes with an inspiring and empowering call to action for scientists and activists alike.

Rewilding North America offers both a vision and a strategy for reconnecting, restoring, and rewilding the North American continent, and is an essential guidebook for anyone concerned with the future of life on earth.

Foreman, Dave and Bill Haywood (1993). Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching
. Chico, Calif., Abbzug Press.
Dedicated to Edward Abbey and inspired by his Monkeywrench Gang, this is a manual on sabotage of establishment property.

Foreman, Richard (1976). Plays and Manifestos
. New York, New York University Press.
Eight plays by this avant-garde playright, as well as the three ontological-hysteric manifestos, in which Foreman posits his ideas.

Forgacs, David and Robert Lumley, editors (1996). Italian Cultural Studies: An Introduction
. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press.
This illustrated introduction to the study of modern Italian culture brings together specialists in the fields of language; politics; religious, ethnic, and gender identities; the mass media; cultural policy; and movie stars. In four thematic sections, the contributors elucidate their own slice of Italian culture. Geographies questions received notions of the Italian nation, the family, the "South" and corruption; it also looks at anthropological approaches to culture and at Italy's linguistic pluralism. Identities examines gender, religion, politics, and ethnicity as a means by which people define themselves and others. Media explores the press, literature, television, and cinema. Culture and Society brings together historical analyses of cultural policy, stars and style, and popular music. The book includes guidance for further reading and a chronology of political and cultural events since 1900.

Forman, James (1997). The Making of Black Revolutionaries
. Seattle, University of Washington Press.
An important documentary autobiography by a man who became one of the most important black leaders. Forman here details his role as the leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, but in telling his story he is also relating that of many other Civil Rights advocates and indeed of the Sixties itself. Now featuring a new foreword by Julian Bond, this remains "moving, dramatic, at times overwhelming.

Formosa, Dan and Paul Hamburger (2008). Baseball Field Guide: An in-Depth Illustrated Guide to the Complete Rules of Baseball
. Philadelphia, Da Capo Press.
With its straightforward language and layout, Baseball Field Guide organizes and explains the sometimes vague, misleading, confusing, inconsistent, and obscure rules governing America's favorite pastime. The book is comprehensive, covering all the rules from the most basic to the most complex. An easy-to-use reference guide, it is designed for quick and intuitive searches, with several tools to help you navigate your way.

Fortin, François (2000). Sports: The Complete Visual Reference
. Willowdale, Ont.; Buffalo, N.Y., Firefly Books.
This inexpensive encyclopedia aims to be a comprehensive reference source on 120 contemporary sports (including what are known as "extreme sports"), pulling together the history, physical environment for competitions, roles of the players and officials, specific terms and expressions, and dynamics of each. All of this is done with an emphasis on visual presentation, and each entry includes copious illustrations.The various sports are broken down into chapters, beginning with "Track and Field," which surveys 37 events, to "Aerial Sports," which includes only one, parachuting. Coverage is wide-ranging, encompassing "Sports on Wheels" (skateboarding, roller hockey, and in-line skating), and "Sports of Aestheticism," or bodybuilding. Among other individual contemporary sports that are treated are BMX and mountain biking, trampoline, bandy (played on ice with a stick and ball but more similar to soccer than ice hockey), pelota vasca (or Basque ball, a court game related to jai alai), and petanque (similar to lawn bowling), as well as the more familiar basketball, boxing, and golf. Treatment of individual sports ranges from one to six pages. Each entry includes a short history of the sport, an explanation of the game, basic rules, and computer graphics illustrating the equipment and playing field, with dimensions) and positions of the players. These graphics are the volume's strong suit. Many entries also include photos of past champions or other illustrations that display some part of the sport's history. An interesting element of many entries is the player profile, which highlights the physical and psychological qualities or daily training regimens of the athletes. Attractive illustrations and the inclusion of many newer and extreme sports make this volume highly recommended for purchase for both reference and circulating collections in school and public libraries.

Foss, Chris (2011). Hardware: The Definitive SF Works of Chris Foss
. London, Titan Books.
Foss's groundbreaking and distinctive science fiction art revolutionized paperback covers in the 1970s and 80s. Dramatically raising the bar for realism and invention, his trademark battle-weary spacecraft, dramatic alien landscapes and crumbling brutalist architecture irrevocably changed the aesthetic of science fiction art and cinema.

Featuring work for books by Isaac Asimov, E. E. ''Doc' Smith, Arthur C. Clarke, A. E. Van Vogt and Philip K. Dick, and film design for Ridley Scott and Stanley Kubrick, this volume brings together many rare and classic images that have never been seen or reprinted before. The first comprehensive retrospective of Chris Foss's SF career.

Foster, Hal (1985). Recodings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics
. Port Townsend, Wash., Bay Press.
A primer in poststructuralist discourse and debate.

Foster, John Bellamy and Fred Magdoff (2009). The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences
. New York, Monthly Review Press.
In the fall of 2008, the United States was plunged into a financial crisis more severe than any since the Great Depression. As banks collapsed and the state scrambled to organize one of the largest transfers of wealth in history, manyincluding economists and financial expertswere shocked by the speed at which events unfolded.In this new book, John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff offer a bold analysis of the financial meltdown, how it developed, and the implications for the future. They examine the specifics of the housing bubble and the credit crunch as well as situate current events within a broader crisis of monopoly-finance capitalismone that has been gestating for several decades. It is the "real" productive economy's tendency toward stagnation, they argue, that creates a need for capital to find ways to profitably invest its surplus. But rather than invest in socially useful projects that would benefit the vast majority, capital has constructed a financialized "casino" economy that neglects social needs and, as has become increasingly clear, is fatally unstable. Written over a two-year period immediately prior to the onset of the crisis, this timely and illuminating book is necessary reading for all those who wish to understand the current situation, how we got here, and where we are heading.

Foster, John Bellamy (2017). Trump in the White House: Tragedy and Farce
. New York, Monthly Review Press.
John Bellamy Foster does what no other Trump analyst has done before: he places the president and his administration in full historical context. Foster reveals that Trump is merely the endpoint of a stagnating economic system whose liberal democratic sheen has begun to wear thin. Beneath a veneer of democracy, we see the authoritarian rule that oversees decreasing wages, anti-science and climate-change denialism, a dying public education system, and expanding prisons and military—all powered by a phony populism seething with centuries of racism that never went away.

But Foster refuses to end his book in despair. Inside his analysis is a clarion call to fight back. Protests, popular demands, coalitions: everyone is needed.

Foster, Robert (1978). The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth: From the Hobbit to the Silmarillion
. New York, Ballantine Books.
For the millions who have already ventured to Middle-earth, and for the countless others who have yet to embark on the journey-here is the one indispensable A-to-Z guide that brings Tolkien's universe to life.

Foucault, Michel (1994). The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception
. New York, Vintage Books.
In the eighteenth century, medicine underwent a mutation. For the first time, medical knowledge took on a precision that had formerly belonged only to mathematics. The body became something that could be mapped. Disease became subject to new rules of classification. And doctors begin to describe phenomena that for centuries had remained below the threshold of the visible and expressible.

In The Birth of the Clinic the philosopher and intellectual historian who may be the true heir to Nietzsche charts this dramatic transformation of medical knowledge. As in his classic Madness and Civilization, Michel Foucault shows how much what we think of as pure science owes to social and cultural attitudes -- in this case, to the climate of the French Revolution. Brilliant, provocative, and omnivorously learned, his book sheds new light on the origins of our current notions of health and sickness, life and death.

Foucault, Michel (1979). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
. New York, Vintage Books.
In this brilliant work, the most influential philosopher since Sartre suggests that such vaunted reforms as the abolition of torture and the emergence of the modern penitentiary have merely shifted the focus of punishment from the prisoner's body to his soul.

Foucault, Michel and Paul Rabinow (1984). The Foucault Reader
. New York, Pantheon Books.
Michel Foucault was one of the most influential thinkers in the contemporary world, someone whose work has affected the teaching of half a dozen disciplines ranging from literary criticism to the history of criminology. But of his many books, not one offers a satisfactory introduction to the entire complex body of his work. The Foucault Reader was commissioned precisely to serve that purpose.

The Reader contains selections from each area of Foucault's work as well as a wealth of previously unpublished writings, including important material written especially for this volume, the preface to the long-awaited second volume of The History of Sexuality, and interviews with Foucault himself, in the course of which he discussed his philosophy at first hand and with unprecedented candor.

This philosophy comprises an astonishing intellectual enterprise: a minute and ongoing investigation of the nature of power in society. Foucault's analyses of this power as it manifests itself in society, schools, hospitals, factories, homes, families, and other forms of organized society are brought together in The Foucault Reader to create an overview of this theme and of the broad social and political vision that underlies it.

Foucault, Michel (1973). Madness and Civilization; a History of Insanity in the Age of Reason
. New York, Vintage Books.
Foucault examines madness as it changes from a relatively harmless and accepted state to one of abject terror in the 18th century. The change of heart resulted in the confinement of the deranged under conditions of extreme brutality. The madmen came at this time to replace the leper as the pariah of society, in essence the madman has become in this case, the "Other" or the "Abnormal." The mad were lumped with the poor, the destitute in a word: marginalized. The mad served no purpose in the mercantile era of production and was a threat to basic social values. They were confined, brutalized, but were also put up for public ridicule. As such, they were beyond morality. There was issued a carte blanche to do with these "madmen" as their keepers pleased. This effect came about only after they had identified them as such. It was the manifestation of a power matrix that allowed man to brutalize man. In the 19th century, society began to take a moral attitude towards the insane, not one of compassionate but one of abject dejection.

The changes that took effect during the industrial revolution changed the status of the downtrodden making them the bedrock from which all wealth was cemented. As long as the poor knew their place and remained there, they eventually were established as a class to be identified and utilized. It was from within demoralizing situation that madness evolved its persona. The mad were considered unnatural and disorderly and were now viewed as moral defects.

It was with this preparation that the modern definition of madness saw it genesis. Mental illness took on a medical personage. Suddenly, with this classification came the authorization for not only new contact between doctors and patients but an altogether new paradigm between insanity and medical thought. When before the physician played no role in the life of confinement, he is suddenly the main player in this new game with a new set of rules. According to Foucault, the entry of the doctor onto the scene is not out of some inherent skill but is a result of the power he possesses. The physician is now validated by a body of "objective knowledge." The medical profession does not stop there. The ultimate sanction of this authorized body of knowledge is the eventual entry into the lives of healthy individuals who were deemed healthy enough to function on their own yet not trusted to make any autonomous judgments.

As the medical establishment has become more extensive so has the distinction between medical and moral eventually become confused. In effect, Foucault challenges us to examine why we have evolved this cherished tenet. Why we have placed the power in the hands of establishments such as the medical profession.

Foucault, Michel (1973). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences
. New York, Vintage Books.
In the work that established him as the most important French thinker since Sartre, Michel Foucault offers startling evidence that 'man'-man as a subject of scientific knowledge-is at best a recent invention, the result of a fundamental mutation in our culture.

With vast erudition, Foucault cuts across disciplines and reaches back into seventeenth century to show how classical systems of knowledge, which linked all of nature within a great chain of being and analogies between the stars in the heavens and the features in a human face, gave way to the modern sciences of biology, philology, and political economy. The result is nothing less than an archaeology of the sciences that unearths old patterns of meaning and reveals the shocking arbitrariness of our received truths.

Fowler, Barbara Hughes (1990). Hellenistic Poetry: An Anthology
. Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin Press.
This collection of Hellenistic poetry is a fine addition to anyone's library. The editor and translator, Barbara Hughes Fowler, has chosen representative poets and works which have been influential on later authors, as well as those which show off the wide specturm of themes, genres, and approaches of the Hellenistic poets. There are 8 Idylls from Theocritus; Hymns to Apollo, Demeter, and Artemis, as well as On the Bath of Pallas, and Epigrams from Callimachus; the entire work of Argonautica (The Voyage of the Argo; Jason and the Argonauts) by Apollonius of Rhodes; the Procuress, the Schoolmaster, Women at the Temple, and Friends in Private from Herodas; the Proem and Weather Signs from Phaenomena of Aratus; "Europa" from Moschus; "Lament for Adonis" from Moschus; "Lament for Bion " from Pseudo-Moschus; Selections from the Greek Anthology by Antipater of Sidon, Anyte, Asclepius, Dioscorides, Diotimus, Erinna, Leonidas of Tarentum, Meleager, Tymnes, Mnasalcas, Bassus, Crinagoras, Philodemus, and Rufinus; and the short work "Wings" from A Technopaignion.

Francia, Luis (2010). A History of the Philippines: From Indio Bravos to Filipinos
. New York, Overlook Press.
A History of the Philippines is intended for those who are curious about this Southeast Asian archipelago but know very little of its history. The narrative moves from a pre-Hispanic Philippines in the 16th century through the Spanish American War, the nation's tumultuous relationship with the United States, and General MacArthur's controlling presence during WWII, up to its independence in 1946 and subsequent years of Islamic insurgency. Luis H. Francia creates an illuminating portrait that provides the reader valuable insights into the heart and soul of the modern Filipino, laying bare the multicultural, multiracial society of modern times. Additionally, the book serves as an excellent supplement to any foray into American history, due to the U.S.'s intense involvement in Philippine affairs for over the last 100 years.

Frank, Dana (2018). The Long Honduran Night: Resistance, Terror, and the United States in the Aftermath of the Coup
. Chicago, Haymarket Books.
This powerful narrative recounts the dramatic years in Honduras following the June 2009 military coup that deposed President Manuel Zelaya, told in part through first-person experiences, layered into deeper political analysis. It weaves together two broad pictures: first, the repressive regime that was launched with the coup, and the ways in which U.S. policy has continued to support that regime; and second, the brave and evolving Honduran resistance movement, with aid from a new solidarity movement in the United States. "If you’ve any interest at all in Honduras, U.S. foreign policy, Central America, why so many Central Americans are migrating north…or in a powerful, informative, and extremely good read, do pick up Dana Frank’s book, The Long Honduran Night. It’s a surprisingly readable book that tells not only the tragic story of another failed state and the forces that continue to work against establishing real democracies in Central America, but also inspires in its stories of everyday people— in Honduras and the United States— who work against difficult odds to create change, often by placing their lives at risk." −María Martin

Frank, Joe & Jason Novak (2021). Joe Frank: Ascent
. Seattle, Fantagraphics.
Joe Frank is one of the greatest radio dramatists who ever worked in the medium. His programs, which he wrote and voiced ran from 1978 to 2018, attracting a huge following, including Francis Coppola ("I couldn't believe the originality and sheer brilliance of what I was hearing") and Charlie Kaufman ("His shows were hypnotic, psychotic, neurotic, sad, terrifying, and some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard anywhere.") Jason Novak, author of Et Tu, Brute, has lovingly adapted six of Frank's most memorable stories into comics form, as an introduction to those who have never heard Frank, and an aesthetic accompaniment to those who have.

Frank, Joseph (2002). Dostoevsky. The Mantle of the Prophet 1871-1881
. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
This fifth and final volume of Joseph Frank's justly celebrated literary and cultural biography of Dostoevsky renders with a rare intelligence and grace the last decade of the writer's life, the years in which he wrote A Raw Youth, Diary of a Writer, and his crowning triumph, The Brothers Karamazov.

Dostoevsky's final years at last won him the universal approval toward which he had always aspired. While describing his idiosyncratic relationship to the Russian state, Frank also details Doestoevsky's continuing rivalries with Turgenev and Tolstoy. Dostoevsky's appearance at the Pushkin Festival in June 1880, which preceded his death by one year, marked the apotheosis of his career--and of his life as a spokesman for the Russian spirit. There he delivered his famous speech on Pushkin before an audience stirred to a feverish emotional pitch: "Ours is universality attained not by the sword, but by the force of brotherhood and of our brotherly striving toward the reunification of mankind." This is the Dostoevsky who has entered the patrimony of world literature, though he was not always capable of living up to such exalted ideals.

The writer's death in St. Petersburg in January of 1881 concludes this unparalleled literary biography--one truly worthy of Dostoevsky's genius and of the remarkable time and place in which he lived.

Frank, Robert (1998). The Americans
. New York, SCALO Publishers in association with the National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Armed with a camera and a fresh cache of film and bankrolled by a Guggenheim Foundation grant, Robert Frank crisscrossed the United States during 1955 and 1956. The photographs he brought back form a portrait of the country at the time and hint at its future. He saw the hope of the future in the faces of a couple at city hall in Reno, Nevada, and the despair of the present in a grimy roofscape. He saw the roiling racial tension, glamour, and beauty, and, perhaps because Frank himself was on the road, he was particularly attuned to Americans' love for cars. Funeral-goers lean against a shiny sedan, lovers kiss on a beach blanket in front of their parked car, young boys perch in the back seat at a drive-in movie. A sports car under a drop cloth is framed by two California palm trees; on the next page, a blanket is draped over a car accident victim's body in Arizona.

Robert Frank's The Americans reappear 40 years after they were initially published in this exquisite volume by Scalo. Each photograph (there are more than 80 of them) stands alone on a page, while the caption information is included at the back of the book, allowing viewers an unfettered look at the images. Jack Kerouac's original introduction, commissioned when the photographer showed the writer his work while sitting on a sidewalk one night outside of a party, provides the only accompanying text. Kerouac's words add narrative dimension to Frank's imagery while in turn the photographs themselves perfectly illustrate the writer's own work.

Frankl, Paulette, author/ illustrator; Deke Castleman, editor; Gerry Spence, foreword (2010). Lust for Justice: The Radical Life and Law of J. Tony Serra
. Sante Fe, NM, Lightning Rod Publications.
The greatest counter-culture lawyer of his time. His trials have garnered him acclaim as one of the greatest criminal defense lawyers of the century. He's the white tornado in court, a semantic samurai, a shaman, a bard, a hero to some, a trickster to others, and always a force to be reckoned with, respected by all. This is a no-holds barred examination of the man, his renegade lifestyle, his resolute beliefs, and the legal system he serves and transforms. Filled with murder, drugs, and death-penalty cases, snitches, the psychological elements of crime, the nullification of and nexus with juries, closing arguments, and more, Lust for Justice pulls the black robe off the justice system to reveal what it is: a railroad to prison for minorities. In Lust for Justice, you view the law through the eyes of one of its greatest practitioners - and you'll never look at it the same way again.

Franklin, Benjamin and J. A. Leo Lemay (1987). Writings
. New York, N.Y., Literary Classics of the United States: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by Viking.
A collection of well-known Franklin writings as well as 57 newly attributed pieces, all arranged by period and place. Included are authoritative versions of Franklin's best-known writings (e.g., The Autobiography), as well as 57 new attributions. Also included are all prefaces and maxims from the full run of Poor Richard's Almanack, plus a generous and prudent selection of other writings, both personal and public. The material is arranged by the eras of Franklin's long life. Lemay's erudite notes, an excellent index, and the volume's acid-free paper all attest to admirable publishing standards.

Franz, Marie-Luise von (1991). Dreams
. Boston, Mass., Shambhala: Distributed in the U.S. by Random House.
These collected essays by the distinguished psychoanalyst Marie-Louise von Franz offer fascinating insights into the study of dreams, not only psychologically, but also from historical, religious, and philosophical points of view. In the first two chapters, the author offers general explanations of the nature of dreams and their use in analysis. She examines how dreams can be used in the development of self-knowledge and describes how C. G. Jung worked with his own dreams, and the fateful ways in which they were entwined with the course of his life. The rest of the book records and interprets dreams of historical personages: Socrates, Descartes, Themistocles and Hannibal, and the mothers of Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, and Saint Dominic. Connections are revealed between the personal and family histories of the dreamers and individual and collective mores of their times. Dreams includes writings long out of print or never before available in English translation.

Franz, Marie-Luise von (1996). The Interpretation of Fairy Tales
. Boston; New York, Shambhala; Distributed in the U.S. by Random House.
Of the various types of mythological literature, fairy tales are the simplest and purest expressions of the collective unconscious and thus offer the clearest understanding of the basic patterns of the human psyche. Every people or nation has its own way of experiencing this psychic reality, and so a study of the world's fairy tales yields a wealth of insights into the archetypal experiences of humankind. Perhaps the foremost authority on the psychological interpretation of fairy tales is Marie-Louise von Franz. In this book she describes the steps involved in analyzing tales and illustrates them with a variety of European tales, from "Beauty and the Beast" to "The Robber Bridegroom." Dr. von Franz begins with a history of the study of fairy tales and the various theories of interpretation. By way of illustration she presents a detailed examination of a simple Grimm's tale, "The Three Feathers," followed by a comprehensive discussion of motifs related to Jung's concept of the shadow, the anima, and the animus.

Fraser, Steve (2008). Wall Street: America's Dream Palace
. New Haven, Yale University Press.
Fraser, historian and author, reviews the complicated love-hate relationship between Americans and the financial markets by using Wall Street as the symbol of money and its power. By identifying four personality types that reappear throughout history, he explores more than 200 years of struggle between wealth and work, democracy and elitism, and greed and salvation. These types include the "pretentious aristocrat," from the 1792 speculator who was jailed for causing the first crash, to Michael Milken, who was jailed in the 1980s for speculation in junk bonds. Fraser's "wily confidence-man" category with numerous names tells us that such individuals are ever present in a market society. The "imperial heroes" include Cornelius Vanderbilt and "Jubilee Jim" Fisk - the latter identified as "the Donald Trump of the nineteenth century." The "immoralist," the sinner category, includes the Gilded Age's Jay Gould and the "cascade of financial scandals beginning with Enron."

Frayling, Christopher (2015). The 2001 File: Harry Lange and the Design of the Landmark Science Fiction Film
. London, UK, Reel Art Press.
An in-depth examination of the complete, largely unpublished archive of art director Harry Lange’s designs, concepts, roughs and photographs. Lange’s strikingly realistic designs created an extraordinary vision of the future. By releasing this unpublished archive and explaining its significance, the book takes the reader/viewer on a journey deep into the visual thinking behind 2001.

Frazer, James George (1995). The Golden Bough
. New York, Touchstone.
The Golden Bough describes our ancestors' primitive methods of worship, sex practices, strange rituals and festivals. Disproving the popular thought that primitive life was simple, this monumental survey shows that savage man was enmeshed in a tangle of magic, taboos, and superstitions. Revealed here is the evolution of man from savagery to civilization, from the modification of his weird and often bloodthirsty customs to the entry of lasting moral, ethical, and spiritual values.

Frazetta, Frank and Al Williamson (2013). 50 Girls 50 and Other Stories
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics.
Sci-fi aficionados should note that although most of the stories were written by Al Feldstein, 50 Girls 50 features three of EC's legendary Ray Bradbury adaptations, including "I, Rocket" and "A Sound of Thunder" — and a unique curiosity, a strip adapted from a short story submitted by a teenage Harlan Ellison. Williamson ran with a gang of like-minded young Turks dubbed the "Fleagle Gang," who would help one another out on assignments. Thus this book includes three stories upon which Williamson was joined by the legendary Frank Frazetta, and one story ("Food for Thought") where Roy Krenkel provided his exquisite alien landscapes, to make it one of the most gorgeous EC stories ever printed. As a supplementary bonus, 50 Girls 50 includes three stories drawn by Fleagles sans Williamson: Frazetta's Shock SuspenStories short "Squeeze Play"; Krenkel's meticulous "Time to Leave"; and Angelo Torres's "An Eye for an Eye," an EC story that famously fell prey to censorship and was not released until the 1970s.

Frazetta, Frank; Dion Hanson, ed. (2022). The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta
. Cologne, Germany, Taschen.
This monograph is the most complete ever produced on the artist, done in collaboration with the Frazetta family. It won the 2023 Eisner Award for Best Archival Collection.

Frederick, Matthew (2007). 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School
. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.
101 Things de-mythologizes the jargon that obscures the real meanings of what is taught in design schools. Designers too often write in obtuse terms that make relatively simple concepts difficult to comprehend. But understanding how we perceive, experience, and interpret the spaces we inhabit should not make us feel dumb, or left out. This readable and graphically clear book is a great introduction to design terms, principles, and concepts. Anyone interested in design will learn much from this terrific book. 2008 Silver Award Winner, Architecture Category, Independent Publisher Book Awards and Winning entry, General Trade Illustrated Category, in the 2008 New England Book Show sponsored by Bookbuilders of Boston.

Freeberg, Ernest (2008). Democracy's Prisoner: Eugene V. Debs, the Great War, and the Right to Dissent
. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.
Freeberg argues that Debs's case illustrates the problems associated with silencing public discourse, most especially during a time of war. Debs was never a threat to national security; instead, he was a principled individual expressing his political beliefs. This excellent introduction to Debs and the Socialist Party is also an engaging examination of an issue that still tensely engages us today. - Michael LaMagna, Library Journal

Freeling, Nicolas (2006). Because of the Cats
. New York, Felony & Mayhem.
Bloemendaal aan Zee, that smugly prosperous little seaside town, has more television sets per capita than anywhere else in Holland. Its houses are uniformly tidy and sparkling clean. Even its drunks are polite. But there's something very wrong with the kids. The most popular teenagers have formed a gang that is preying, with increasing viciousness, on nearby Amsterdam - Inspector Van der Valk's patch. Van der Valk has no love for chilly, yuppified Bloemendaal. But his curiosity is as voracious as his appetite for good food. And while his colleagues just want the attacks stopped, Van der Valk can't help asking what it is about the town that has turned Bloemendaal's children into monsters.

Freeling, Nicolas (2007). Gun Before Butter
. New York, Felony & Mayhem.
When you're in love, the whole world speaks of your beloved. Certainly this is true for Inspector Van der Valk, though it takes some time for him to recognize the cause of his condition. The beloved in this instance is Lucienne Engelbert, the beautiful, troubled daughter of a well known conductor, now orphaned and running riot through Amsterdam. And calling Lucienne to mind is everything and everyone that Van der Valk encounters, from an embittered piano-dealer to a secluded fishing lodge, from a garrulous mechanic to an expensive, abandoned car.

Freeling, Nicolas (1991). The Kitchen Book / The Cook Book
. Boston, D.R. Godine.
Freeling will be read for a long time, because while he was turning his vegetables and reducing his sauces he had an eye to the social context of what he was doing, and to the rich ragout of Zola-esque characters by whom we was surrounded. Sensitively civilized and very European, delightful to read.

Freeling, Nicolas (2005). Love in Amsterdam
. New York, Felony & Mayhem Press.
Alluring and unstable, Elsa de Charmoy was a dangerous woman, and now she's a dead one, shot with a gun bought by her former lover. Sulking in an Amsterdam jail, he swears he's innocent, but Inspector Van der Valk isn't quite persuaded. Like Maigret (to whom he is often compared), Van der Valk tends to pick apart the details, ideally over a good meal. And while Van der Valk's ruminations may frustrate his colleagues, they inevitably yield a surprising resolution.

Freidel, Frank (2006). Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous With Destiny
. Newtown, DE. American Political Biography Press.
In this masterful biography by the author of the four-volume Franklin D. Roosevelt , the many facets of FDR - son, student, husband, father, state senator, political appointee, polio victim, politician, governor, chief executive, commander-in-chief, world statesman - are revealed in turn, comprising a full accounting of the man and his works. What results is the most authoritative of the one-volume works.

Freud, Sigmund (1955). The Interpretation of Dreams
. New York, Basic Books.
This ground-breaking work, which Freud considered his most valuable, forever changed the way we think about our dreams. In it, Freud made this century's startling discoveries about why we dream, what we dream about, and what dreams really mean.

Now, in this definitive translation by James Strachey, Freud's timeless exploration of the dream world is clearly and precisely rendered. Including dozens of case histories and detailed analyses of actual dreams, The Interpretation of Dreams remains an invaluable tool in helping us all discover the truth about ourselves.

Freud, Sigmund (1975). Beyond the Pleasure Principle
. New York, Norton.
In the course of theorizing about psychoanalysis, Freud changed his mind on some important matters. Perhaps the most striking was his revision of instinct, or drive, theory. Beyond the Pleasure Principle, published in 1920, is the first clear statement of Freud's new drive theory: love and life now stand over against agression and death. The book represents an important theoretical revision of Freud's earlier ideas and a turning point in psychoanalytic theory.

Freud, Sigmund and Katherine Jones (1939). Moses and Monotheism
. New York, Knopf.
Freud's speculations on various aspects of religion where he explains various characteristics of the Jews in their relations with the Christians.

Freud, Sigmund, William McGuire, et al. (1994). The Freud-Jung Letters: The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung
. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
This abridged edition makes the Freud/Jung correspondence accessible to a general readership at a time of renewed critical and historical reevaluation of the documentary roots of modern psychoanalysis. This edition reproduces William McGuire's definitive introduction, but does not contain the critical apparatus of the original edition.

Freud, Sigmund and John Rickman (1989). A General Selection from the Works of Sigmund Freud
. New York, N.Y., Anchor Books.
Readings taken from different parts of Freud's work.

Freud, Sigmund and James Strachey (1965). New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
. New York, Norton.
Patterned on his eminently successful Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, Freud's New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis takes full account of his elaboration in, and changes of mind about, psychoanalytic theory, and discusses a variety of central and controversial themes, including anxiety, the drives, occultism, female sexuality, and the uestion of a Weltanschauung. It serves as an indispensible companion to the Introductory Lectures.

Freud, Sigmund and James Strachey (1977). Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
. New York, Norton.
In 1915 at the University of Vienna 60-year-old Sigmund Freud delivered these lectures on psychoanalysis, pointing to the interplay of unconscious and conscious forces within individual psyches. In reasoned progression he outlined core psychoanalytic concepts, such as repression, free association and libido.

Freud, Sigmund and James Strachey (2005). Civilization and Its Discontents
. New York, Norton.
Civilization and Its Discontents may be Sigmund Freud's best-known work. Originally published in 1930, it seeks to answer ultimate questions: What influences led to the creation of civilization? How did it come to be? What determines its course? In this seminal volume of twentieth-century thought, Freud elucidates the contest between aggression, indeed the death drive, and its adversary eros. He speaks to issues of human creativity and fulfillment, the place of beauty in culture, and the effects of repression.

Louis Menand, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Metaphysical Club, contributor to The New Yorker, and professor of English at Harvard University, reflects on the importance of this work in intellectual thought and why it has become such a landmark book for the history of ideas.

Friedlander, Lee (2002). Lee Friedlander at Work
. New York, D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers.
In the Industrial North at the end of the 1970s, people were at work using hands and machinery to make things we all use. In the mid 80s, in Wisconsin, they built supercomputers; at the same time, near Boston, they typed on desktop computers. In New York City, in the early 90s, people stood on stock floors, trading. In 1995, in Omaha, they sat at computers, cold calling as telemarketers; and in Cleveland, in that same year, they used their human skills in traditional ways to once again craft products we all depend on. Work, work, work--we spend the better part of our lives on the job, be it in a factory or an antiseptic office, or somewhere else in the vast assembly line in between. Tireless photographer Lee Friedlander, the maniacally inclusive but blessedly nonchalant cataloguer of Americana--her monuments, jazz musicians, and urban landscapes--here presents 16 years of Americans at work. A collection of commissioned portfolios, some made at the request of art institutions, others at the behest of company CEOs, Lee Friedlander At Work also documents, albeit subtly, 16 years of one of America's most exceptional and hard-working photographers--at work.

Frölich, Paul (1972). Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Work
. Chicago, Haymarket Books.
The classic biography of Marxist revolutionary leader Rosa Luxemburg. Fröhlich is able to develop a compelling picture of Luxemburg, from her early days in the Polish socialist movement to her emergence as one of the great Marxist leaders and theoreticians of international socialism. He discusses not just her political accomplishments, but also her personal conflicts and struggles, including her complex relationship with Polish socialist Leo Jogiches. Among the most compelling sections of the biography is its account of the fateful days leading up to the outbreak of World War I and the historic betrayal by the German Social Democratic Party leadership, which voted for war credits in violation of all Marxist principles. The book conveys the sense of deep foreboding Luxemburg experienced on the eve of the political catastrophe. Frölich's account of the great anti-war rally in Brussels just prior to the outbreak of war is unforgettable. Fröhlich ably recounts the tumultuous events following the German Revolution of November 1918, leading up to Luxemburg's assassination at the hands of the German Social Democratic leaders in January 1919. The murder of Liebknecht as well as Luxemburg was the conscious response of the bourgeoisie to the mortal danger it faced. After the 1917 October Revolution in Russia, the bourgeoisie determined that it had to prevent the development of revolutionary leadership in the working class and/or exterminate that leadership whenever it came forward.

Fromkin, David (2001). A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East
. New York, H. Holt.
The critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling account of how the modern Middle East came into being after World War I, and why it is in upheaval today.

In our time the Middle East has proven a battleground of rival religions, ideologies, nationalisms, and dynasties. All of these conflicts, including the hostilities between Arabs and Israelis that have flared yet again, come down, in a sense, to the extent to which the Middle East will continue to live with its political inheritance: the arrangements, unities, and divisions imposed upon the region by the Allies after the First World War.

In A Peace to End All Peace, David Fromkin reveals how and why the Allies came to remake the geography and politics of the Middle East, drawing lines on an empty map that eventually became the new countries of Iraq, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. Focusing on the formative years of 1914 to 1922, when all-even an alliance between Arab nationalism and Zionism-seemed possible he raises questions about what might have been done differently, and answers questions about why things were done as they were. The current battle for a Palestinian homeland has its roots in these events of 85 years ago.

Frost, Robert (1995). Collected Poems, Prose & Plays
. New York, Library of America.
Never before has there been a more comprehensive collection of Frost in a single volume. Included are all of the plays, a generous selection of prose, all collected poems, and 94 uncollected poems, as well as 17 poems that were previously unpublished. The 1949 Complete Poems is the principle source for the poetry. In The Clearing (1962), as the only subsequent volume Frost published, is given a separate contents entry. Sources are given for all published and unpublished work. The 45 pages of notes cover the "significant differences" between first editions and the Complete Poems, including deleted dedications, notes and dates, and changes in wording. The notes also include helpful definitions and frequent attribution of quotation. Of the prose we are told that most of what is included "bears directly on [Frost's] work as a poet." Many of these texts are based on significant new editorial work by Richardson.

Froula, Christine (1983). A Guide to Ezra Pound's Selected Poems
. New York, New Directions.
This is an excellent companion to Pound. Anyone who has tried to crack Pound knows it is difficult going with all of his allusions and his affinities for retelling stories of old troubadors, etc. Froula gives the context for the New Directions edition of Pound's Selected Poems and has informative notes on many words, phrases, and lines that contain more meaning than is possible to grasp otherwise, even after several readings.

Fry, Roger Eliot (1995). Giovanni Bellini
. New York, Ursus Press.
Roger Fry's monograph, first published in 1899, was instrumental in rescuing Bellini from the oblivion of a Victorian-era reputation by reinterpreting and revaluing his art for an early 20th century audience. Giving a succint but definitive view of Bellini's career, Fry not only brought to bear the new "scientific" connoisseurship in his analysis of individual pictures and their chronology, but he also brought a keen interest into Bellini's innovative use of semi-transparent oil glazes, the psychological depth of his subjects, and Bellini's profound sensitivity to nature. As a painter himself, Fry had the critical advantage of studying Bellini with a sympathy deepened by his own close awareness of aesthetic problems.

Fry, Roger Eliot and Paul Cezanne (1989). Cezanne: A Study of His Development
. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Despite the fact that it was published in 1927, before the artist's work had even been systematically catalogued, 'Cezanne: A Study of His Development' still has a remarkable freshness to its prose, and Fry succeeds in giving the viewer a sense of the excitement he himself felt while looking at the artist's works.

Frye, Northrop (1957). Anatomy of Criticism; Four Essays
. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Striking out at the conception of criticism as restricted to mere opinion or ritual gesture, Northrop Frye wrote this magisterial work proceeding on the assumption that criticism is a structure of thought and knowledge in its own right. In four brilliant essays on historical, ethical, archetypical, and rhetorical criticism, employing examples of world literature from ancient times to the present, Frye reconceived literary criticism as a total history rather than a linear progression through time.

Literature, Frye wrote, is "the place where our imaginations find the ideal that they try to pass on to belief and action, where they find the vision which is the source of both the dignity and the joy of life." And the critical study of literature provides a basic way "to produce, out of the society we have to live in, a vision of the society we want to live in."

Harold Bloom contributes a fascinating and highly personal preface that examines Frye's mode of criticism and thought (as opposed to Frye's criticism itself) as being indispensable in the modern literary world.

Frye, Northrop (1969). Fearful Symmetry; a Study of William Blake
. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
A magnificent, extraordinary book. Several great poets have written of William Blake, but this book is the first to show the full magnitude of Blake's mind.

Frye, Northrop (1982). The Great Code: The Bible and Literature
. New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
An examination of the influence of the Bible on Western art and literature and on the Western creative imagination in general. Frye persuasively presents the Bible as a unique text distinct from all other epics and sacred writings.

Frye, Northrop and Robert Sandler (1986). Northrop Frye on Shakespeare
. New Haven, Yale University Press.
These lectures represent one-third of a course in Shakespeare taught at University of Toronto. Frye discusses Shakespeare's comedies, histories and tragedies, and introduces us to a new category - Shakespeare's romances, those glittering, frightening, magical plays of the playwright's later years. Dr. Frye presents lucid expositions of Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard II, Henry IV, Measure for Measure, Hamlet, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest, relating each of these works to others in the Shakespeare canon so that by the end of the book new light has been shed on all of Shakespeare's plays. Within this framework, Frye discusses many of the central elements of Shakespearean drama - from the traditions of comedy and tragedy to the historical background of the plays, from imagery and patterning to characterization, from the use of myth, folklore, and the supernatural to the anthropological roots of Shakespeare's ideas.

Fuentes, Carlos (1991). The Death of Artemio Cruz
. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
First translated into English more than a quarter-century ago, Fuentes's acclaimed novel about modern Mexico has since gone through nearly 30 printings. Despite its popularity, the original English version often was unclear, obscuring Fuentes's language and intent. MacAdam's meticulous new rendering gives the English-reading public a fresh slant on the fictional Cruz, a newspaper owner and land baron. The novel opens with Cruz on his deathbed, and plunges us into his thoughts as he segues from the past to his increasingly disoriented present. Drawn as a tragic figure, Cruz fights bravely during the Mexican Revolution but in the process loses his idealism--and the only woman who ever loved him. He marries the daughter of a hacienda owner and, in the opportunistic, postwar climate, he uses her family connections and money to amass an ever-larger fortune. Cocky, audacious, corrupt, Cruz, on another level, represents the paradoxes of recent Mexican history. Written before Fuentes's masterpieces A Change of Skin and Terra Nostra, this novel, with its freewheeling experimental prose and psychological exploration, anticipates many of the author's later themes. - Publishers Weekly

Furet, François and Mona Ozouf (1989). A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution
. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Two centuries later, the French Revolution--that extraordinary event that founded modern democracy--continues to give rise to a reevaluation of essential questions. The ambition of this magnificent volume is not only to present the reader with the research of a wide range of international scholars on those questions, but also to bring one into the heart of the issues still under lively debate.

Its form is as original as its goal: neither dictionary, in the traditional sense of the word, nor encyclopedia, it is deliberately limited to some ninety-nine entries organized alphabetically by key words and themes under five major headings: events, including the Estates General and the Terror; actors, such as Marie Antoinette, Marat, and Napoleon Bonaparte; institutions and creations, among them Revolutionary Calendar and Suffrage; ideas, covering, for example, Ancien Regime, the American Revolution, and Liberty; and historians and commentators, from Hegel to Tocqueville. In addition, there are synoptic indexes of names and themes that give the reader easy access to the entire volume as well as a key to its profound coherence.

What unifies all the varied topics brought together in this dictionary is their authors' effort to be "critical." As such, the book rejects the dogmatism of closed systems and definitive interpretations. Its aim is less to make a complete inventory of the findings of the history of the French Revolution than to take stock of what remains problematical about those findings; this work thus offers the additional special quality of incorporating the rich historiographical literature unceasingly elaborated since 1789.

With A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution, François Furet and Mona Ozouf invite the reader to recross the first two centuries of French democracy in order to gain a better understanding of the origins of the world in which we live today.

Furst, Alan (2002). Dark Star
. New York, Random House Trade Paperbacks.
Furst (Night Soldiers) will make his mark with this intelligent, provocative and gripping novel. In 1933, Andre Szara, a highly regarded Polish-born foreign correspondent for Pravda, is asked to perform small espionage tasks by the NKVD. These assignments escalate, until Szara finds himself responsible for obtaining vital production figures from a German-Jewish industrialist who fabricates steel wire essential to airplanes. Inevitably, Szara's integrity as a journalist is also compromised. During this period of Stalinist purges, clearly and chillingly described by Furst, only unpredictability is certain. Szara senses the precariousness of his position, which is compounded by an urgent appeal from a wealthy Jewish Frenchman for Szara to honor his own Jewish heritage by trading his steel wire information to the British in exchange for desperately needed immigration certificates to mandated Palestine. Furst depicts the historical, geographic and political context in lucid and highly readable prose; his observation that Russia annexed Lithuania and Estonia while the world's attention was focused on France's struggle with Germany has an eerie timeliness. As darkness descends over Europe, Szara clings to life while simultaneously attempting to make some meaning of it. His story is not a pretty one; but it is beautifully and compellingly told.

Furst, Alan (2002). Night Soldiers
. New York, Random House Trade Paperbacks.
When a small-town Bulgarian landlord, a grocer and their cohorts, decked out in foolish uniforms and caps with goose feathers, hear a village teenager ridicule their march, they do what petty fasciststaking their cue from the no-longer laughable Nazisdid best: they gang up on the boy and kill him. Set in 1934, this evocative, moving novel concerns the travails of the boy's brother, Khristo Stoianev. Khristo, realizing the menace of fascism, takes a risk on the promise of communism and flies east to Moscow, where he becomes a promising agent of the NKVD, predecessor of the KGB. His superiors assign him to Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War and Khristo begins to experience the relentlessly cruel, cataclysmic decades of World War II and its aftermath. Furst shows a remarkable talent in his fifth novel, integrating details about the cultures of Spain, France and Eastern Europe with a fascinating story of the constantly changing, constantly unpredictable events of that world at war. Moreover, he is never so carried away by his character's adventures that he fails to accurately depict the true scale of a man's tragic life, a life like that of many who suffered during those terrible years.

Fussell, Paul (1975). The Great War and Modern Memory
. New York, Oxford University Press.
The year 2000 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of The Great War and Modern Memory, winner of the National Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and recently named by the Modern Library one of the twentieth century's 100 Best Non-Fiction Books. Fussell's landmark study of WWI remains as original and gripping today as ever before: a literate, literary, and illuminating account of the Great War, the one that changed a generation, ushered in the modern era, and revolutionized how we see the world. Exploring the work of Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves, Edmund Blunden, David Jones, Isaac Rosenberg, and Wilfred Owen, Fussell supplies contexts, both actual and literary, for those writers who most effectively memorialized WWI as an historical experience with conspicuous imaginative and artistic meaning. For this special edition, the author has prepared a new introduction and afterword.

Fussell, Paul (1987). The Norton Book of Travel
. New York, Norton.
From ancient Greece to Modern America, from Herodotus to Paul Theroux, here is a wide-ranging collection of travel wrtiing that will delight not only those who travel by ship, jet, or train, but by armchair as well.

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