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Miguel de Cervantes by Stephen Alcorn, 1988.

Recommended Books: C (author sort)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Cabezas, Omar (1986). Fire from the Mountain: The Making of a Sandinista. New York, New American Library.
A wonderful evocation of the vanished world of confidence in transformation which took young university students like him into the mountains of Nicaragua to fight Somoza's dictatorship. Loneliness, fear, hunger and cold come near to overwhelming him, but Cabezas has a dogged stubbornness and a humour which keep him going.

Cage, John (1973). M: Writings, '67-'72
. Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University Press.
M is a fascinating, maddening, charming miscellany both written and printed much according to I Ching stick-tossing techniques and set over 700 different type-faces, with illustrations and word-drawings adding esoteric zest.

Cain, James M. (1992). Double Indemnity. New York, Vintage Books.
When smalltime insurance salesman Walter Huff meets seductive Phyllis Nirdlinger, the wife of one of his wealthy clients, it takes him only minutes to determine that she wants to get rid of her husband--and not much longer to decide to help her do it. Walter knows that accident insurance pays double indemnity on railroad mishaps, so he and Phyllis plot frantically to get Nirdlinger on--and off--a train without arousing the suspicions of the police, the insurance company, Nirdlinger's dishy daughter, her mysterious boyfriend, or Nirdlinger himself.

Cain, James M. (1978). Mildred Pierce. New York, Vintage Books.
Mildred Pierce had gorgeous legs, a way with a skillet, and a bone-deep core of toughness. She used those attributes to survive a divorce and poverty and to claw her way out of the lower middle class. But Mildred also had two weaknesses: a yen for shiftless men, and an unreasoning devotion to a monstrous daughter. Out of these elements, Cain creates a novel of acute social observation and devastating emotional violence, with a heroine whose ambitions and sufferings are never less than recognizable.

Cain, James M. (1992). The Postman Always Rings Twice
. New York, Vintage Books.
James M. Cain's first novel, The Postman Always Rings Twice, is the noir novel that paved the way for all the noir fiction that followed. The famous film starring Lana Turner and John Garfield is notoriously dark, but the novel is even more full of despair and devoid of hope. Its searing characterization and depiction of tawdry greed and lust is branded into every reader's memory.

Frank Chambers, a drifter, is dropped from the back of a truck at a rundown rural diner. When he spots Cora, the owner's wife, he instantly decides to stay. The sexy young woman, married to Nick, a violent and thuggish boor, is equally attracted to the younger man and sees him as her way out of her hopeless, boring life. They begin a clandestine affair and plot to kill Nick, beginning their own journey toward destruction.

Cain, James M. (1989). Three by Cain
. New York, Vintage Books.
All three books [Serenade -- Love's Lovely Counterfeit -- The Butterfly] are written with an enduring view of the dark corners of the American psyche. Cain hammered high art out of the crude matter of betrayal, bloodshed, and perversity.

Calder, Nigel (1982). Einstein's Universe
. New York, Greenwich House.
Unlocks the implications of Einstein's revolutionary theories on the nature of science, time and motion and far surpasses any previous explanation of relativity for laymen.

Caldicott, Helen (2002). The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
. New York, New Press.
For three decades, physician Caldicott, nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Physicians for Social Responsibility, has articulated the drastic consequences of nuclear weapons to a public kept in ignorance by their government. Moved once again by world events to disseminate hard facts in the hope of averting disaster, Caldicott presents a meticulous, urgent, and shocking report on the current state and true nature of America's nuclear weapons program. She explains with precision the medical effects not only of nuclear weapons themselves but also of the carcinogenic nuclear waste that already permeates our environment. Her descriptions make abundantly clear that to flirt with the terrible power of uranium and plutonium is to risk the very "death of life." And yet the powers-that-be, an amalgam of arms dealers and politicians, proceed, unchallenged by a distracted and docile citizenry.

Calloway, Stephen and Elizabeth C. Cromley (1996). The Elements of Style: A Practical Encyclopedia of Interior Architectural Details, from 1485 to the Present
. New York, N.Y., Simon and Schuster.
This book offers visual evidence of the styles of architecture and interior design that have influenced America and Britain since the Renaissance. It is arranged by period style and indexed by specific design features (staircases, windows, and stoves, for example) through the use of color tabs on right-hand pages. Each period is handled by a separate expert. The glossaries of suppliers and the restoration/maintenance information will appeal to historic preservationists. Altogether, this is an impressive reference work for architects, interior designers, and historians who need a quick fix on a specific style, feature, or detail.

Calvino, Italo (1977). The Castle of Crossed Destinies. New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
A semiotic fantasy novel of short tales gathered into two sections: 'The Castle of Crossed Destinies' and 'The Tavern of Crossed Destinies.' The novel concerns two groups of traveling through a forest, both of which have lost the power to speak as the result of traumatic events. One group is spending the night in a tavern, the other in a castle. In each place, the travelers tell the stories of their lives, using tarot cards instead of words. A narrator at each place interprets the cards for the reader, but since the tarot cards are subject to multiple interpretations, the stories the narrators offer are not necessarily the stories intended by the mute storytellers.

Calvino, Italo (1993). If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
. New York, Knopf.
Avant-garde novel by Italo Calvino, published in 1979. Using shifting structures, a succession of tales, and different points of view, the book probes the nature of change and chance and the interdependence of fiction and reality. The novel, which is nonlinear, begins with a man discovering that the copy of a novel he has recently purchased is defective, a Polish novel having been bound within its pages. He returns to the bookshop the following day and meets a young woman who is on an identical mission. They both profess a preference for the Polish novel. Interposed between the chapters in which the two strangers attempt to authenticate their texts are 10 excerpts that parody genres of contemporary world fiction, such as the Latin-American novel and the political novel of eastern Europe.

Camara, Laye (2011). The Radiance of the King
. New York, New York Review Books.
At the beginning of this masterpiece of African literature, Clarence, a white man, has been shipwrecked on the coast of Africa. Flush with self-importance, he demands to see the king, but the king has just left for the south of his realm. Traveling through an increasingly phantasmagoric landscape in the company of a beggar and two roguish boys, Clarence is gradually stripped of his pretensions, until he is sold to the royal harem as a slave. But in the end Clarence’s bewildering journey is the occasion of a revelation, as he discovers the image, both shameful and beautiful, of his own humanity in the alien splendor of the king.

Campbell, Horace (2013). Global Nato and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya: Lessons for Africa in the Forging of African Unity
. New York, Monthly Review Press.
Horace Campbell investigates the political and economic crises of the early twenty-first century through the prism of NATO's intervention in Libya. He traces the origins of the conflict, situates it in the broader context of the Arab Spring uprisings, and explains the expanded role of a post-Cold War NATO. This military organization, he argues, is the instrument through which the capitalist class of North America and Europe seeks to impose its political will on the rest of the world, however warped by the increasingly outmoded neoliberal form of capitalism. The intervention in Libya - characterized by bombing campaigns, military information operations, third party countries, and private contractors - exemplifies this new model.

Campbell, Joseph (2004). The Hero with a Thousand Faces
. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.
Joseph Campbell's classic cross-cultural study of the hero's journey has inspired millions and opened up new areas of research and exploration. Examining heroic myths in the light of modern psychology, it considers not only the patterns and stages of mythology but also its relevance to our lives today--and to the life of any person seeking a fully realized existence.

Camus, Albert (1958). Caligula & Three Other Plays
. New York, Knopf.
Caligula, a relatively attractive prince, becomes aware, on the death of Drusilla, his sister and mistress, that the world is not satisfactory. Thenceforth, poisoned with scorn and horror, he tries, through murder and the systematic perversion of all values, to practice his own 'liberty' by challenges friendship and love, common human solidarity, good and evil. He takes those about him at their word and forces them to be logical; he levels everything around him by the strength of his rejection and the destructive fury to which his passion for life leads him. But, if his truth is to rebel against fate, his error lies in negating what binds him to mankind. One cannot destroy everything without destroying oneself. Caligula is the story of a superior suicide. It is the story of the most human and most tragic of errors. Unfaithful to mankind through fidelity to himself, Caligula accepts death because he has understood that no one can save himself all alone and that one cannot be free at the expense of others.

Camus, Albert (1991). The Fall
. New York, Vintage Books.
Mordant, brilliant, elegantly styled, The Fall is a novel of the conscience of modern man in the face of evil. In a seedy bar in Amsterdam, an expatriate Frenchman, indulges in a calculated confession. He recalls his past life as a respected Parisian lawyer, a champion of noble causes, and, privately, a libertine - yet one apparantly immune to judgment. As his narrative unfolds, ambiguities amass; every triumph reveals a failure, every motive a hidden treachery. The irony of his recital anticipates his downfall - and implicates us all.

Camus, Albert (1991). The Plague
. New York, Vintage Books.
A haunting tale of human resilience in the face of unrelieved horror, Camus' novel about a bubonic plague ravaging the people of a North African coastal town is a classic of twentieth-century literature.

Camus, Albert (1991). The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt
. New York, Vintage Books.
The Rebel is a classic essay on revolution. For Albert Camus, the urge to revolt is one of the "essential dimensions" of human nature, manifested in man's timeless Promethean struggle against the conditions of his existence, as well as the popular uprisings against established orders throughout history. And yet, with an eye toward the French Revolution and its regicides and deicides, he shows how inevitably the course of revolution leads to tyranny. As old regimes throughout the world collapse, The Rebel resonates as an ardent, eloquent, and supremely rational voice of conscience for our tumultuous times.

Camus, Albert and Justin O'Brien (1991). The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
. New York, Vintage Books.
The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.

If one believes Homer, Sisyphus was the wisest and most prudent of mortals. According to another tradition, however, he was disposed to practice the profession of highwayman. I see no contradiction in this. Opinions differ as to the reasons why he became the futile laborer of the underworld. To begin with, he is accused of a certain levity in regard to the gods. He stole their secrets. Egina, the daughter of Esopus, was carried off by Jupiter. The father was shocked by that disappearance and complained to Sisyphus. He, who knew of the abduction, offered to tell about it on condition that Esopus would give water to the citadel of Corinth. To the celestial thunderbolts he preferred the benediction of water. He was punished for this in the underworld. Homer tells us also that Sisyphus had put Death in chains. Pluto could not endure the sight of his deserted, silent empire. He dispatched the god of war, who liberated Death from the hands of her conqueror.

It is said that Sisyphus, being near to death, rashly wanted to test his wife's love. He ordered her to cast his unburied body into the middle of the public square. Sisyphus woke up in the underworld. And there, annoyed by an obedience so contrary to human love, he obtained from Pluto permission to return to earth in order to chastise his wife. But when he had seen again the face of this world, enjoyed water and sun, warm stones and the sea, he no longer wanted to go back to the infernal darkness. Recalls, signs of anger, warnings were of no avail. Many years more he lived facing the curve of the gulf, the sparkling sea, and the smiles of earth. A decree of the gods was necessary. Mercury came and seized the impudent man by the collar and, snatching him from his joys, lead him forcibly back to the underworld, where his rock was ready for him.

You have grasped that Sisyphus is the absurd hero. He is, as much through his passions as through his torture. His scorn of the gods, his hatred of death, and his passion for life won him that unspeakable penalty in which the whole being is exerted toward accomplishing nothing. This is the price that must be paid for the passions of this earth. Nothing is told us about Sisyphus in the underworld. Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them. As for this myth, one sees merely the whole effort of a body straining to raise the huge stone, to roll it, and push it up a slope a hundred times over; one sees the face screwed up, the cheek tight against the stone, the shoulder bracing the clay-covered mass, the foot wedging it, the fresh start with arms outstretched, the wholly human security of two earth-clotted hands. At the very end of his long effort measured by skyless space and time without depth, the purpose is achieved. Then Sisyphus watches the stone rush down in a few moments toward that lower world whence he will have to push it up again toward the summit. He goes back down to the plain.

It is during that return, that pause, that Sisyphus interests me. A face that toils so close to stones is already stone itself! I see that man going back down with a heavy yet measured step toward the torment of which he will never know the end. That hour like a breathing-space which returns as surely as his suffering, that is the hour of consciousness. At each of those moments when he leaves the heights and gradually sinks toward the lairs of the gods, he is superior to his fate. He is stronger than his rock. - Albert Camus

Canemaker, John (2005). Winsor Mccay: His Life and Art
. New York, Harry N. Abrams.
McCay's Little Nemo in Slumberland, introduced in the New York Herald in 1905, has been called the most beautiful comic strip ever drawn. A pioneer film animator (Gertie the Dinosaur) and cartoonist whose works border on surrealist dream fantasies, McCay profoundly influenced artists ranging from Walt Disney to Maurice Sendak. At every turn, Little Nemo confronts irrational taboos and forbidden places; his Slumberland is a Freudian landscape. Sendak, in his introduction, rightly calls McCay "one of America's great fantasists."

Canetti, Elias (1978). The Human Province
. New York, Seabury Press.
So wholehearted is Canetti's relation to the duty and pleasure of admiring others, so fastidious is his sense of the writer's vocation, that humility - and pride - make him extremely self-involved in a characteristically impersonal way. He is preoccupied with being someone he can admire. This is a leading concern in The Human Province, Canetti's selection from notebooks kept during the period while he was preparing and then writing what he considers his greatest achievement, Crowds and Power (1960). In these jottings Canetti is constantly prodding himself with the example of writers he admires, identifying the intellectual necessity of what he undertakes, checking his mental temperature, shuddering with terror as the calendar sheds its leaves.

Canetti, Elias (1984). Auto-Da-Fe
. New York, Farrar Straus Giroux.
Auto-da-Fe, Elias Canetti's only work of fiction, is a staggering achievement that puts him squarely in the ranks of major European writers such as Robert Musil and Hermann Broch. It is the story of Peter Kien, a scholarly recluse who lives among and for his great library. The destruction of Kien through the instrument of the illiterate, brutish housekeeper he marries constitutes the plot of the book. The best writers of our time have been concerned with the horror of the modern world--one thinks of Kafka, to whom Canetti has often been compared. But Auto-de-Fe stands as a completely original, unforgettable treatment of the modern predicament. In Auto-da-Fe no one is spared. Professor and furniture salesman, doctor, housekeeper, and thief all get it in the neck. The remoreseless quality of the comedy builds one of the most terrifying literary worlds of the century.

Canetti, Elias (1984). Crowds and Power
. New York, Farrar Straus Giroux.
Crowds and Power is a revolutionary work in which Elias Canetti finds a new way of looking at human history and psychology. Breathtaking in its range and erudition, it explores Shiite festivals and the English Civil war, the finger exercises of monkeys and the effects of inflation in Weimar Germany. In this study of the interplay of crowds, Canetti offers one of the most profound and startling portraits of the human condition.

Cannon, John Ashton (2002). The Oxford Companion to British History
. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press.
More than 4,000 entries from 55 B.C. to the present, in an A-Z format; more than 100 distinguished academic contributors. Covering more than 2,000 years of British history, this one-volume historical dictionary includes social, political, military, cultural, economic, scientific, and biographical events. All entries are signed by the contributor and run from short 50-word descriptions to longer 1,000-to 1,500-word essays. Cited references are noted by an asterisk, and, when appropriate, cross-references are also provided.

Cannon, John Ashton and Ralph Alan Griffiths (1988). The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy
. Oxford [England]; New York, Oxford University Press.
The rich pageant of Britain's history emerges nowhere more colorfully than in the story of its kings and queens. This book offers the most authoritative account of the British monarchy ever published for the general reader. With over 400 illustrations--a third of them in color--it traces the crown's full history from Anglo-Saxon times to the present.

Supporting the text and carefully selected pictures are sidebars on each of the monarchs and on key general themes; color maps; an illustrated section on royal residences and tombs; a consolidated list of monarchs; genealogies; annotated lists of further reading; and a full index with personal dates.

Cannon, James Patrick (1980). The First Ten Years of American Communism; Report of a Participant
. New York, New York, Pathfinder Press.
"Stalinism has worked mightily to obliterate the honorable record of American communism in its pioneer days. Yet the Communist Party wrote such a chapter too, and the young militants of the new generation ought to know about it and claim it for their own. It belongs to them." -- James P. Cannon, 1962. Cannon was a founding member of the Communist Party of the United States following the Russian Revolution, and its delegate to the Executive Committee of the Comintern and its Fourth Congress.

Capek, Karel and Josef Capek (1961). R.U.R. and the Insect Play
. London, Oxford University Press.
Josef and Karel Capek were the best known literary figures of liberated Czechoslovakia after 1918. Josef won a considerable reputation as a painter of the Cubist school, later developing his own playful primitive style. He collaborated with his brother in composing sketches, stories, and plays, as well as writing two short novels of his own and critical essays in which he defended the art of the unconscious, of children, and of savages. Following Hitler's invasion of 1939, Josef Capek was sent to a German concentration camp. He died at Belsen in April 1945. Karel Capek became a journalist and for a time stage manager of the theatre in Vinohrady. Though a writer of novels, visionary romances, travel books, stories, and essays, Karel is best known for his plays. His last plays, written just before the entry of Hitler into Czechoslovakia, deal with the rise of dictatorship and the terrible consequences of war. Karel Capek died on Christmas day, 1938. After the success of R.U.R. (Rossums' Universal Robots, 1920) seen in London in 1923, the brothers collaborated in their best-known work, The Insect Play (1921). Both plays are satires depicting the horrors of a regimented technical world and the terrible end of the populace if they fail to rise against their oppressors. They reflect the world in which the Capek's lived and give a commentary on its grosser follies.

Capelotti, P. J. (2001). Sea Drift: Rafting Adventures in the Wake of Kon-Tiki
. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
It was the original Survivor series, only without the omnipresent cameras, paramedics, and faux tribal rituals. Between the spring of 1947 and the summer of the year 2000, more than forty expeditions sought to sail the oceans of the world on rafts made from straw, from bamboo, and from the same kinds of wood that children use to make model airplanes. These audacious raft voyages began with the legendary Kon-Tiki expedition, under the leadership of the renowned Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl. The Kon-Tiki balsa-wood raft drifted more than four thousand miles from Peru to Polynesia, and remained afloat months after experts predicted it would sink to the bottom of the Pacific. Heyerdahl's radical thesis of a prehistoric world where ancient mariners traveled between continents on ocean currents electrified the postwar world. His Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft sold twenty million copies in sixty-five languages.

Sea Drift is the first and only book to document all of the transoceanic raft expeditions that were organized and carried out in the half century after Kon-Tiki. But it is much more than a simple history of exploration. Readers learn of the Mormon who drifted to Hawaii to prove that wise men from Israel had colonized America, and the Frenchman who squeezed drinking water from the flesh of fish as he drifted alone across the Atlantic in a rubber boat. Then there was the anthropologist who put five men and six women on a raft to see who would make love to whom first.

Spanning more than fifty years and recounting more than forty expeditions, Sea Drift is a riveting chronicle of human daring, endurance, and folly.

Capote, Truman (1994). In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences
. New York, Vintage Books.
On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues.

As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy. In Cold Blood is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights into the nature of American violence.

Caputo, Philip (1996). A Rumor of War: With a Twentieth Anniversary Postscript by the Author
. New York, Henry Holt and Co.
A platoon commander in the first combat unit sent to fight in Vietnam, Lieutenant Caputo landed at Danang on March 8, 1965, convinced that American forces would win a quick and decisive victory over the Communists. Sixteen months later and without ceremony, Caputo left Vietnam a shell-shocked veteran whose youthful idealism and faith in the rightness of the war had been utterly shattered. A Rumor of War tells the story of that trajectory and allows us to see and feel the reality of the conflict as the author himself experienced it, from the weeks of tedium hacking through scorching jungles, to the sudden violence of ambushes and firefights, to the unbreakable bonds of friendship forged between soldiers, and finally to a sense of the war as having no purpose other than the fight for survival. The author gives us a precise, tactile view of both the emotional and physical reality of war.

When Caputo is reassigned to headquarters as "Officer in Charge of the Dead," he chronicles the psychological cost of witnessing and recording the human toll of the war. And after his voluntary transfer to the frontlines, Caputo shows us that the major weapons of guerrilla fighting are booby traps and land mines, and that success is measured not in feet but in body counts. Nor does the author shrink from admitting the intoxicating intensity of combat, an experience so compelling that many soldiers felt nostalgic for it years after they'd left Vietnam. Most troubling, Caputo gives us an unflinching view not only of remarkable bravery and heroism but also of the atrocities committed in Vietnam by ordinary men so numbed by fear and desperate to survive that their moral distinctions had collapsed.

Card, Orson Scott (1996). Children of the Mind
. New York, Tor.
Book 4 of the Ender's Game series: The planet Lusitania is home to three sentient species: the Pequeninos; a large colony of humans; and the Hive Queen, brought there by Ender. But once against the human race has grown fearful; the Starways Congress has gathered a fleet to destroy Lusitania.

Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, can save the three sentient races of Lusitania. She has learned how to move ships outside the universe, and then instantly back to a different world, abolishing the light-speed limit. But it takes all the processing power available to her, and the Starways Congress is shutting down the Net, world by world.

Soon Jane will not be able to move the ships. Ender's children must save her if they are to save themselves.

Card, Orson Scott (2002). Ender's Game
. New York, Starscape.
Book 1 of the Ender's Game series: In order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race's next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers. A brilliant young boy, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin lives with his kind but distant parents, his sadistic brother Peter, and the person he loves more than anyone else, his sister Valentine. Peter and Valentine were candidates for the soldier-training program but didn't make the cut - young Ender is the Wiggin drafted to the orbiting Battle School for rigorous military training.

Ender's skills make him a leader in school and respected in the Battle Room, where children play at mock battles in zero gravity. Yet growing up in an artificial community of young soldiers Ender suffers greatly from isolation, rivalry from his peers, pressure from the adult teachers, and an unsettling fear of the alien invaders. His psychological battles include loneliness, fear that he is becoming like the cruel brother he remembers, and fanning the flames of devotion to his beloved sister.

Is Ender the general Earth needs? But Ender is not the only result of the genetic experiments. The war with the Buggers has been raging for a hundred years, and the quest for the perfect general has been underway for almost as long. Ender's two older siblings are every bit as unusual as he is, but in very different ways. Between the three of them lie the abilities to remake a world. If, that is, the world survives.

Card, Orson Scott (1999). Ender's Shadow
. New York, Tom Doherty Associates Book.
Book 5 of the Ender's Game series: Orson Scott Card brings us back to the very beginning of his brilliant Ender Quartet, with a novel that allows us to reenter that world anew.

With all the power of his original creation, Card has created a parallel volume to Ender's Game, a book that expands and compliments the first, enhancing its power, illuminating its events and its powerful conclusion.

The human race is at War with the "Buggers", an insect-like alien race. The first battles went badly, and now as Earth prepares to defend itself against the imminent threat of total destruction at the hands of an inscrutable alien enemy, all focus is on the development and training of military geniuses who can fight such a war, and win.

The long distances of interstellar space have given hope to the defenders of Earth--they have time to train these future commanders up from childhood, forging then into an irresisible force in the high orbital facility called the Battle School.

Andrew "Ender" Wiggin was not the only child in the Battle School; he was just the best of the best. In this new book, card tells the story of another of those precocious generals, the one they called Bean--the one who became Ender's right hand, part of his team, in the final battle against the Buggers.

Bean's past was a battle just to survive. He first appeared on the streets of Rotterdam, a tiny child with a mind leagues beyond anyone else's. He knew he could not survive through strength; he used his tactical genius to gain acceptance into a children's gang, and then to help make that gang a template for success for all the others. He civilized them, and lived to grow older.

Bean's desperate struggle to live, and his success, brought him to the attention of the Battle School's recruiters, those people scouring the planet for leaders, tacticians, and generals to save Earth from the threat of alien invasion. Bean was sent into orbit, to the Battle School. And there he met Ender.

Card, Orson Scott (2005). Shadow of the Giant
. New York, Tor.
Bean's past was a battle just to survive. He first appeared on the streets of Rotterdam, a tiny child with a mind leagues beyond anyone else. He knew he could not survive through strength; he used his tactical genius to gain acceptance into a children's gang, and then to help make that gang a template for success for all the others. He civilized them, and lived to grow older. Then he was discovered by the recruiters for the Battle School.

For Earth was at war -- a terrible war with an inscrutable alien enemy. A war that humanity was near to losing. But the long distances of interstellar space has given hope to the defenders of Earth -- they had time to train military geniuses up from childhood, forging them into an irresistible force in the high-orbital facility called the Battle School. That story is told in two books, the beloved classic Ender's Game, and its parallel, Ender's Shadow.

Bean was the smallest student at the Battle School, but he became Ender Wiggins' right hand. Since then he has grown to be a power on Earth. He served the Hegemon as strategist and general in the terrible wars that followed Ender's defeat of the alien empire attacking Earth. Now he and his wife Petra yearn for a safe place to build a family -- something he has never known -- but there is nowhere on Earth that does not harbor his enemies -- old enemies from the days in Ender's Jeesh, new enemies from the wars on Earth. To find security, Bean and Petra must once again follow in Ender's footsteps. They must leave Earth behind, in the control of the Hegemon, and look to the stars.

Card, Orson Scott (2001). Shadow of the Hegemon. New York, Tor.
Book 6 of the Ender's Game series: This fine follow-up to Ender's Shadow features that novel's hero, Bean (now a young man), wrestling with Card's trademark: superbly real moral and ethical dilemmas. In a world between wars, filled with ambitious countries jockeying to carve up their neighbors, the children of Battle School are the strongest asset a nation can possess. The greatest of the children, "Ender" Wiggin, has gone off to colonize a new world. The second best, Bean, is hunted by a young psychopathic genius, Achilles, who schemes to conquer Earth with the aid of Ender's soldiers. Peter, Ender's brother, who was too ruthless to make it to Battle School, also works to rule the planet, but through more peaceful, political means. Bean must decide if becoming Peter's shadow and guiding him to become Hegemon will help defeat Achilles, and if one boy's megalomania will make a better world than another's. Children playing at war as if it were a game recalls Card's most famous work, Ender's Game, which won both a Hugo and a Nebula award.

Card, Orson Scott (2002). Shadow Puppets. New York, Tor.
The third novel in Card's re-presentation of the saga of Ender Wiggins from the vantage of Ender's strategist Bean opens with the hegemon of Earth, Ender's brother Peter, having the psychopath Achilles rescued from his Chinese captors, and Bean and Petra going into hiding. The plot threads are complex: the Chinese still rule Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, and India, where a grassroots movement works against them. Peter and his parents must flee the hegemony compound when they discover that Achilles, despite efforts to monitor him, is making progress in supplanting Peter as hegemon. Bean and Petra arrange parenthood through in vitro fertilization, which they hope will prevent transferring to the children the genetic alterations that made Bean a genius and that will kill him. Achilles steals some of the embryos, however, and Bean determines to rescue them and kill Achilles. A far-flung, pan-Islamic shadow government, of which the Chinese and Achilles are unaware, springs Bean and Petra from hiding, enlisting their assistance in preparing war against the Chinese. Angst haunts the proceedings, what with Peter sinking into depression after Achilles outsmarts him and Bean's more wrenching agony over whether he is human. Once again, Card keeps the action, danger, and intrigue levels high; maintains consistency of characterization from Ender's Shadow (1999) and Shadow of the Hegemon (2000); paves the way for further Ender-Bean developments; and leaves his readers eagerly awaiting them.

Card, Orson Scott (1986). Speaker for the Dead. New York, N.Y., TOR.
Book 2 of the Ender's Game series: Card's novel Ender's Game introduced Ender Wiggin, a young genius who used his military prowess to all but exterminate the "buggers," the first alien race mankind had ever encountered. Wiggin then transformed himself into the Speaker for the Dead," who claimed it had been a mistake to destroy the alien civilization. Many years later, when a new breed of intelligent life forms called the "piggies" is discovered, Wiggin takes the opportunity to atone for his earlier actions. This long, rich and ambitious novel views the interplay between the races from the differing perspectives of the colonists, ethnologists, biologists, clergy, politicians, a computer artificial intelligence, the lone surviving bugger and the piggies themselves. Card is very good at portraying his characters in these larger, social, religious and cultural contexts.

Card, Orson Scott (1991). Xenocide. New York, Tor.
Book 3 of the Ender's Game series: As an armed fleet from Starways Congress hurtles through space toward the rebellious planet Lusitania, Ender Wiggin, his sister Valentine, and his family search for a miracle that will preserve the existence of three intelligent and vastly different species. As a storyteller, Card excels in portraying the quiet drama of wars fought not on battlefields but in the hearts and minds of his characters. Above all, Card is a thinker--and this meaty, graceful, and provoking sequel to Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead stands as a brilliant testimony to his thoughtfulness.

Carey, Roane (2001). The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid
. New York, Verso.
Frustrated by the failure of the peace process to end the occupation, and outraged by Ariel Sharon's invasion of the Haram Al-Sharif in East Jerusalem, the Palestinian population of Israel and the Occupied Territories rose up in September 2000. The second Intifada has raged ever since. Here, a group of experts, many of them directly involved in the conflict, trace the course of the uprising, its consequences for the Palestinian people and the Israeli state, and its likely impact on the future of peace in the Middle East. The scholar Edward Said picks apart the fraudulence of the vaunted peace process; Noam Chomsky reveals how the US government has helped prevent a just resolution of the conflict; Amira Hass, Palestinian affairs correspondent for Ha'aretz, discusses the duplicitous methods of the Israeli media and government; Robert Fisk describes the genocidal legacy of Ariel Sharon and the Israeli occupation of Lebanon; and prizewinning novelist Ahdaf Soueif reports on her visit to Jerusalem at the height of the Intifada. Other contributors provide first-hand reports from the refugee camps and Palestinian schools, and from the front line of the Intifada. Photographs provide searing testimony to the costs and the indefatigability of the resistance. Maps illustrate the stranglehold Israel exerts over the Palestinian territories.

Carlsson, Chris (2004). After the Deluge
. San Francisco, Full Enjoyment Books.
A teenage arsonist threatens a partially submerged mid-22nd century San Francisco. As a Public Investigator "tryout" seeks evidence across the utopian city full of canals and veloways, the political and social conflicts of a society based on generalized abundance and commonly held wealth are explored. Here's a vision of post-economic life with the pleasures, pain and confusion characteristic of the human condition across historic periods set in a San Francisco strangely familiar and yet dreamily different. When there is no such thing as private property, what is crime, and how does a utopian society protect itself from bad behavior? Should scientists be as free as artists to create? What is a 'free market' for work without money and commodities? "Many tackle the apocalypse, but not since Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopia has a writer envisioned its Left Coast utopian aftermath. In Carlsson's highly imaginative sci-fi thriller, an alienated teen and an arson investigator reveal the fissures in San Francisco's revolutionary new society. After The Deluge deserves a wide readership for its vivid blueprint of a sustainable direct democracy set among the still-familiar human cultures and neighborhoods - enhanced by greenways and canals - of the City by the Bay." - Laura Lent, librarian, San Francisco Public Library

Carlsson, Chris (2020). Hidden San Francisco: A Guide to Lost Landscapes, Unsung Heroes and Radical Histories
. London, Pluto Press.
Hidden San Francisco is a guidebook like no other. Structured around the four major themes of ecology, labour, transit and dissent, Chris Carlsson peels back the layers of San Francisco's history to reveal a storied past: behind old walls and gleaming glass facades lurk former industries, secret music and poetry venues, forgotten terrorist bombings, and much more. Carlsson delves into the Bay Area’s long prehistory as well, examining the region's geography and the lives of its inhabitants before the 1849 Gold Rush changed everything, setting in motion the clash between capital and labour that shaped the modern city.

From the perspective of the students and secretaries, longshoremen and waitresses, Hidden San Francisco uncovers dozens of overlooked, forgotten and buried histories that pulse through the streets and hills even today, inviting the reader to see themselves in the middle of the ongoing, everyday process of making history together.

Carlsson, Chris and Lisa Ruth Elliott, editors (2010). Ten Years That Shook the City: San Francisco 1968-1978
. San Francisco, City Lights Books.
Primarily first-person accounts, each chapter is chock full of stories from the front lines, written by participants who organized, agitated, and created social change in the city well into the 1970s and beyond. Currents run together from the anti-war and labor movements, gay and women's liberation, struggles against redevelopment and racism and towards the building of cooperatives, ecological awareness, and political art and culture. Gathered together, these snapshots of activism tell a powerful story, showing how the groundwork was laid for much of the progressive movement that still exists today in San Francisco. The lessons of continuity are strong, with the foundations of many of today's institutions and organizations rooted in the radical political and cultural movements from this time period.

Carmichael, Stokely and Charles V. Hamilton (1992). Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America
. New York, Vintage Books.
In 1967, this revolutionary work exposed the depths of systemic racism in this country and provided a radical political framework for reform: true and lasting social change would only be accomplished through unity among African-Americans and their independence from the preexisting order. An eloquent document of the civil rights movement that remains a work of profound social relevance 25 years after it was first published.

Caro, Robert A. (1982). The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 1: The Path to Power
. New York, Knopf.
Caro's dogged research and refusal to accept received wisdom results in an eye-opening portrait that unforgettably captures the titanic personality of Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973). Though stronger on Johnson's duplicity and naked self-promotion than his intelligence and charm, Caro nails it all. He chronicles the evolution of an attention-demanding youth from the Texas hill country into a seasoned congressman who would abandon his ardent espousal of the New Deal as soon as it ceased to be expedient. The dirty details begin with college elections that earn young Lyndon a reputation as a crook and a liar; Caro goes on to unravel financial shenanigans of impressive ingenuity. Johnson's consuming desire to get ahead and his political genius "unencumbered by philosophy or ideology" are staggering. The White House, Great Society, and Vietnam lie ahead when the main narrative closes in 1941, but the roots of Johnson's future achievements and tragic failures are laid bare. This biography may well stand as the best book written in the second half of the 20th century about personal ambition inextricably linked with historic change.

Caro, Robert A. (1990). The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 2: Means of Ascent
. New York, Knopf.
The second installment in a projected four-volume biography of LBJ that opened with The Path to Power, Means of Ascent shines a harsh light on the early political years of one of America's most paradoxical presidents. The man who would later ram civil rights legislation through a reluctant Congress, and then be brought down by Vietnam, came out of a political swamp--Caro gives a graphic picture of the Texas democratic political machine at its most corrupt. The climax of the book is LBJ's election to the Senate in 1948, an election he won by 87 dubious votes out of almost a million. That vote arguably changed history.

Caro, Robert A. (2002). The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 3: Master of the Senate
. New York, Knopf.
Examines in meticulous detail Lyndon Johnson's career in that body, from his arrival in 1950 (after 12 years in the House of Representatives) until his election as JFK's vice president in 1960. This, the third in a projected five-volume series, studies not only the pragmatic, ruthless, ambitious Johnson, who wielded influence with both consummate skill and "raw, elemental brutality," but also the Senate itself, which Caro describes (pre-1957) as a "cruel joke" and an "impregnable stronghold" against social change. The milestone of Johnson's Senate years was the 1957 Civil Rights Act, whose passage he single-handedly engineered. As important as the bill was--both in and of itself and as a precursor to wider-reaching civil rights legislation--it was only close to Johnson's Southern "anti-civil rights" heart as a means to his dream: the presidency. Caro writes that not only does power corrupt, it "reveals."

Caro, Robert A. (2012). The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 4: The Passage of Power
. New York, Knopf.
In the fourth volume of Caro's ambitious, decades-long biographic exploration, Lyndon Johnson finally reaches the White House. At 600-plus pages, it's a brick of a book, but it reads at times like a novel, and a thriller, and a Greek tragedy. Caro's version of JFK's assassination is especially chilling, and the characters - not just LBJ, but the Kennedys and the power brokers of Washington-are Shakespearean.

Carpenter, Humphrey (1988). A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound
. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
Carpenter, biographer also of Tolkien and Auden, does a superb job of bringing us what might be called the whole Pound: his generosity and blindness, his failures and achievements as poet and critic, his often strained friendships with the likes of Eliot, Hemingway and William Carlos Williams, his early impact on literary London. Also examined are the poet's pro-Fascist and virulently anti-Semitic World War II broadcasts from Italy, which earned him confinement in a Washington mental institution, and the final, sad Italian years. Carpenter's approach is fair, his prose cool, crisp and lively, and his narrative laced with shrewd comment on Pound's work, in particular the Cantos, which Pound finally deemed a "botch" - a judgment that most readers of this book will probably not share.

Carr, Ian, Digby Fairweather, et al. (1987). Jazz: The Essential Companion
. London, Grafton Books.

Carr, Edward Hallett (1985). The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923 (Volume 1)
. New York, W.W. Norton.
In Volume 1, E.H. Carr begins with an analysis of the events in Russian history from 1898 to 1917 that shaped the course of the Revolution. He examines the constitutional structure erected by the new government and then turns to the multifarious problems facing the Bolsheviks as they took possession of a rapidly disintegrating Russian empire.

Carr, Edward Hallett (1985). The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923 (Volume 2)
. New York, W.W. Norton.
In Volume 2, E.H. Carr discusses the regime's economic policies; the civil war and the subsequent series of radical measures known as "war communism"; the revolt of the peasants; and the catastrophic decline of industry that forced Lenin to institute the New Economic Policy (NEP). The course of NEP is traced down the price crisis of 1923 and the first tentative steps toward planning.

Carr, Edward Hallett (1985). The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923 (Volume 3)
. New York, W.W. Norton.
In Volume 3, E.H. Carr relates how Russia's geographical position as both a European and an Asian power and her twin aims of promoting world revolution and establishing normal relations with capitalist governments led to severe stresses in Soviet foreign policy. This volume analyzes these strains and their domestic and international ramifications.

Carr, Edward Hallett (2003). The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin, 1917-1929
. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
E.H. Carr is the acknowledged authority on Soviet Russia. Here he provides the student and general reader alike with insights and knowledge of a lifetime's work. Not many books about the past illuminate the present, but this is one of them, and it deserves to be widely read.

Carroll, James (1996). An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War That Came between Us
. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co.
Carroll, a novelist (Family Trade), poet and former priest, has written a moving memoir of the effect of the Vietnam War on his family that is at once personal and the story of a generation. His father was an Air Force general who won his stars by being one of the bright lights of the FBI-and a favorite of J. Edgar Hoover-rather than by working his way up through the military. One of Carroll's four brothers dodged the draft in Canada, another was an FBI agent ferreting out draft dodgers and he himself-a former ROTC Cadet of the Year at Georgetown-became an "antiwar" chaplain at Boston University who demonstrated in the streets but ducked the cameras for fear his father might recognize him. Carroll was earmarked from birth to be a priest (his father had trained for the priesthood but dropped out just before ordination) and received personal encouragement from Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Spellman, a family friend. Carroll's heroes evolved from Elvis to Pope John to Martin Luther King, rebel theologian Hans Kung, poet Allen Tate (his mentor) and Eugene McCarthy-most of whom his father considered enemies. After much personal struggle, Carroll left the priesthood, married and became a father, but the break with his own father was never repaired. At once heartbreaking and heroic, this is autobiography at its best.

Carroll, James (2001). Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews: A History
. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
To involve memoir in history is difficult, and Carroll shows brilliance in doing it. He has already proven his mastery of memoir in An American Requiem (1996), which won the National Book Award, and he moves forward with the genre in his newest work. The relationship between the Christian (for most of the time, Catholic) Church and the Jews has always been a tumultuous one at best, a stormy relationship lasting two millennia. Carroll discusses the history of Christian-Jewish relations honestly, touchingly, and personally. He begins with the treatment of Jews in the New Testament (Jesus, a Jew?) and moves through the most important historical movements--the Conversion of Constantine and the Roman Empire, the Crusades in the 1100s, the Protestant Reformation (and subsequent Inquisition), the Age of Enlightenment, the Holocaust, and the modern world. By using a trip to Auschwitz as a framing device, Carroll investigates his own prejudices as a believing Christian, a former Catholic priest, and a long-time civil rights activist. As he unearths history (using all the best sources), he also encounters emotions he didn't realize he had and shows how his historical journey was also a personal pilgrimage of faith. Gorgeously written, poignantly self-reflective. - Michael Spinella

Carroll, Lewis and Salvador Dalí (2015)). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
Commemorating the 150th anniversary of one of the most beloved classics of children's literature, this illustrated edition presents Alice like you've never seen her before. In 1865, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, an Oxford mathematician and Anglican deacon, published a story about a little girl who tumbles down a rabbit hole. Thus was the world first introduced to Alice and her pseudonymous creator, Lewis Carroll. This beautiful new edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland features rarely seen illustrations by Salvador Dalí that illuminate the surreal yet curiously logical and mathematical realm into which Alice famously falls. In an informative and wide-ranging introduction, Carroll expert Mark Burstein discusses Dalí's connections with Carroll, his treatment of the symbolic figure of Alice, and the mathematical nature of Wonderland. In addition, mathematician Thomas Banchoff reflects on the friendship he shared with Dalí and explores the mathematical undercurrents in Dalí's work.

Carson, Clayborne (1991). The Eyes on the Prize: Civil Rights Reader: Documents, Speeches, and Firsthand Accounts from the Black Freedom Struggle, 1954-1990
. New York, N.Y., U.S.A., Penguin Books.
This volume is one of several produced in conjunction with the 14-part PBS Eyes on the Prize television series. It is a collection of over 100 court decisions, speeches, interviews, and other documents on the civil rights movement from 1954 to 1990. Included in the collection are the Brown v. Board of Education decision of the Supreme Court that declared legally segregated schools to be unconstitutional, Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham City Jail," Harold Washington's inaugural speech after being elected mayor of Chicago, and the speech delivered by Nelson Mandela in Atlanta in June 1990. The chapter introductions written by the editors are sometimes too brief to enable readers to fully appreciate the context and importance of the documents. Nonetheless, the volume is rich in primary source material on the civil rights movement.

Carson, Clayborne (Compiler), David J. Garrow (Compiler), Bill Kovach (Compiler), Carol Polsgrove (Compiler) (2003). Reporting Civil Rights, Part One: American Journalism 1941-1963
. New York, Library of America.

Carson, Clayborne (Editor) (2003). Reporting Civil Rights, Part Two: American Journalism 1963-1973
. New York, Library of America.
This two-volume anthology brings together nearly 200 newspaper and magazine reports, book excerpts, and features by 151 writers, including James Baldwin, Robert Penn Warren, David Halberstam, Lillian Smith, Gordon Parks, Murray Kempton, Ted Poston, Claude Sitton, and Anne Moody. Together they comprise a firsthand chronicle of a tumultuous era and its key events: the rising determination of African-Americans in the 1940s to oppose segregation and injustice; the crucial Brown decision on school segregation; the Montgomery bus boycott; the sit-in movement and Freedom Rides; Birmingham, the Mississippi Freedom Summer, and Selma; the Watts, Newark, and Detroit riots; the emergence of "Black Power "; and the beginning of affirmative action.

Roi Ottley, Sterling Brown, and Pauli Murray record African-American anger during World War II; Carl Rowan closely examines the school segregation cases; Dan Wakefield and William Bradford Huie describe in horrifying detail the savage murder of Emmett Till; Ted Poston provides a fascinating early portrait of Martin Luther King; and Relman Morin and James Hicks vividly evoke the terrors of mob rage in Little Rock.

In the early 1960s, John Steinbeck witnesses the intense hatred expressed by anti-integration protesters in New Orleans; Julian Mayfield profiles the controversial militant leader Robert Williams; Charlayne Hunter recounts the hostility she faced at the University of Georgia; Raymond Coffey records the determination of jailed children in Birmingham; Marlene Nadle, Russell Baker, and Michael Thelwell offer differing perspectives on the 1963 March on Washington; John Hersey and Alice Lake bear witness to the fear and bravery of the movement in Mississippi, while essays by James Baldwin and Norman Podhoretz explore the complexities of race relations in the North.

Vivid reports by Robert Richardson and Bob Clark capture the nightmarish chaos of the Watts and Detroit riots, while Paul Good records the growing schism in 1966 between the non-violence of King and the "Black Power" advocacy of Stokely Carmichael. Sol Stern, Joan Didion, Gilbert Moore, and Nora Sayre write about the Black Panthers; Garry Wills and Pat Watters chronicle the traumatic aftermath of the assassination of King and the failure of the 1968 Poor People's Campaign; Willie Morris and Marshall Frady assess the South in the early 1970s; Tom Wolfe caustically explores new forms of racial confrontation; and Richard Margolis depicts the emergence of a new post-integration consciousness among African-American college students.

Each volume contains a detailed chronology of events, biographical profiles and photographs of the journalists, explanatory notes, and an index.

Carson, Rachel (2003). The Sea Around Us
. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press.
Published in 1951, The Sea Around Us was a phenomenal success. Rachel Carson's rare ability to combine scientific insight with moving, poetic prose catapulted her book to first place on The New York Times bestseller list, where it remained on top for thirty-one consecutive weeks. It stayed on the list for more than a year and a half and ultimately sold well over a million copies, has been translated into 28 languages, inspired an Academy Award-winning documentary, and won both the 1952 National Book Award and the John Burroughs Medal. This commemorative edition has over 130 beautiful, full color illustrations from all over the world--everything from breaching whales, Christmas Tree worms and phosphorescent shrimp, to fur seals, flashlight fish, and giant squid. The volume features a foreword by Carl Safina, a founder of the Blue Ocean Institute; an introduction by explorer Robert D. Ballard, renowned for his role in finding the Titanic as well as for his discovery of life around deep-sea hydrothermal vents; and an afterword by Brian J. Skinner, an eminent geologist and former president of the Geological Society of America. The book itself remains as fresh today as when it first appeared. Carson's writing teems with stunning, memorable images--the newly formed Earth cooling beneath an endlessly overcast sky; the centuries of nonstop rain that created the oceans; incredibly powerful tides moving 100 billion tons of water daily in the Bay of Fundy. She captures the mystery and allure of the ocean with a compelling blend of imagination and expertise.

Cartier-Bresson, Henri and Philippe Arbaizar (2003). The Man, the Image and the World: A Retrospective
. London; New York, Thames & Hudson.
Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of the finest image makers of our time. Born in 1908, he studied painting before embarking on a career in photography in the early 1930s. In 1940 he was captured by the Germans and spent three years in prisoner-of-war camps before escaping to join the Paris underground. With Robert Capa, David Seymour, and others, he founded the photographic agency Magnum in 1947. Since then his work has taken him all over the world - from Europe to India, Burma, Pakistan, China, Japan, Indonesia, Bali, Russia, the Middle East, Cuba, Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

Cartier-Bresson's extraordinary images are shaped by an eye and a mind legendary for their intelligent empathy and for going to the heart of the matter. This definitive collection of a master photographer's work will be an essential book for anyone interested in photography - indeed, for anyone interested in the people, places, and events of the past century.

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, Peter Galassi, et al. (2010). Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century
. New York, NY, Museum of Modern Art.
Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) is one of the most influential and beloved figures in the history of photography. This is the first major publication to make full use of the extensive holdings of the Fondation Cartier-Bresson--including thousands of prints and a vast resource of documents relating to the photographer's life and work. The heart of the book surveys Cartier-Bresson's career through 300 photographs divided into 12 chapters. A wide-ranging essay by Peter Galassi, Chief Curator of Photography at the Museum, offers an entirely new understanding of Cartier-Bresson's extraordinary career and its overlapping contexts of journalism and art.

Cary, Joyce (1985). Except the Lord
. New York, New Directions Pub. Corp.
The most surprising thing about Except the Lord, in which Nimmo re-creates his difficult up-bringing as the son of an indigent lay preacher, is how quickly the reader begins to sympathize with him. He is a man with a reservoir of rage in his soul, and as he documents his early life one grows equally angry about the hardships and indignities he has been subjected to. The reader (no less than that political constituency which Nimmo, the notorious demagogue, handles so skillfully) begins to root for Nimmo, and to long to see him at the head of the government.The second volume of Cary's Second Trilogy which includes Prisoner of Grace, Except the Lord, and Not Honour More.

Cary, Joyce (1985). Prisoner of Grace
. New York, N.Y., New Directions.
The first volume of the second trilogy (Except the Lord and Not Honour More follow) is about Chester Nimmo, a Radical politician who considers himself to be divinely inspired and Nina torn between her love for him and for her soldier cousin Jim Latter. Earthy and full-blooded, both innocent and wise, we find in her a woman as sensuous as Emma Bovary, as ravaged as Anna Karenina.

Cary, Joyce (2000). Not Honour More
. North Yorkshiro, House of Stratus.
"This is my statement, so help me God as I hope to be hung."

So begins Jim Latter's story. It is 1926, the year of the General Strike. Jim, his wife Nina and her former husband, Chester are living in an uncomfortable menage à trois at Palm Cottage.

Chester sees the chance of a political comeback while Jim, head of the emergency police, feels he must make a stand. Nina is caught up in the clash between th etwo men - a situation which inevitably leads to disaster and tragedy.

Cash, W. J. (1991). The Mind of the South
. New York, Vintage Books.
Ever since its publication in 1941, The Mind of the South has been recognized as a path-breaking work of scholarship and as a literary achievement of enormous eloquence and insight in its own right. From its investigation of the Southern class system to its pioneering assessments of the region's legacies of racism, religiosity, and romanticism, W. J. Cash's book defined the way in which millions of readers -- on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line -- would see the South for decades to come. This new, fiftieth-anniversary edition of The Mind of the South includes an incisive analysis of Cash himself and of his crucial place in the history of modern Southern letters.

Cassady, Neal (1981). The First Third & Other Writings
. San Francisco, Calif., City Lights.
The original much lost-and-found book of autobiographical writing by the "real life hero" of Jack Kerouac's On the Road.

Castaneda, Jorge G. (1997). Compañero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara
. New York, Knopf.
By the time he was killed in the jungles of Bolivia, where his body was displayed like a deposed Christ, Ernesto "Che" Guevara had become a synonym for revolution everywhere from Cuba to the barricades of Paris. This extraordinary biography peels aside the veil of the Guevara legend to reveal the charismatic, restless man behind it.

Drawing on archival materials from three continents and on interviews with Guevara's family and associates, Castaneda follows Che from his childhood in the Argentine middle class through the years of pilgrimage that turned him into a committed revolutionary. He examines Guevara's complex relationship with Fidel Castro, and analyzes the flaws of character that compelled him to leave Cuba and expend his energies, and ultimately his life, in quixotic adventures in the Congo and Bolivia. A masterpiece of scholarship, Companero is the definitive portrait of a figure who continues to fascinate and inspire the world over.

Castle, Alison, Stanley Kubrick, et al. (2016). The Stanley Kubrick Archives
. Köln, Taschen.
From the opening sequence of Killer’s Kiss to the final frames of Eyes Wide Shut, The Stanley Kubrick Archives allows the masterful visuals of Kubrick’s complete films to impress through a sequence of compelling, mesmerizing stills. We uncover Kubrick’s creative process through fascinating archival material, including set designs, sketches, correspondence, documents, screenplays, drafts, notes, and shooting schedules.

Accompanying the visual material are essays by noted Kubrick scholars, articles written by and about Kubrick, and a selection of Kubrick’s best interviews. The result is a visual, archival, and scholarly journey through masterworks of 20th century cinema and the meticulous mind of the director behind them.

Castle, Alison and Stanley Kubrick (2011). Stanley Kubrick's 'Napoleon': The Greatest Movie Never Made
. Köln, Taschen.
Taschen's tribute to this unmade masterpiece makes Kubrick’s valiant work on "Napoleon" available to fans for the first time. Based on the original 2009 limited edition which featured ten books hidden inside of a carved out reproduction of a Napoleon history book, this publication brings all the original elements together in one volume. Herein, all of the books from the original edition are reproduced in facsimile: correspondence, costume studies, location scouting photographs, research material, script drafts, and more. Kubrick’s final draft is reproduced in its entirety.

The text book features the complete original treatment, essays examining the screenplay in historical and dramatic contexts, an essay by Jean Tulard on Napoleon in cinema, and a transcript of interviews Kubrick conducted with Oxford professor Felix Markham. The culmination of years of research and preparation, this unique publication offers readers a chance to experience the creative process of one of cinema’s greatest talents as well as a fascinating exploration of the enigmatic figure that was Napoleon Bonaparte.

Castleman, Riva (1988). Prints of the Twentieth Century
. New York, N.Y., Thames and Hudson.

Castrée, Geneviève (2022). Geneviève Castrée: Complete Works 1981-2016
. Montreal, Drawn & Quarterly.
An immersive curation of Geneviève Castrée’s stunning life’s work and expansive artistic legacy. From rarely- or never-seen illustrations and comics, to album covers and photographs, to studio scraps, Geneviève Castrée: Complete Works 1981-2016 is a breathtaking collection of Castrée’s work and soul. A remarkable woman who made remarkable art, her love and spirit weep and shine from the pages.

Castro, Fidel (2008). My Life: A Spoken Autobiography
. New York, NY, Scribner.
Numerous attempts have been made to get Castro to tell his own story. But only now, in the twilight of his years, has he been prepared to set out the details of his remarkable biography for the world to read. This book is nothing less than his living testament. As he told reporters, his desire to finish checking its text was the one thing that kept him going through his recent illness. He presented a copy of the book in its Spanish edition to his compadre President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela.

In these pages, Castro narrates a compelling chronicle that spans the harshness of his elementary school teachers; the early failures of the revolution; his intense comradeship with Che Guevara and their astonishing, against-all-odds victory over the dictator Batista; the Cuban perspective on the Bay of Pigs and the ensuing missile crisis; the active role of Cuba in African independence movements (especially its large military involvement in fighting apartheid South Africa in Angola); his relations with prominent public figures such as Boris Yeltsin, Pope John Paul II, and Saddam Hussein; and his dealings with no less than ten successive American presidents, from Eisenhower to George W. Bush. Castro talks proudly of increasing life expectancy in Cuba (now longer than in the United States); of the half million students in Cuban universities; and of the training of seventy thousand Cuban doctors nearly half of whom work abroad, assisting the poor in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He is confronted with a number of thorny issues, including democracy and human rights, discrimination toward homosexuals, and the continuing presence of the death penalty on Cuban statute books. Along the way he shares intimacies about more personal matters: the benevolent strictness of his father, his successful attempt to give up cigars, his love of Ernest Hemingway's novels, and his calculation that by not shaving he saves up to ten working days each year.

Drawing on more than one hundred hours of interviews with Ignacio Ramonet, a knowledgeable and trusted interlocutor, this spoken autobiography will stand as the definitive record of an extraordinary life lived in turbulent times.

Castronova, Edward (2014). Wildcat Currency
. New Haven, Yale University Press.
Edward Castronova is the leading researcher in this field, a founder of scholarly online game studies and an expert on the economies of virtual worlds. In this dynamic and essential work, he explores the current phenomenon of virtual currencies and what it will mean legally, politically, and economically in the future. In doing so, he provides a fascinating, often surprising discourse on the meaning of money itself -- what it is, what we think it is, and how we relate to it on an emotional level.

Cather, Willa (1987). Early Novels and Stories
. New York, N.Y., Literary Classics of the U.S.: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by the Viking Press.
Sharon O'Brien, editor. The Troll Garden (short stories), O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark, My Antonia, and One of Ours. Panoramas of lonely prairies and open sky mirror the heroic aspirations and stoicism of Cather's characters, their passion for creativity, and their rebelliousness of spirit."A revivifying reminder of the reading pleasures we may have been neglecting to re-read Cather is to rediscover an arresting chapter in the national past."

Cather, Willa (1990). Later Novels
. New York, N.Y., Library of America: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by Viking Press.
The six works in this volume - A Lost Lady, The Professor's House, Death Comes for the Archbishop, Shadows on the Rock, Lucy Gayheart, Sapphira and the Slave Girl - are at once intensely lyrical and highly controlled. Their fascination with the American Southwest, early Canada and Catholicism reflects the older Cather's search for alternatives to the grasping civilization she felt was increasingly replacing the spirit of the early pioneers.

Caudwell, Christopher and David Margolies, editor (2018). Culture as Politics: Selected Writings
. New York, Monthly Review.
Considered by many to be the most innovative British Marxist writer of the twentieth century, Christopher Caudwell was killed in the Spanish Civil War at the age of 29. Although already a published writer of aeronautic texts and crime fiction, he was practically unknown to the public until reviews appeared of Illusion and Reality: A Study of the Sources of Poetry, which was published just after his death. A strikingly original study of poetry’s role, it explained in clear language how the organizing of emotion in society plays a part in social change and development. Culture as Politics introduces Caudwell’s work through his most accessible and relevant writing. Material is drawn from Illusion and Reality, Studies in a Dying Culture, and his essay, Heredity and Development.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de and Edith Grossman (2003). Don Quixote
. New York, Ecco.
There would seem to be little reason for yet another translation of Don Quixote. Translated into English some 20 times since the novel appeared in two parts in 1605 and 1615, and at least five times in the last half-century, it is currently available in multiple editions (the most recent is the 1999 Norton Critical Edition translated by Burton Raffel). Yet Grossman bravely attempts a fresh rendition of the adventures of the intrepid knight Don Quixote and his humble squire Sancho Panza. As the respected translator of many of Latin America's finest writers (among them Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa), she is well suited to the task, and her translation is admirably readable and consistent while managing to retain the vigor, sly humor and colloquial playfulness of the Spanish. Erring on the side of the literal, she isn't afraid to turn out clunky sentences; what she loses in smoothness and elegance she gains in vitality. The text is free of archaisms the contemporary reader will rarely stumble over a word and the footnotes (though rather erratically supplied) are generally helpful. Her version easily bests Raffel's ambitious but eccentric and uneven effort, and though it may not immediately supplant standard translations by J.M. Cohen, Samuel Putnam and Walter Starkie, it should give them a run for their money. - Publishers Weekly

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de and Tobias George Smollett (1986). The Adventures of Don Quixote De La Mancha
. New York, Farrar, Straus, Giroux.
Cervantes's masterpiece Don Quixote, Henry Fielding's favorite novel, was also much admired by Fielding's contemporary Smollett, who published a vigorous, highly readable translation in 1755. Eighteenth-century collections will be enriched by this edition (not reissued since the 19th century, and never published in America), which includes Smollett's life of Cervantes, his note on the translation, and his annotations to the novel. Smollett's pungent, jocular prose is ideally suited for his task; his translation makes a delightful alternative to the various attempts to render Don Quixote into modern English.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de and Tobias George Smollett (2001). The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote De La Mancha
. Translated by Tobias Smollett; Introduction by Carlos Fuentes; Notes by Stephanie Kirk. New York, Modern Library.
Widely regarded as the world's first modern novel, Don Quixote chronicles the famous picaresque adventures of the noble knight-errant Don Quixote de la Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, as they wend their way across sixteenth-century Spain. Milan Kundera calls Cervantes "the founder of the Modern Era and Lionel Trilling "observes that it can be said that all prose fiction is a variation on the theme of Don Quixote.

This Modern Library Paperback Classics edition reproduces the acclaimed Tobias Smollett translation; as Salman Rushdie declares, "To my mind, this is the only English rendering of the Quixote that reads like a great novel, a novel of immense daring, much wildness and many colours. It releases Don Quixote from the grey academic prison of many more recent translations, unleashing him upon the English language in all his brilliant, foolish glory."

Cesaire, Aime and Robin D. G. Kelley (2000). Discourse on Colonialism
. New York, Monthly Review Press.
This classic work, first published in France in 1955, profoundly influenced the generation of scholars and activists at the forefront of liberation struggles in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Nearly twenty years later, when published for the first time in English, Discourse on Colonialism inspired a new generation engaged in the Civil Rights, Black Power, and anti-war movements and has sold more than 75,000 copies to date.

Aime Cesaire eloquently describes the brutal impact of capitalism and colonialism on both the colonizer and colonized, exposing the contradictions and hypocrisy implicit in western notions of "progress" and "civilization" upon encountering the "savage," "uncultured," or "primitive." Here, Cesaire reaffirms African values, identity, and culture, and their relevance, reminding us that "the relationship between consciousness and reality are extremely complex. . . . It is equally necessary to decolonize our minds, our inner life, at the same time that we decolonize society." An interview with Cesaire by the poet Rene Depestre is also included.

Chabon, Michael (2016). Moonglow
. New York, Harper.
A man bears witness to his grandfather's deathbed confessions, which reveal his family's long-buried history and his involvement in a mail-order novelty company, World War II, and the space program.

Chabon, Michael (2012). Telegraph Avenue
. New York, Harper.
In this novel Chabon takes us to Telegraph Avenue in a big-hearted and exhilarating novel that explores the profoundly intertwined lives of two Oakland, California families, one black and one white. Here he creates a world grounded in pop culture: Kung Fu, 1970s Blaxploitation films, vinyl LPs, jazz and soul music, and an epic of friendship, race, and secret histories.

Chadwick, Henry (1986). Augustine
. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press.
Traces the development of Augustine's thought, discussing his reaction to the thinkers before him, and themes such as freedom, creation, and the Trinity.

Chamayou, Gregoire (2015). A Theory of the Drone
. New York, NY, New Press.
In Chamayou's razor-sharp telling, drones fundamentally transform the psychic, moral, and physical space and art of killing. But it is his theory of the drone that is even more chilling. It demands that we consider the emergence of a new ethical and political norm of war that is neither war as we know it-nor peace. The 'principle of immunity for the imperial combatant' rests on a twisted logic: On the one hand is the achieved capacity of the drone operative (one of many newly installed masters of 'lethal surveillance') to move throughout a day between killing fields and coffee breaks, between combat zones and home. On the other hand is the enlisting of a citizenry to accept the 'moral obligation' to kill. In this compelling analysis, Amnesty International's classing of drone strikes as war crimes would be only part of the story. Chamayou's critical point is that drones alter the very terrain and logic of who deserves to die and implicates us all. -Ann Stoler, Willy Brandt Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology, New School for Social Research

Chamayou, Gregoire (2012). Manhunts: A Philosophical History
. Princeton. NJ, Princeton University Press.
From manhunting for sport in the Occident to the global search for 'illegal aliens' in the twenty-first century, this book offers a history of humans' preying on other human beings. Applying the rubric of hunting to contemporary debates about illegal migrants, Chamayou shows that the supposedly newest hunt refreshes an old motif. A provocative take on a topic of great currency. -Jimmy Casas Klausen, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chambers, J. K. (1998). Milestones: The Music and Times of Miles Davis
. New York, Da Capo Press.
This biography, first published in 1989, includes a substantial new introduction that details Davis's turbulent last decade; the drawing and painting that became his true creative outlet; the musical lows of his final "Freaky Deaky" years; the family warfare that has erupted over his last will and treatment; and - in a long-awaited expose - the truth behind Davis's so-called Autobiography, the book that "borrowed" gigantic portions from Milestones and passed them off as Davis's. Jack Chambers breaks his silence to discuss the extent of the "borrowing" and who was responsible

Chan, Wing-tsit (1963). A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy
. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
Chan's theme is Chinese humanism, because this is the unavoidable theme of Chinese philosophy in nearly all ages. Heroically he has translated his philosophers himself, with the result that for the first time the entire map is seen through a consistent eye.

Chandler, Raymond (1995). Later Novels and Other Writings
. New York, Library of America.
Frank MacShane, editor. In Chandler's hands, the pulp crime story became a haunting mystery of power and corruption, set against a modern cityscape both lyrical and violent. The Lady in the Lake takes private eye Philip Marlowe out of the seamy L.A. streets to the surrounding mountains, where the search for a missing woman expands into an elegy of loneliness and loss. The Little Sister, with its bitter indictment of Hollywood, The Long Goodbye, with a plot hinging on friendship betrayed and the compromises of middle age, and Playback, the last Marlowe novel, uncover deeper resonances in the classic private eye. Also included is the screenplay for the film noir classic Double Indemnity; a selection of essays; and letters ranging wittily over the worlds of writing, publishing and filmmaking.

Chandrasekaran, Rajiv (2007). Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone
. New York, Vintage Books.
This revealing account of the postwar administration of Iraq, by a former Baghdad bureau chief for the Washington Post, focusses on life in the Green Zone, the American enclave in central Baghdad. There the Halliburton-run (and Muslim-staffed) cafeteria served pork at every meal - a cultural misstep typical of the Coalition Provisional Authority, which had sidelined old Arab hands in favor of Bush loyalists. Not only did many of them have no previous exposure to the Middle East; more than half had never before applied for a passport. While Baghdad burned, American officials revamped the Iraqi tax code and mounted an anti-smoking campaign. Chandrasekaran's portrait of blinkered idealism is evenhanded, chronicling the disillusionment of conservatives who were sent to a war zone without the resources to achieve lasting change. - From The New Yorker

Chapman, Charles Frederic and Elbert S. Maloney (2003). Piloting, Seamanship, and Small Boat Handling
. New York, Motor Boating & Sailing: 928 p.
This new edition of the classic reference used by boating schools and recommended by the Coast Guard Auxiliary covers every imaginable topic related to both powerboats and sailing ships, from emergency procedures and international signals at sea, to weather conditions, knots, navigation and much more. This heavy dose of information is presented in an easy-to-understand text and a user-friendly design that features sidebars, color and b&w illustrations, maps, etc. While the scope of the book may be more than a casual boater needs, the author assumes many readers are novices. For example, he says, "Among the most important of all piloting tools are ordinary pencils and erasers. Pencils should be neither too hard nor too soft ." More experienced sailors might know this, but a weekend boater may not think to bring one on board. The section on motors provides color photographs with labels designating each part. Appendix material includes a listing of such useful information as state registration offices, boating organizations and marine safety offices. - Publishers Weekly

Charters, Ann (1992). The Portable Beat Reader
. New York, N.Y., Penguin Books.
An excellent and thorough study of the Beat Generation, compiled and edited by Ann Charters, biographer of Jack Kerouac and one of our most notable experts on Beat literature and ideas. This lively work of scholarship goes deeply into the history of the Beat movement, investigating events such as the discovery (by writer William Burroughs) of the word beat to describe this literary generation. The reader includes essays on all the major prose and poetry writers, such as Allen Ginsberg, and offers rare insight into the literary-historical context of the movement.

Charters, Ann (1994). Kerouac: A Biography
. New York, St. Martin's Press.
"This biography becomes almost a novel in itself. The darkly intense, handsome young man, the gypsy wanderer, hero and prophet to everyone but himself. Written with a beautiful combination of toughness and love, of daring insight and honesty, it is a worthy monument to a troubled man." - The Los Angeles Times

Charyn, Jerome (2017). Jerzy: A Novel
. New York, Bellevue Literary Press.
Kosinski is a slippery figure to write about, since the facts have gotten mixed up in his fictions. Accusations of plagiarism and dishonesty - and his and others' defenses against both - have further muddied the waters. But all this confusion is really grist to Charyn's mill. He's not trying to tell the story straight. Jerzy is a novel with a light touch that's still capable of lifting heavy subjects. Charyn knows what he wants to do and knows how to do it. His prose has some of the rapid-fire but carefully controlled energy of Thomas Pynchon's early novella The Crying of Lot 49. Part of Charyn's point is to make the real and the imagined sound equally implausible. You find yourself looking up some of the characters, some of the episodes, online: Can this be true? It isn't always easy to tell.

Chatterjee, Pratap (1994). Iraq, Inc.: A Profitable Occupation
. London; New York, Seven Stories Press.
War profiteering and corruption behind the war in Iraq.

Chatwin, Bruce (2003). In Patagonia
. New York, Penguin Books.
In Patagonia is Bruce Chatwin's exquisite account of his journey through "the uttermost part of the earth," that stretch of land at the southern tip of South America, where bandits were once made welcome and Charles Darwin formed part of his "survival of the fittest" theory. Chatwin's evocative descriptions, notes on the odd history of the region, and enchanting anecdotes make In Patagonia an exhilarating look at a place that still retains the exotic mystery of a far-off, unseen land. An instant classic upon publication in 1977, In Patagonia remains a masterwork of literature.

Chatwin, Bruce, Jan Borm, et al. (1996). Anatomy of Restlessness: Selected Writings, 1969-1989
. New York, Viking.
The dangling ends of Bruce Chatwin's writing career were posthumously tied together by Jan Borm and Matthew Graves in a collection of 17 previously neglected or unpublished essays, articles, short stories, and travel tales. They span 20 years of writing, yet common threads emerge: his compulsive storytelling, the endless lure of the remote, and his keen sense of place. Borm and Graves have compiled a wonderful gift for the many Chatwin fans who miss him.

Chaucer, Geoffrey and Larry Dean Benson (1987). The Riverside Chaucer
. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin Co.
Since F.N. Robinson's second edition of The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer was published in 1957, there has been a dramatic increase in Chaucer scholarship. The Riverside Chaucer is the fruit of many years' study. An international team of experts has completely re-edited all the works, added glosses to appear alongside the text, and greatly expanded the introductory material, textual notes, explanatory notes, bibliography and glossary.

Chaucer, Geoffrey and A. C. Cawley (1992). Canterbury Tales
. London. J.M. Dent.
This carefully researched and lively edition of a part of Chaucer's masterwork is richly and beautifully produced. This is not a pedantic translation or a bowdlerized retelling; Cohen does not substitute weak cliches for Chaucer's rollicking and earthy metaphors, nor does she sacrifice the rhythms of his text. Readers hear the bickering of the pilgrims as they decide on which tale they want to hear next, and the rambling voice of the good Sir John as he laments Chaunticleer's fate. Hyman's meticulous drawings not only evoke the rich panoply of 14th century England, but they are faithful to the text in the smallest detail. Each pilgrim is made particular: we see the Pardoner's limp hanks of hair and the Wife of Bath's gap-toothed smile and dainty ankle. One could not ask for a more enticing introduction to Chaucer's world.

Chaykin, Howard (2002). Black Kiss
. Seattle, WA, Eros Comix.
Howard Chaykin's groundbreaking series opened the floodgate for x-rated comics by respected cartoonists. A saga of thugs, bombings, shootings and sluts for hire with a terrible secret.

Chaykin, Howard V. and Michelle Madsen (2006). City of Tomorrow
. La Jolla, CA, WildStorm Productions.
Satiric comics creator (American Flagg, 1987) and TV scripter Chaykin mines familiar ground in this tale of a cocky, dashing hero fighting to set aright a near-future dystopia. In billionaire Eli Foyle's crime-free, Norman Rockwellesque Columbia, robotic servants are supposed to keep the peace and otherwise serve their human masters. But a viral worm has turned the robots into gangsters and hookers and transformed Foyle's paradise into a despotic police state. Renegade Navy Seal Tucker Foyle, Eli's black-sheep son, comes home to save Columbia and reconcile with his father. En route he falls for sexy blond robot Ash Wednesday and learns the unsettling secret behind Columbia's creation. Square-jawed, wisecracking Tucker too strongly resembles previous Chaykin antiheroes from Reuben Flagg to Harry Block in American Century (2001), who are all oversexed, overgrown boys full of swagger and charm. Chaykin's sf noir formula, heavy on macho antics and kinky sex, still works, largely because his stylish artwork, with its distinctive panel layouts and punchy graphics, is so compelling. - Gordon Flagg

Cheever, John (2009). Collected Stories and Other Writings
. New York, Library of America.
Published to coincide with editor Blake Bailey's groundbreaking new biography, here is the definitive edition of the stories of John Cheever. Set in the tony suburbs of Westchester and Connecticut, Cheever's classic stories charted a country as recognizable and essential to American literature as Faulkner's or Hawthorne's. "Many people have written about suburbia," John Updike observed, "only Cheever was able to make an archetypal place out of it." Collected Stories and Other Writings combines the entire Pulitzer Prize-winning collection, The Stories of John Cheever, with seven selections from his first book, The Way Some People Live (1943) and seven additional stories first published in periodicals between 1930 and 1953. Included are masterpieces such as The Enormous Radio, Goodbye, My Brother, and The Swimmer, as well as lesser-known gems. Rounding out the volume are essays about writers and writing, including an appreciation of F. Scott Fitzgerald and an account of a visit to Chekhov's house. A companion volume, Complete Novels, gathers Cheever's five novels in one volume for the first time

Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich and Laurence Senelick (2005). Anton Chekhov's Selected Plays
. New York, Norton.
Anton Chekhov revolutionized Russian theater through his inimitable portrayals of characters faced with complex moral dilemmas. This Norton Critical Edition includes five of Chekhov's major plays - Ivanov, The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters, and The Cherry Orchard - and three early one-act farces that inform his later work - The Bear, The Wedding, and The Celebration. Laurence Senelick's masterful translations closely preserve Chekhov's singular style-his abundant jokes and literary allusions and his careful use of phrase repetition to bind the plays together.

Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich and Edmund Wilson (1999). Peasants and Other Stories
. New York, New York Review of Books.
The ever maturing art and ever more ambitious imaginative reach of Anton Chekhov, one of the world's greatest masters of the short story, led him in his last years to an increasingly profound exploration of the troubled depths of Russian society and life. This powerful and revealing selection from Chekhov's final works, made by the legendary American critic Edmund Wilson, offers stories of novelistic richness and complexity, published in the only edition to present them in chronological order.

Table of Contents
A Woman's Kingdom
Three Years
The Murder
My Life
The New Villa
In the Ravine
The Bishop

Cherny, Robert W., William Issel, et al. (2004). American Labor and the Cold War: Grassroots Politics and Postwar Political Culture. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press.
This collection addresses the history of labor in the postwar years by exploring the impact of the global contest between the United States and the Soviet Union on American workers and labor unions. The essays focus on the actual behavior of Americans in their diverse workplaces and communities during the Cold War. Where previous scholarship on labor and the Cold War has overemphasized the importance of the Communist Party, the automobile industry, and Hollywood, this book focuses on politically moderate, conservative workers and union leaders, the medium-sized cities that housed the majority of the population, and the Roman Catholic Church. These are all original essays that draw upon extensive archival research and some upon oral history sources.

Chilvers, Ian, Harold Osborne, et al. (1997). The Oxford Dictionary of Art
. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press.
Whether you are interested in Junk Art or Byzantine Art, the Ash Can School or the Antipodeans, Praxiteles and Phidias or Gilbert and George, The Oxford Dictionary of Art is the place to turn for accurate information about artists, schools, periods, techniques, critical terms, major museums, art historians, philosophers, and much much more. This one volume reference offers over three thousand entries on almost every aspect of Western art, as well as the most essential features of Asian art.
Ching, Frank (1995). A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Defines over 5,000 terms relating to architectural design, history, and technology. Provides concise, accurate definitions illustrated with finely detailed, hand-rendered drawings, each executed in Mr. Ching's signature style.

Chipp, Herschel Browning and Javier Tusell (1988). Picasso's Guernica: History, Transformations, Meanings
. Berkeley, University of California Press.
These authors add to the mass of writing about Picasso's mural Guernica, each contributing new ideas from different perspectives. An American authority on Picasso who was instrumental in the return of Guernica to Spain after its 40-year "exile," Chipp has written a book thorough in research and rich in style. The chronological development of the painting is only a part of this broad historical, political, and artistic documentary. In contrast, Fisch limits his analysis to rigid interpretations. By carefully examining the similarities to Picasso's former works and those of his artistic predecessors, who also painted of war and destruction, Fisch methodically isolates each facet of the painting. He argues for a new interpretation of the figure of the angel bearing light, often felt to be misunderstood by art critics. The arrangement of the plates in each book underscores the texts well.

Chomsky, Noam (2002). 9-11
. New York, Seven Stories Press.
Noam Chomsky comments on the the "war on terrorism", U.S. foreign policy, Osama bin Laden, U.S. involvement with Afghanistan, and the long-term implications of America's military attacks abroad.

Chomsky, Noam and David Barsamian (1992). Chronicles of Dissent: Interviews with David Barsamian
. Monroe, Me., Common Courage Press.
These interviews with Chomsky, conducted between 1984 and 1991, focus almost exclusively on the noted linguist's controversial political views. This volume is thus a good introduction to his political thought for those who are intimidated by his densely argued, exhaustively footnoted essays and books. The discussions range all over world history, from Columbus to the Gulf War, but they return repeatedly to certain pet topics--Israel as U.S. client-state, the perversion of language by propaganda, the pervasiveness of American imperialist designs and the complicity of a large sector of the intelligentsia and media in those machinations.

Chomsky, Noam (1992). Deterring Democracy
. New York, Hill and Wang.
Chomsky regards the "new world order" proclaimed by Bush as a sham. What this phrase means, argues the noted MIT scholar, is that the U.S. will persist in its role as global enforcer of its own foreign policies. This meticulously researched, disturbing report offers a revelatory portrait of the U.S. empire in the 1980s and '90s, an ugly side of America largely kept hidden from the public by a complacent media. Chomsky criticizes the cynical U.S. invasion of Panama that ousted Bush's and Reagan's former friend and client, General Manuel Noriega, noting also that Washington supplied military assistance to Iraq before Saddam Hussein shifted status overnight from "favored friend to new Hitler." In the Philippines, Africa and South America, Chomsky finds the same story: U.S. meddling to "defend our interests" brings increased poverty and political repression.

Chomsky, Noam (2006). Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
. New York, Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt.
Forget Iraq and Sudan--America is the foremost failed state, argues the latest polemic from America's most controversial Left intellectual. Chomsky (Imperial Ambitions) contends the U.S. government wallows in lawless military aggression (the Iraq war is merely the latest example); ignores public opinion on everything from global warming to social spending and foreign policy; and jeopardizes domestic security by under-funding homeland defense in favor of tax cuts for the rich and by provoking hatred and instability abroad that may lead to terrorist blowback or nuclear conflict. Ranging haphazardly from the Seminole War forward, Chomsky's jeremiad views American interventionism as a pageant of imperialist power-plays motivated by crass business interests. Disdaining euphemisms, he denounces American "terror" and "war crimes," castigates the public-bamboozling "government-media propaganda campaign" and floats comparisons to Mongols and Nazis.

Chomsky, Noam (1999). Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians
. Cambridge, Mass., South End Press.
First published in 1983, Fateful Triangle is a comprehensive indictment of what Noam Chomsky calls the "disgraceful and extremely dangerous" policy the United States has enacted towards Israel, particularly with regard to Israel's actions concerning the Palestinians. Supporters of Israel must willfully overlook or deny that nation's long history of human rights violations and military aggression, Chomsky writes, and they will continue to do so as long as Israel is strategically useful towards "the U.S. aim of eliminating possible threats, largely indigenous, to American domination of the Middle East region." In the course of elaborating his argument, Chomsky cuts through the myths and distortions that appear in mainstream media accounts; the damning facts that he so systematically assembles portray a government more brutally and overtly racist, perhaps, than even apartheid-era South Africa. Three new chapters, drawing upon material from Z magazine and other publications, incorporate such developments as the Palestinian uprising, Israel's war on Lebanon, and the ongoing "peace process."

Chomsky, Noam (2003). Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance
. New York, Metropolitan Books.
In this highly readable, heavily footnoted critique of American foreign policy from the late 1950s to the present, Chomsky argues that current U.S. policies in Afghanistan and Iraq are not a specific response to September 11, but simply the continuation of a consistent half-century of foreign policy-an "imperial grand strategy "-in which the United States has attempted to "maintain its hegemony through the threat or use of military force." Such an analysis is bound to be met with skepticism or antagonism in post-September 11 America, but Chomsky builds his arguments carefully, substantiates claims with appropriate documentation and answers expected counterclaims. Chomsky is also deeply critical of inconsistency in making the charge of "terrorism." Using the official U.S. legal code definition of terrorism, he argues that it is an exact description of U.S. foreign policy (especially regarding Cuba, Central America, Vietnam and much of the Middle East), although the term is rarely used in this way in the U.S. media, he notes, even when the World Court in 1986 condemned Washington for "unlawful use of force" ("international terrorism, in lay terms" Chomsky argues) in Nicaragua. Claiming that the U.S. is a rogue nation in its foreign policies and its "contempt for international law," Chomsky brings together many themes he has mined in the past, making this cogent and provocative book an important addition to an ongoing public discussion about U.S. policy.

Chomsky, Noam and Vijay Prashad, Miguel Díaz-Canel, foreword, Manolo De Los Santo, introduction, Miguel Díaz-Canel, foreword (2024). On Cuba
. New York City, The New Press.
Through an intimate conversation between two of the country’s most astute observers of international politics, Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad, On Cuba traces Cuban history from the early days of the 1950s revolution to the present, interrogating U.S. interventions and extracting lessons on U.S. power and influence in the Western Hemisphere along the way. Neither a jingoistic condemnation nor an uncritical celebration, Chomsky’s heterodox approach to world affairs is on full display as he and Prashad grapple with Cuba’s unique place on the international scene.

Chomsky, Noam and Andre Vltchek (2013). On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare
. London, Pluto Press.
Noam Chomsky, world renowned dissident intellectual, discusses Western power and propaganda with filmmaker and investigative journalist Andre Vltchek. The discussion weaves together a historical narrative with the two men's personal experiences which led them to a life of activism. The discussion includes personal memories, such as the New York newsstand where Chomsky began his political education, and broadens out to look at the shifting forms of imperial control and the Western propaganda apparatus. Along the way the discussion touches on many countries of which the authors have personal experience, from Nicaragua and Cuba, to China, Chile, Turkey and many more.

Chomsky, Noam and C.J. Polychroniou, interviewer (2017). Optimism Over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change
. Chicago, Haymarket Books.
In these wide-ranging interviews, conducted for Truthout by C. J. Polychroniou, Chomsky discusses his views on the "war on terror" and the rise of neoliberalism, the refugee crisis and cracks in the European Union, prospects for a just peace in Israel/Palestine, the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, the dysfunctional U.S. electoral system, the grave danger posed to humanity by the climate crisis, and the hopes, prospects, and challenges of building a movement for radical change.

Chomsky, Noam (2002). Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World
. Cambridge, MA, South End Press.
This updated edition of Noam Chomsky's classic dissection of terrorism explores the role of the U.S. in the Middle East, and reveals how the media manipulates public opinion about what constitutes "terrorism."

This edition includes new chapters covering the second Palestinian intifada that began in October 2000; an analysis of the impact of September 11 on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East; a deconstruction of depictions and perceptions of terrorism since that date; as well as the original sections on Iran and the U.S. bombing of Libya.

Chomsky, Noam and David Barsamian (2001). Propaganda and the Public Mind: Conversations with Noam Chomsky
. Cambridge, Mass., South End Press.
Renowned interviewer David Barsamian showcases his unique access to Chomky's thinking on a number of topics of contemporary and historical import. In an interview conducted after the important November 1999 "Battle in Seattle," Chomsky discusses prospects for building a movement to challenge corporate domination of the media, the environment, and even our private lives. Chomsky also engages in a discussion of his ideas on language and mind, making his important linguistic insights accessible to the lay reader.

Chomsky, Noam (2017). Requiem for the American Dream: the Principles of Concentrated Wealth and Power
. New York, Seven Stories Press.
A primer in Chomsky’s analysis of the faults of the American political and economic system. Taking as its backbone the idea that "a significant part of the American Dream is class mobility: You’re born poor, you work hard, you get rich," Chomsky systematically documents the many ways the system is rigged from top to bottom to ensure that corporations always win.

Chomsky, Noam (2016). Who Rules the World?
. New York, Metropolitan Books.
Drawing upon a wide range of examples, from an expanding drone assassination program to the threat of nuclear warfare, and to the flashpoints of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Israel/Palestine, Noam Chomsky offers nuanced insights into the workings of imperial power on our increasingly chaotic planet. While the broader population is lulled into apathy - diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable - corporations and elites have increasingly been allowed to do as they please.

Chopin, Kate (2002). Complete Novels and Stories
. New York, Library of America: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. by Penguin Putnam.
From ruined Louisiana plantations to bustling, cosmopolitan New Orleans, Kate Chopin wrote with unflinching honesty about propriety and its strictures, the illusions of love and the realities of marriage, and the persistence of a past scarred by slavery and war. Her stories of fiercely independent women, culminating in her masterpiece The Awakening (1899), challenged contemporary mores as much by their sensuousness as their politics and today seem decades ahead of their time. Now, The Library of America collects all of Chopin's novels and stories as never before in one authoritative volume.

The explosive novel At Fault (1890) centers on a love triangle between a strong-willed young widow, a stiff St. Louis businessman, and the man's alcoholic wife. In the two story collections Bayou Folk (1894) and A Night in Acadie (1897), Chopin transforms the popular local color sketch into taut, perfectly calibrated tales that portray Louisiana bayou cultures with sympathetic insight and an eye to the unresolved conflicts of a South reeling from the Civil War. In The Awakening, the novel that scandalized many of her contemporaries and effectively ended her public career as a writer, Chopin tells the story of Edna Pontellier, a restless, unsatisfied woman who embarks on a quixotic search for fulfillment. Rendered with masterful precision, detachment, and a suggestive ambiguity that defies easy judgments about Edna's actions, The Awakening is the now-classic novel that restored Chopin to literary prominence after its rediscovery by critics in the 1960s and 1970s.

Chouvy, Pierre-Arnaud (2010). Opium: Uncovering the Politics of the Poppy
. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.
Chouvy, a research fellow at France's Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and an expert on opium production, offers a timely and provocative study of the politics and economics of the poppy in Asia. Despite the broad adaptability of the poppy, Asia accounts for 96% of the world's illicit opium, with war-ravaged Afghanistan alone supplying a staggering 93%. Chouvy meticulously recounts the poppy's very political history, concluding that while illicit production tends to flourish in areas where violence restricts state control, most Asian opium farmers grow poppies in order to combat poverty. Moreover, America's futile 40-year war on drugs has failed (and continues to fail) because it relies on inefficient and counterproductive eradication and crop substitution efforts to reduce supply without addressing the root causes of production - i.e., poverty and food insecurity. Exhaustively researched and cogently argued, Chouvy's analysis of the geopolitics of narcotics should be required reading for policymakers, stakeholders, and concerned citizens.

Christin, Pierre and Enki Bilal, illustrator (2016). Century's End: The Black Order Brigade and Hunting Party
. New York, Titan Comics.
As the 20th Century draws to a close, so too does the Eastern European Communist era... but with it brings terrorist attacks, aging militant groups coming out of retirement and those who will stop at nothing to preserve their way of life.

Stunningly realized in Bilal's incomparable style, The Brigade of the Black Order and The Hunting Party examine the question: How far are we willing to go for our ideals?.

Churchill, Ward and Jim Vander Wall (2001). Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement
. Cambridge, MA, South End Press.
"This study gives a chilling account of the government attack against the American Indian Movement and the Black Panther Party, placed in the context of the traditional use of the FBI for domestic political repression. It is a powerful indictment, with far-reaching implications concerning the treatment of political activists, especially those that are black or native American, and the functioning of our political institutions generally." - Noam Chomsky

Churchill, Ward (2003). Perversions of Justice: Indigenous Peoples and Angloamerican Law
. San Francisco, City Lights Books.
The United States is readily distinguishable from other countries, Chief Justice John Marshall opined in 1803, because it is "a nation of laws, not of men." In Perversions of Justice, Ward Churchill takes Marshall at his word, exploring through a series of 11 carefully crafted essays how the U.S. has consistently employed a corrupt from of legalism as a means of establishing colonial control and empire. Along the way, he demonstrates how this "nation of laws" has so completely subverted the law of nations that the current America-dominated international order ends up, like the U.S. itself, functioning in a manner diametrically opposed to the ideals of freedom and democracy it professes to embrace.

Churchill, Winston (1990). Memoirs of the Second World War: An Abridgement of the Six Volumes of the Second World War with an Epilogue by the Author on the Postwar Years Written for This Volume
. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
In honor of the sixtieth anniversary of the end of World War II, Nobel Prize winner Winston Churchill's essential, abridged memoirs of that time are reintroduced with an updated cover and a new low price. The quintessence of the war as seen by it's greatest player, in a one-volume abridged edition that captures all the drama of the original volumes.

Chute, Hillary L. and Patrick Jagoda, editors (2014). Comics & Media: A Special Issue of "Critical Inquiry"
. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press Journals.
Loaded with full-color reproductions of work by such legends as R. Crumb, Art Spiegelman, Alison Bechdel, Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes, and Lynda Barry, the book addresses the place of comics in both a contemporary and historical context. Essays by such high-profile figures as Tom Gunning, N. Katherine Hayles, Patrick Jagoda, and W J.T. Mitchell address a stunning range of topics, including the place of comics in the history of aesthetics, changes to popular art forms, digital humanities, and ongoing tensions between new and old media.

Chute, Hillary L. (2014). Outside the Box: Interviews with Contemporary Cartoonists
. Chicago; London, The University of Chicago Press.
For nearly a decade Hillary L. Chute has been sitting down for extensive interviews with the leading figures in comics, and with Outside the Box she offers fans a chance to share her ringside seat. Chute’s in-depth discussions with twelve of the most prominent and accomplished artists and writers in comics today reveal a creative community that is richly interconnected yet fiercely independent, its members sharing many interests and approaches while working with wildly different styles and themes. Chute’s subjects run the gamut of contemporary comics practice, from underground pioneers like Art Spiegelman and Lynda Barry, to the analytic work of Scott McCloud, the journalism of Joe Sacco, and the extended narratives of Alison Bechdel, Charles Burns, and more.

Chute, Hillary L. (2017). Why Comics? From Underground to Everywhere
. New York, Harper.
The massive impact that comics have had on our culture becomes more and more clear every day, from the critically acclaimed musical Fun Home, based on Alison Bechdel's groundbreaking comic, to the dozens of superhero films hitting cinemas every year. What is it that makes comics so special? What can this unique art form do that others can't? In Why Comics?, comics scolar Hillary Chute reveals the history of comics, undeground comics (or comix), and graphic novels, through deep thematic analysis, and fascinating portraits of the fearless men and women behind them. As Scott McCloud revealed the methods behind comics and the way they worked in his classic Understanding Comics, Chute will reveal the themes that Comics handle best, and how the form is uniquely equipped to explore them. The topics Why Comics? covers include: - Why Disaster: with such major works focusing on disasters, from Art Spiegelman's work, which covers the Holocaust and 9/11 to Keiji Nakazawa's work covering Heroshima, comics find themselves uniquely suited to convey the scale and disorientation of disaster. - Why Suburbs: through the work of Chris Ware and Charles Burns, Chute reveals the fascinating ways that Comics illustrate the quiet joys and struggles of suburban existance. - Why Punk: With an emphasis on DIY aesthetics and rebelling against what came before, the Punk movement would prove to be a fertile ground for some of the most significant modern cartoonists, creating a truly democratic art form. Chute has created an indispensible guide to comics for those new to the genere, or those who want to undersand more about what lies behind their favorite works.

Ciccariello-Maher, George (2016). Building the Commune: Radical Democracy in Venezuela
. London; New York, Verso.
Democracy has been emptied of its content, and Building the Commune offers an alternative model for political organization: the Commune, whose roots are in 1871 Paris but whose contemporary emergence is in Venezuela. A sharp and important book that puts at center-stage the ambitions of ordinary people to govern themselves. —Vijay Prashad

Ciccariello-Maher, George and Jeff St. Andrews (2013). We Created Chávez: A People's History of the Venezuelan Revolution
. Durham, NC, Duke University Press Books.
Based on interviews with grassroots organizers, former guerrillas, members of neighborhood militias, and government officials, Ciccariello-Maher presents a new history of Venezuelan political activism, one told from below. Led by leftist guerrillas, women, Afro-Venezuelans, indigenous people, and students, the social movements he discusses have been struggling against corruption and repression since 1958. Ciccariello-Maher pays particular attention to the dynamic interplay between the Chávez government, revolutionary social movements, and the Venezuelan people, recasting the Bolivarian Revolution as a long-term and multifaceted process of political transformation.

Ciezadlo, Janina; Rosemont, Penelope. (2009). Armitage Avenue Transcendentalists: Chicago Stories by Nelson Algren, Studs Terkel, Charles Cortez, Gale Ahrens & More
. Chicago, IL, Charles H. Kerr.
The secret history of Chicago. From the South Side's Hyde Park, to the North Beach of Rogers Park, with sidelights in the suburbs and notable stop-overs at Bughouse Square, this lively and wide-ranging book portrays a different vision of Chicago that readers will find refreshing and unforgettable. Here are real-life stories of artists, actors, musicians, post-office workers, poets and dreamers, Maxwell Street defenders and civil rights activists, longtime residents and visitors from afar, from the World's Fair in the 1930s to today.

Stories by or about: Gale Ahrens, Nelson Algren, John Bracey Jr., Slim Brundage, Janina Ciezadlo, Carlos Cortez, Severn Darden, Leon Despres, Bernadette Devlin, Eduardo Galeano, Paul Garon, Lee Godie, Robert Green, Joseph Jablonski, Michael James, Ella Jenkins, Harry Stephen Keeler, Renay Kerkman, Maynard Krasne, Warren Lemming, General Logan, Anne McGravie, Justin O'Brien, Daniel Pinkwater, Irene Plazewska, Marie Plazewski-Horsfall, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, Joan Smith, and Studs Terkel.

Clampitt, Amy (1983). The Kingfisher: Poems
. New York, Knopf: Distributed by Random House.
Amy Clampitt's first book of poems appeared in 1983, when she turned 63. One consequence of her patience, or frustration, was that ''The Kingfisher'' seemed less like a typical first book -- with apprentice work, promising inklings and a few real achievements all jumbled together -- than a winnowed and weighed selected poems. Four other books, equally assured, followed in quick succession; the last, ''A Silence Opens,'' appeared in 1994, the year of Clampitt's death.

Clark, Micheal, Scott Lucett, et al. (2013). NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training: First Edition Revised
. Burlington, MA, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Introduces the health and fitness professional to National Academy of Sports Medicine's proprietary Corrective Exercise Continuum, a system of training that uses corrective exercise strategies to help improve muscle imbalances and movement efficiency to decrease the risk of injury. This textbook includes several new chapters that were not included in NASM's previous corrective exercise materials, including the rationale for corrective exercise training, assessments of health risk, static postural assessments, range of motion assessments, and strength assessments (manual muscle testing) as well as corrective exercise strategies for the cervical spine, elbow, and wrist. There are more than 100 corrective exercise techniques in the categories of self-myofascial release, static stretching, neuromuscular stretching, isolated strength training, positional isometrics, and integrated dynamic movements included in the text. These, along with corrective exercise strategies for common movement impairments seen in each segment of the body, make this text the premier resource for learning and applying NASM's systematic approach to corrective exercise training.

Clark, Tom (2000). Charles Olson: The Allegory of a Poet's Life
. Berkeley, Calif., North Atlantic Books.
An incandescent biography of the inventor of "projective" verse, this comprehensive portrait distinguishes the convivial, bluff public figure from the tormented inner man. A lapsed Catholic, Olson (1910-1970) turned to Sumerian myths, Mayan legends and Islamic mysticism for cosmic insights that would inform poems of cyclic sweep. Torn by contradictory feelings toward his proud, stern father--a Swedish immigrant postman in Worcester, Mass.--the poet found a father-figure in mentor Edward Dahlberg and later in Ezra Pound. Reclusive self-absorption sapped his two common-law marriages; he harbored enormous guilt over his neglect of his two children and over second wife Betty Kaiser's death (in a car accident), which may have been self-inflicted during a severe depression. Clark, author of books on Kerouac, Celine and Ted Berrigan, reveals that Olson grappled with homosexual impulses, took hallucinogens and dominated those around him, seeking periodic release from inner demons in frenzied floods of images. - Publishers Weekly

Clarke, Arthur Charles (2001). Childhood's End
. New York, Del Rey Impact.
The Overlords appeared suddenly over every city--intellectually, technologically, and militarily superior to humankind. Benevolent, they made few demands: unify earth, eliminate poverty, and end war. With little rebellion, humankind agreed, and a golden age began.

But at what cost? With the advent of peace, man ceases to strive for creative greatness, and a malaise settles over the human race. To those who resist, it becomes evident that the Overlords have an agenda of their own. As civilization approaches the crossroads, will the Overlords spell the end for humankind . . . or the beginning?

Clarke, Arthur Charles (2001). The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
. New York, Tor.
Bringing together more than six decades of sf short stories that have helped to mold the genre, this collection of short fiction by Grandmaster Clarke serves as a definitive example of sf at its best. From such classic tales as The Nine Billion Names of God and The Hammer of God to lesser-known early tales and everything in between, this collection displays the author's fertile imagination and irrepressible enthusiasm for both good storytelling and impeccable science.

Clarke, Arthur Charles and Stanley Kubrick (1968). 2001: A Space Odyssey: A Novel
. London, Hutchinson.
When an enigmatic monolith is found buried on the moon, scientists are amazed to discover that it's at least 3 million years old. Even more amazing, after it's unearthed the artifact releases a powerful signal aimed at Saturn. What sort of alarm has been triggered? To find out, a manned spacecraft, the Discovery, is sent to investigate. Its crew is highly trained--the best--and they are assisted by a self-aware computer, the ultra-capable HAL 9000. But HAL's programming has been patterned after the human mind a little too well. He is capable of guilt, neurosis, even murder, and he controls every single one of Discovery's components. The crew must overthrow this digital psychotic if they hope to make their rendezvous with the entities that are responsible not just for the monolith, but maybe even for human civilization.

Clarke wrote this novel while Stanley Kubrick created the film, the two collaborating on both projects. The novel is much more detailed and intimate, and definitely easier to comprehend. Even though history has disproved its "predictions," it's still loaded with exciting and awe-inspiring science fiction. --Brooks Peck

Clarke, Austin (2015). 'Membering.
. Toronto, Dundurn.
Austin Clarke is a distinguished and celebrated novelist and short-story writer. His works often centre around the immigrant experience, of which he writes with humour and compassion, happiness and sorrow. In 'Membering, Clarke shares his own experiences growing up in Barbados and moving to Toronto to attend university in 1955 before becoming a journalist. With vivid realism he describes Harlem of the '60s, meeting and interviewing Malcolm X and writers Chinua Achebe and LeRoi Jones. Clarke went on to become a pioneering instructor of Afro-American Literature at Yale University and inspired a new generation of Afro-American writers.

Clarke, Austin (2003). The Polished Hoe
. New York, Amistad.
When Mary-Mathilda, one of the most respected women on the colonized island of Bimshire (also known as Barbados), calls the police to confess to a crime, the result is a shattering all-night vigil. She claims the crime is against Mr. Belfeels, the powerful manager of the sugar plantation that dominates the villagers' lives and for whom she has worked for more than thirty years as a field laborer, kitchen help, and maid. She was also Mr. Belfeels's mistress, kept in good financial status in the Great House of the plantation, and the mother of his only son, Wilberforce, a successful doctor, who after living abroad returns to the island.

Set in the period following World War II, The Polished Hoe unravels over the course of twenty-four hours but spans the lifetime of one woman and the collective experience of a society characterized by slavery. Infused with Joycean overtones, this remarkable novel evokes the power of memory and the indomitable strength of the human spirit.

Clarke, Donald and Alan Cackett (1990). The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music
. London, England; New York, N.Y., USA, Penguin Books.
There has long been a need for a comprehensive reference tool for popular music, no matter what one means by "popular." This encyclopedia fills the void nicely, offering basic information on rock, country, jazz, gospel, heavy metal, reggae, rap, ragtime, new age, folk, zydeco, funk, punk, and the blues. The nearly 3000 extremely readable entries describe artists, albums, labels, and genres, weaving an intricate web of cross-references, comparisons among artists, and references to covers and collaborations.

Clarke, Gerald (1988). Capote: A Biography
. New York, Simon and Schuster.
In this riveting biography, Clarke, former Time writer, depicts the sad sequence of sparkling achievements and overwhelming despair that marked the life of Truman Capote. Between the publication of his short stories in the late 1940s and the success of In Cold Blood in 1966, Capote, Clarke demonstrates, was a supreme writing talent and an intimate of the rich and famous "swans "Babe Paley, Gloria Guinness, Lee Radziwillwhose names, with his, filled the gossip columns. But the uneasy stability of that glittering schizophrenia crumbled with pressures brought on by years of researching and writing In Cold Blood. His complex relationships with Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, the murderers whose crime he detailed in that book, drained him; witnessing their executions seemed to destroy his emotional equilibrium. The last 20 years of his life - he was 59 when he died in 1984 - were shattered by a series of debasing love affairs, and he was haunted by the reawakened demons of a lonely Southern childhood. In Clarke's sad portrait, Capote fatalistically succumbs to alcoholism and drug addiction, as if he felt compelled to kill himself. Unable to concentrate on Answered Prayers, he became paralyzed by fears of failure. There are plenty of juicy stories in the booknot only about Capote but also his gossip about friendsand Clarke painstakingly recreates both the highs and the lows of Capote's life without judgment, foreshadowing the decline with contemporary comments from the letters and journals of friends who were unsettled early on by his eccentricities. But Clarke seems to acknowledge that, as unflinchingly close as he is able to bring us to the man and the writer, there always will be an unfathomable mystery behind the willful decline and fall. Readers will be dazzled both by the life lived and the compelling skill with which Clarke brings it before us.

Clarke, Susanna (2004). Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
. New York, Bloomsbury.
The drawing room social comedies of early 19th-century Britain are infused with the powerful forces of English folklore and fantasy in this extraordinary novel of two magicians who attempt to restore English magic in the age of Napoleon. In Clarke's world, gentlemen scholars pore over the magical history of England, which is dominated by the Raven King, a human who mastered magic from the lands of faerie. The study is purely theoretical until Mr. Norrell, a reclusive, mistrustful bookworm, reveals that he is capable of producing magic and becomes the toast of London society, while an impetuous young aristocrat named Jonathan Strange tumbles into the practice, too, and finds himself quickly mastering it. Though irritated by the reticent Norrell, Strange becomes the magician's first pupil, and the British government is soon using their skills. Mr. Strange serves under Wellington in the Napoleonic Wars (in a series of wonderful historical scenes), but afterward the younger magician finds himself unable to accept Norrell's restrictive views of magic's proper place and sets out to create a new age of magic by himself. Clarke manages to portray magic as both a believably complex and tedious labor, and an eerie world of signs and wonders where every object may have secret meaning. London politics and talking stones are portrayed with equal realism and seem indisputably part of the same England, as signs indicate that the Raven King may return. The chock-full, old-fashioned narrative (supplemented with deft footnotes to fill in the ignorant reader on incidents in magical history) may seem a bit stiff and mannered at first, but immersion in the mesmerizing story reveals its intimacy, humor and insight, and will enchant readers of fantasy and literary fiction alike.

Clausewitz, Carl von, Michael Eliot Howard, et al. (1976). On War
. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
On War is the most significant attempt in Western history to understand war, both in its internal dynamics and as an instrument of policy. Since the work's first appearance in 1832, it has been read throughout the world, and has stimulated generations of soldiers, statesmen, and intellectuals.

Clavir, Judy and John Spitzer (1970)). The Conspiracy Trial: The Extended Edited Transcript of the Trial of the Chicago Eight. Complete with Motions, Rulings, Contempt Citations, Sentences and Photographs
. Indianapolis, Indiana, Bobbs-Merrill.
Proceedings of the 1969 trial [in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Chicago] against Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, and Lee Weiner, charged by the federal government with conspiracy, inciting to riot, and other charges related to anti-Vietnam War and countercultural protests that took place in Chicago, Illinois, on the occasion of the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Bobby Seale, the eighth man charged, had his trial severed during the proceedings, lowering the number of defendants from eight to seven.

Claxton, William and Joachim-Ernst Berendt (2010). Jazzlife: A Journey for Jazz Across America in 1960
. Koln, Taschen.
In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians.

The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, became a collector's item, highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In this eBook, Taschen reassembles Claxton and Berendt's material into an updated, multimedia volume. With full length recordings, and many evocative color images not included in the original edition, this jazz-trip through time captures the people, the places, and the spirit of big sounds across mid-century America.

A foreword by William Claxton traces his travels with Berendt and his love affair with the jazz scene. Featured musicians include Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Muddy Waters, Gabor Szabo, Dave Brubeck, Stan Getz, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, and many more.

Clay, Steven, Rodney Phillips, et al. (1998). A Secret Location on the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing, 1960-1980: A Sourcebook of Information
. New York, New York Public Library: Granary Books.
A Secret Location on the Lower East side is an excellent overview of independent publishing from 1960 - 1980. It focuses primarily on the mimeograph revolution and is particularly inspiring for those who wish to become independent publishers. However, this book should also be of interest to readers who are interested in the Beat Generation and the poets and writers who were inspired by the Beats.

Clayman, Charles B. (1989). The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine
. New York, NY, Random House.
  • Over 5,000 entries with 2,200 illustrations.
  • Medical terms defined in clear, easy-to-understand language alphabetically arranged.
  • Listings of 2,200 common and uncommon disorders, diseases, conditions and cures; over 300 symptoms; 2,500 drugs -- in generic, brand-name and major groupings; 600 tests, procedures and surgical operations.
  • Illustrated features on the anatomy of the body's organs and systems.
  • Four-color introductory section, offering an overview of the latest advances in diagnosis, healing and curing.
  • Anatomically-correct drawings, X rays, specialists' photographs and charts, diagrams and scans.
  • Extensive cross-referencing within articles to their main entries, "see alsos" for further information, and "signpost" articles to give overviews of certain subjects.
  • General index to main entries, sub-entries and illustrations.

Clayton, Peter, Peter Gammond, et al. (1989). The Guinness Jazz Companion
. Enfield, Middlesex.
An alphabetical reference to jazz terms, venues, and organizations. Unique, as it avoids musicians' bios, and humorous. Illustrated with photos and ephemera.

Cleaver, Harry (1979). Reading Capital Politically
. Austin, University of Texas Press.
Obituaries to the contrary, Cleaver maintains Marxism is still very much alive, and most importantly, able to furnish strategies for defeating the reign of wage slavery. But first we have to stop reading Capital as though it's just economics. That has only brought us tyrannical communist parties, feckless parliamentary reformers, and ivory tower Kultur critics. The book's first half traces this misdirected path over the past century. The second half walks us through Capital's Chapter One with different spectacles on -- what Cleaver calls a "political reading ". This fresh approach, Cleaver believes, reveals a political dimension long hidden by the old economist prism, and one that is capable of turning Capital's overlooked human potential into effective worker strategizing against wage slavery.

Clements, Jonathan and Helen McCarthy(2006). Anime Encyclopedia, The: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917
. Berkeley, Calif.; Stone Bridge Press.
From the first examples in 1917 to today's feature-length animated masterpieces like Princess Mononoke, Japanese animation (or anime) has drawn a devoted international fan base. For quite some time, these enthusiasts have needed an all-encompassing, detail-oriented reference work. Fortunately, Clements and McCarthy, who coedited The Erotic Anime Movie Guide and have an outstanding history in anime indexing, translation, and criticism, are just the folks to carry it off. Choosing the best examples from a field that was about twice the final number of entries, the authors review and detail more than 2000 anime films and TV series. Each entry includes a short synopsis, commentary, details about key creative personnel, and evaluation of the work's significance. Over 100 illustrations representing major releases are sprinkled throughout. Other notable features include a selective bibliography, a name/studio index, and a title index that makes it easy to go right to the vital information about a particular example. The end product is a huge, exhaustive, timely, and authoritative compendium of information that will be appreciated by anime experts and neophytes alike.

Cleveland, William L. (2004). A History of the Modern Middle East
. Boulder, Colo., Westview Press.
A brief but remarkably thorough introduction to the history of this volatile part of the world. Cleveland offers a fascinating analysis of the apparent Islamicist rejection of "modernity," showing that those in the Middle East who reject the West do not crave a return to the ancient past, but instead wish to follow a modernization pathway that is guided by indigenous cultural principles, including the precepts of Islam. Perhaps most impressive, however, is what Cleveland has to say toward the end of the book regarding the dangers of an overly intrusive and domineering presence in the Islamic Middle East by the lone remaining planetary superpower, the U.S.

Clowes, Daniel and Alvin Buenaventura, editor (2012). The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist
. New York, Abrams ComicArts.
Throughout his 25-year career, alternative cartoonist/screenwriter Daniel Clowes has always been ahead of artistic and cultural movements. In the late 1980s his groundbreaking comic book series Eightball defined indie culture with wit, venom, and even a little sympathy. With each successive graphic novel (Ghost World, David Boring, Ice Haven, Wilson, Mister Wonderful), Clowes has been praised for his emotionally compelling narratives that reimagine the ways that stories can be told in comics.

The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist is the first monograph on this award-winning, New York Times–bestselling creator, compiled with his complete cooperation. It includes all of Clowes’s best-known illustrations as well as rare and previously unpublished work, all reproduced from the original art, and also includes essays by noted contributors such as designer Chip Kidd and cartoonist Chris Ware.

Clowes, Daniel (2015). The Complete Eightball, 1-18
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
This is a two-volume, slipcased facsimile edition of the Daniel Clowes comics anthology; it contains the original installments of Ghost World, the short that the film Art School Confidential was based on, and much more.

Before he rose to fame as a filmmaker and the author of the best-selling graphic novels Ghost World, David Boring, Ice Haven, and The Death Ray, Daniel Clowes made his name from 1989 to 1997 by producing 18 issues of the beloved comic book series Eightball, which is still widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential comic book titles of all time. Now, for the 25th Anniversary of Eightball, Fantagraphics is collecting these long out-of-print issues in a slipcased set of two hardcover volumes, reproducing each issue in facsimile form exactly as they were originally published. Included are over 450 pages of vintage Clowes, including such seminal serialized graphic novels/strips/rants as "Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron," "Ghost World," "Pussey," "I Hate You Deeply," "Sexual Frustration," "Ugly Girls," "Why I Hate Christians," "Message to the People of the Future," "Paranoid," "My Suicide," "Chicago," "Art School Confidential," "On Sports," "Zubrick and Pogeybait," "Hippypants and Peace-Bear," "Grip Glutz," "The Sensual Santa," "Feldman," and so many more. Full color illustrations throughout.

Clowes, Daniel and Ken Parille, editor (2013). The Daniel Clowes Reader: A Critical Edition of Ghost World and Other Stories, with Essays, Interviews and Annotations
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics.
This landmark collection features ten of Daniel Clowes’s most influential graphic narratives, along with interviews in which he talks about his career and creative process, and twelve thought-provoking essays by contemporary scholars and critics.

A wide-ranging introduction to the work of one of the most important living cartoonists, The Daniel Clowes Reader features Ghost World, Clowes’s celebrated graphic novel about the complex friendship of two teenage girls. It also includes stories ― some reprinted for the first time ― about boys coming of age, troubled superheroes, and the place of artists and critics in popular culture. The volume’s dozen critical essays illuminate Clowes’s comics by locating them within biographical, artistic, and socio-historical contexts, including the Indie and DIY movements, Generation X philosophy, and the history of American cartooning. Selections by artists who influenced Clowes and a detailed chronology of his work round out the collection,and extensive annotations shed light on the cartoonist’s sources and cultural references. Perfect for the college literature/graphic narrative classroom.

Clute, John and Peter Nicholls (1995). The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
. New York, St. Martin's Griffin.
Extensively revised from the 1979 edition, this edition has been expanded from 2,800 to more than 4,300 entries. Approximately 2,900 of them are for authors. Included besides mainstream writers of science fiction, horror, and fantasy are such authors as H. P. Lovecraft and J. R. R. Tolkein, who have influenced the genre.

There are 212 topical entries, including Robots, Time Travel, and Cyberpunk. A list of these topics is found in the introduction. Sixty-five scientific or sf jargon terms are defined. Science fiction in 27 different countries is covered in separate articles, which helps to balance the collection's strong U.S.-U.K. bias. This focus is probably inevitable given the anglophone domination of the field, but it has its drawbacks. The Japanese film industry, which "owned" the monster-movie market for years, is relegated to a few paragraphs in the article Japan.

Cobb, Charles E. (2014). This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible
. New York, NY, Basic Books.
Giving voice to the World War II veterans, rural activists, volunteer security guards, and self-defense groups who took up arms to defend their lives and liberties, This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed lays bare the paradoxical relationship between the nonviolent civil rights struggle and the Second Amendment. Drawing on his firsthand experiences in the civil rights movement and interviews with fellow participants, Cobb provides a controversial examination of the crucial place of firearms in the fight for American freedom. obb, a former field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, reviews the long tradition of self-protection among African Americans, who knew they could not rely on local law enforcement for protection. Martin Luther King, Jr. himself, after the fire bombing of his home, kept weapons in his house to protect his family. Cobb offers a collection of memories of freedom fighters and a broad historical perspective, from slave resistance to the Deacons of Defense and Justice, as evidence of the human impulse to self-protection that counterbalanced the tactics of nonviolent resistance.

Cock-Starkey, Claire (2018). A Library Miscellany
. Oxford, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
Bursting with potted histories, quirky facts, and enlightening lists, this book explores every aspect of the library, celebrating these remarkable institutions as well as the individuals behind their inspiring collections. From the ancient library at Alexandria to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., and from university libraries to those of humble villages, A Library Miscellany explores institutions both old and new. Opening the door to unusual collections such as herbaria, art libraries, magic libraries, and even the 'library of smells,' this book also charts the difficulties of cataloging books deemed to be subversive, heretical, libelous, or obscene.

Cockburn, Alexander (1988). Corruptions of Empire: Life Studies & the Reagan Era
. London; New York, Verso.
"His work is pungent, witty and without pretense to that 'objectivity' he so rightly sees as the bane of much written and all televised journalism," wrote Publishers Weekly, calling this collection of Cockburn's columns from the Nation, the Wall Street Journal, et al., "ferociously entertaining."

Cockburn, Andrew (2015). Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins
. New York, NY, Henry Holt and Co.
"In this first-rate history, Andrew Cockburn takes readers from the Pentagon's mainframe-driven dreams of the Vietnam War era through today's visions of stealth super-drones, exposing the dark realities of twenty-first-century robotic warfare. Richly informative, superbly researched, and utterly illuminating, Kill Chain shines much-needed light on the shadowy theories and theorists, secret military and intelligence programs, and classified technologies that spawned our current age of remote-controlled assassination." - Nick Turse

Cockburn, Andrew and Patrick Cockburn (1999). Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein
. New York, NY, HarperCollins.
At the end of the Gulf War, the White House was confident that Saddam Hussein's days as Iraq's dictator were numbered. His army had been routed, his country had been bombed back into a pre-industrial age, his subjects were in bloody revolt, and his borders were sealed. World leaders waited confidently for the downfall of the pariah of Baghdad. Almost a decade later, they are still waiting.

This is the first in-depth account of what went wrong. Drawing on the authors' firsthand experiences on the ground inside Iraq (often under fire) and their interviews with key players--ranging from members of Saddam's own family to senior officials of the CIA--Out of the Ashes tells what happened when the smoke cleared from the battlefields of the Gulf War. This tale of high drama, labyrinthine intrigue, and fatal blunders has been played out amid one of the greatest man-made tragedies of our times-one where, so long as Saddam Hussein remains in power, the Iraqi people will pay the price. Out of the Ashes makes chillingly clear just how terrible that price has been.

Cockburn, Patrick (2015). The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution
. Brooklyn, NY, Verso.
Out of the failures of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Arab Spring and Syria, a new threat emerges. While Al Qaeda is weakened, new jihadi movements, especially ISIS, are starting to emerge. In military operations in June 2014 they were far more successful than Al Qaeda ever were, taking territory that reaches across borders and includes the city of Mosul. The reports of their military coordination and brutality are chilling. While they call for the formation of a new caliphate once again the West becomes a target. How could things have gone so badly wrong? In The Rise of Islamic State, Cockburn analyzes the reasons for the unfolding of US and the West's greatest foreign policy debacle and the impact that it has on the war-torn and volatile Middle East.

Cockcroft, James D. (1998). Mexico's Hope: An Encounter with Politics and History
. New York, Monthly Review Press.
Mexico's Hope tells the dramatic story of the making of modern Mexico. In the course of providing compelling analysis of the causes for the vast divide between Mexico's rich and poor, James Cockcroft illuminates the stark contrast between the country's corrupt political system and its people's democratic aspirations.

Mexican economic development is distorted and uneven, Cockcroft explains, because of a longstanding collusion between foreign interests and a domestic ruling class. He describes why important challenges to elite power, including the revolution of 1910-1920 and the 1968 student rebellion, failed to break the grip of the dominant classes.

With particular attention to the contributions of women, Indians, workers, and peasants, Mexico's Hope is informed by the conviction that the country's most promising prospects today lie in the quest of its poorest people for social justice and democracy - from the recent Zapatista uprisings in Chiapas to ongoing electoral efforts on the left.

Cocteau, Jean (1958). Opium; the Diary of a Cure
. New York, Grove Press.
Cocteau went through a number of years of opium addiction, and this book is about one of his periods of treatment. Opium: The Diary of a Cure is one of the most personal works of Jean Cocteau (1889-1963)-French poet, playwright, film and theater director, draftsman and stage designer. The 1931 edition of this book was illustrated by drawings mirroring his "spiritual madness." Opium, a diary written over three months, was a violent and brilliant confession from Cocteau, "a cure and a form of nervous discipline," and the accompanying drawings were "a faithful chart of the cure." They stood out for their delicate lines and were rooted in the actions of surrealists, who strove for an automatic record of the subconscious. They included a large dose of lyricism, softness and mildness.

Cocteau, Jean (1964). The Infernal Machine, and Other Plays
. Norfolk, Conn., New Directions.
For this collection, fine translations of four full-length plays, one short play, and the "Speaker's Text" for the Cocteau-Stravinsky opera Oedipus Rex have been selected. The longer plays (The Infernal Machine, Orpheus, Bacchus, Knights of the Round Table) are re-creations of classic myth and legend - poetic and highly original interpretations of certain timeless themes which have inspired great drama through the ages. The Eiffel Tower Wedding Party is, by contrast, merely a "curtain-raiser," but remarkable as unjeu d'espirit, revealing the wit and psychological penetration for whcih Cocteau is famous.

Cocteau, Jean (1988). Diary of an Unknown
. New York, Paragon House.

Cody, Pat and Fred Cody (1992). Cody's Books: The Life and Times of a Berkeley Bookstore, 1956 to 1977
. San Francisco, Chronicle Books.
A collection of letters, essays, and reminiscences captures the excitement of the Berkeley, California activist bookstore that was at the center of many political and literary tempests of our time, including the anti-war movement and the fight over censorship.

Coetzee, J. M. (1982). In the Heart of the Country
. New York, N.Y., Penguin Books.
Stifled by the torpor of colonial South Africa, and trapped in a web of reciprocal oppression, a lonely sheep farmer seeks comfort in the arms of a black concubine. But when his embittered spinster daughter Magda feels shamed, this lurch across the racial divide marks the end of a tenuous feudal peace. As she dreams madly of bloody revenge, Magda's consciousnes sstarts to drift and the line between fact and the workings of her excited imagination becomes blurred. What follows is the fable of a woman's passionate, obsessed and violent response to an Africa that will not heed her.

Coetzee, J. M. (1983). Dusklands
. London, Secker & Warburg.
A specialist in pyschological warefare is driven to breakdown and madness by the stressed of a project of macabre ingenuity to win the war in Vietnam. A meglomaniac Boer frontiersman wreaks hideous vengence on a Hottentot tribe for undermining the 'natural' order of his universe with their anarchic rival order,mocking him and subjecting him to the humiliations of his own all too palpable flesh. Both the 18th century Jacobus Coetzee and the 20th century Euguene Dawn are in the business of pushing back the frontiers of knowledge and are dealers in death who denounce their own humanity and spurn their feelings of guilt. With immense power and economy in these two narratives, Coetzee has crystalized in their absurdity and horror the extremes of scientific evangelism and heroic exploration.

Coetzee, J. M. (1985). Life & Times of Michael K
. New York, Penguin Books.
In South Africa, whose civil administration is colapsing under the pressure of years of civil strife, an obscure young gardener named Michael K decides to take his mother on a long march away from the guns towards a new life in the abandoned countryside. Everywhere he goes however, the war follows him. Tracked down and locked up as a collaborator with the rural guerrillas, he embarks on a fast that angers, baffles, and finally awes his captors. The story of Michael K is the story of a man caught up in a war beyond his understanding, but determined to live his life, however minimally, on his own terms. J.M. Coetzee has produced a masterpiece which has the astonishing power to make the wilderness boom.

Coetzee, J. M. (1987). Foe
. New York, NY, USA, Penguin Books.
Cast adrift by a mutinous crew, Susan Barton washes ashore on an isle of classic fiction. For the next year, Robinson Cruso sculpts the land while Friday mutely watches Susan intrude upon their loneliness. Life is mere pattern for the two unquestioning castaways, but Susan is not of their story and she pushes Cruso for rationales that don't exist in a world of imagination. Finally rescued and returned to London, Susan leads Friday to Daniel Foe, the author who will write their tale. Foe, however, sees a different story and seeks "to tell the truth in all its substance." Discovering such truth is Coetzee's aim in Foe, an intriguing novel strikingly different from his earlier works. Here he scrutinizes the gulf between a story and its telling, giving us a thought-provoking text wonderfully rich in meaning and design.

Coetzee, J. M. (1990). Age of Iron
. New York, Random House.
This is the South African novelist's most direct indictment of apartheid yet. It takes the form of a letter-diary from Mrs. Curren, a former classics professor dying of cancer, to her daughter in America. She details a series of strange events that turn her protected middle-class life upside down. A homeless alcoholic appears at her door, eventually becoming her companion and confessor. Her liberal sentiments and her very humanity are tested as she experiences directly the horrors of apartheid. She comes to recognize South Africa as a country in which the rigidity of both sides has led to barbarism and to acknowledge her complicity in upholding the system. Less allegorical than Coetzee's previous novels, this is still richly metaphoric. A brilliant, chilling look at the spiritual costs of apartheid.

Coetzee, J. M. (1999). Disgrace
. New York, Vikings.
Coetzee's first novel in five years, is a searing evocation of post-apartheid South Africa; it earned him an unprecedented second Booker Prize. An uninspired teacher and twice divorced, David Lurie is a 52-year-old poetry scholar-cum- "adjunct professor of communications" at Cape Technical University. Spooked by the flicker of twilight in his life trajectory, he sees himself as an aged Lothario soon to be "shuddered over" by the pretty girls he has so often wooed; he is disappointed in and unengaged by the academy he now serves by rote; and he cannot locate the notes for his opera, Byron in Italy, in which he has placed so much reluctant hope. He is, even at his best, a man of "moderated bliss." So when he seduces Melanie Isaacs, a lithe student from his poetry elective, he believes her to represent the final object of his desire, his last act of lush, Romantic desperation. And then he is found out. This not uncommon outrage earns him a dismissal and censure from the university committee he refuses to cooperate with in hopes of saving his job. He immediately shoves off for Salem in the Eastern Cape where his daughter, Lucy, manages a dog kennel and works her smallholding, harvesting a modest crop. Here David hopes to cleanse himself with time-honored toil. But his new life in the country offers scarce refuge. Instead, he is flummoxed to discover an unfamiliar Lucy-principled, land-devoted, with a heroic resignation to the social and political developments of modern South Africa. He also memorably encounters Petrus, Lucy's ambitious colored neighbor and sometime assistant. Petrus embodies the shifting, tangled vicissitudes of a new national schematic, and forces David to relate to the broad segment of society previously shrouded by the mists of his self-absorption. But a violent attack on the estate irrevocably alters how the book's central figure perceives many things: his daughter and her bewildering (to him) courage, the rights of South Africa's grossly aggrieved majority, the souls of the damaged dogs he helps put down at the local Animal Welfare League and even the character of Lord Byron's mistress and the heroine of his operatic "chamber-play." But this is no tale of hard-earned, satisfying transformation. It is, rather, a paean to willfulness, an aria on the theme of secca, or the drying up of "the source of everything." In Coetzee's tale, not a single note is false; every sentence is perfectly calibrated and essential. Every passage questions the arbitrary division between the "major and minor" and the long-accepted injustices propped up by nothing so much as time. The book somehow manages to speak of little but interiority and still insinuate peripheries of things it doesn't touch. Somber and crystalline, it "has the right mix of timelessness and decay." It is about the harsh cleansing of humiliation and the regretfulness of knowing things: "I lack the lyrical. I manage love too well. Even when I burn I don't sing, if you understand me." To perceive is to understand in this beautifully spare, necessary novel. - Publishers Weekly

Coetzee, J. M. (2004). Elizabeth Costello
. New York, Penguin Books.
Even more uncompromising than usual, this latest novel by Coetzee (his first since 1999's Booker Prize-winning Disgrace) blurs the bounds of fiction and nonfiction while furthering the author's exploration of urgent moral and aesthetic questions. Elizabeth Costello, a fictional aging Australian novelist who gained fame for a Ulysses-inspired novel in the 1960s, reveals the workings of her still-formidable mind in a series of formal addresses she either attends or delivers herself (an award acceptance speech, a lecture on a cruise ship, a graduation speech). This ingenious structure allows Coetzee to circle around his protagonist, revealing her preoccupations and contradictions her relationships with her son, John, an academic, and her sister, Blanche, a missionary in Africa; her deep, almost fanatical concern with animal rights; her conflicted views on reason and realism; her grapplings with the human problems of sex and spirituality. The specters of the Holocaust and colonialism, of Greek mythology and Christian morality, and of Franz Kafka and the absurd haunt the novel, as Coetzee deftly weaves the intense contemplation of abstractions with the everyday life of an all-too-human body and mind. The struggle for self-expression comes to a wrenching climax when Elizabeth faces a final reckoning and finds herself at a loss for words. This is a novel of weighty ideas, concerned with what it means to be human and with the difficult and seductive task of making meaning.

Coetzee, J. M. (1999). Waiting for the Barbarians
. New York, Penguin Books.
A modern classic, this early novel by Nobel Laureate J. M. Coetzee centers on the crisis of conscience and morality of the Magistrate-a loyal servant of the Empire working in a tiny frontier town, doing his best to ignore an inevitable war with the "barbarians."

Coffin, William Sloane (2004). Credo
. Louisville, KY, Westminster John Knox Press.
This collection of inspiring credos by William Sloane Coffin melds Christian spirit with social justice. Coffin's credentials are impressive--he served as chaplain of Yale University and Williams College, and he is the inspiration for the character Rev. Sloan in the Doonesbury comic strip. He is also a lifelong social crusader and peace activist. In James Carroll's exquisite introduction he recalls a night in 1972 when he and Coffin and numerous other ministers were thrown in jail for trespassing at the U.S. Capitol (while protesting the war in Vietnam). It was Coffin's baritone voice that broke the jailhouse silence, singing out Handel's Messiah and comforting the frightened men of the cloth. In fact, Coffin, author of The Heart is a Little to the Left has never been afraid to speak or sing out his beliefs."I like to believe that I am an American patriot who loves his country enough to address her flaws," he states in the preface."Today these are many, and all preachers worth their salt need fearlessly to insist that 'God 'n' Country' is not one word."

Cohen, Jean-Louis; Tim Benton (2008). Le Corbusier Le Grand
. London, Phaidon Press Inc.
This slip-cased, oversized book, weighing 20 pounds and containsing over 2000 illustrations, summarizes the life and work of the most important modern architect of the 20th century: the legendary, controversial, and confrontational Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier was not exclusively an architect but an artist (painter and sculptor), urbanist, author, furniture designer, world traveler, and media figure. What is most impressive in this volume are the huge-scale photographs drawn from the Le Corbusier archives at the Fondation Le Corbusier in France. These photographs are personal, professional, indicative, anecdotal, illustrative, and symbolic of the entire saga of Le Corbusier's life and career over 60 years. They make this book an absolute gold mine for anyone wanting to understand and steep themselves in the spirit and character of this greatest modern architect of the last century. The written material is also first-rate: Jean-Louis Cohen, France's best-known historian of modern architecture, contributes an informative introduction, and Tim Benton, a well-known British architectural historian, writes opening texts for individual chapters.

Cohen, Stephen F. (1975). Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography 1888-1938
. New York, Vintage Books.
This classic biography carefully traces Bukharin's rise to and fall from power, focusing particularly on the development of his theories and programmatic ideas during the critical period between Lenin's death in 1924 and the ascendancy of Stalin in 1929.

Cohen, Stephen F. (2001). Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia
. New York, W.W. Norton.
When the Soviet Union collapsed nearly a decade ago, the U.S. adopted a policy of activist support for the successor regime of Boris Yeltsin and rarely questioned that strategy. Today, Russia is burdened with an economy in shambles, an alarming national health crisis and, many fear, nuclear insecurity. Anti-Americanism is on the rise and a career secret policeman heads the Kremlin, yet Washington has still not re-assessed its Russia policy. That worries Cohen, a Russia scholar with a track record for contrarian views. The end of the Cold War, he argues, exacted a harsher penalty on the Russian people than any military loss could have, and the "aid" proffered by the U.S., in the form of technocratic blueprints for free markets, is much to blame. In a chilling analogy, Cohen notes that the traditional role of the U.S. as ally to Russia is one in which Washington "pressured a collapsing Russia to remain in the carnage." Russia survived the allied blood-lettings of two World Wars, but Cohen sees the U.S.-prescribed "shock-therapy" as fatal. The result: societal and economic devastation so severe that it warrants a new Marshall Plan and threatens U.S. national security more than the Cold War ever did. Cohen's criticism is sharp and angry. He targets policy-makers and economic advisers for their ignorance of Russian history; he lambastes scholars for their misguided prognosis of Russia's progress; and he scorns foreign journalists for a more unforgivable sinAtouting the "Washington Consensus" in spite of the growing catastrophe surrounding them.

Cohen, Stephen F. (2009). Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War
. New York, Columbia University Press.
In this wide-ranging and acclaimed book, Stephen F. Cohen challenges conventional wisdom about the course of Soviet and post-Soviet history. Reexamining leaders from Nikolai Bukharin, Stalin's preeminent opponent, and Nikita Khrushchev to Mikhail Gorbachev and his rival Yegor Ligachev, Cohen shows that their defeated policies were viable alternatives and that their tragic personal fates shaped the Soviet Union and Russia today. Cohen's ramifying arguments include that Stalinism was not the predetermined outcome of the Communist Revolution; that the Soviet Union was reformable and its breakup avoidable; and that the opportunity for a real post-Cold War relationship with Russia was squandered in Washington, not in Moscow. This is revisionist history at its best, compelling readers to rethink fateful events of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and the possibilities ahead.

In his new epilogue, Cohen expands his analysis of U.S. policy toward post-Soviet Russia, tracing its development in the Clinton and Obama administrations and pointing to its initiation of a 'new Cold War' that, he implies, has led to a fateful confrontation over Ukraine.

Cohen, Stephen F. (2018). War with Russia: From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate
. New York, Hot Books.
Cohen rejects the Russiagate narrative that Putin’s meddling in American politics led to Trump's election as not just false but dangerous and damaging to American interests. Far from being a subversive threat to the United States, Putin is a potential partner in a revived Russo-American détente. The greatest threat to American security, argues Cohen, is not Putin's foreign policy but international terrorism, nuclear proliferation and instability in the Middle East.

Cohn, Marjorie (2007). Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law
. Sausalito, CA, PoliPointPress: Distributed by Ingram Publisher Services.
Provides a penetrating analysis of the six most important ways in which the Bush administration has weakened the rule of law. Cohn, a respected legal scholar, details the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq; the policy of torture; war crimes; Guantanamo's kangaroo courts; unconstitutional laws; and the unlawful surveillance of American citizens. She concludes with practical ways to strengthen the rule of law domestically and internationally, including both political and legal remedies.

Cohn, Marjorie and Kathleen Gilberd (2009). Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent
. Sausalito, CA, PoliPoint Press: Distributed by Ingram Publisher Services.
Examines the reasons men and women in the military have disobeyed orders and resisted the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It takes readers into the courtroom where sailors, soldiers, and Marines have argued that these wars are illegal under international law and unconstitutional under U.S. law. Through the voices of active duty service members and veterans, it explores the growing conviction among our troops that the war is wrong. It then examines what they have done--and what readers can do--to resist and end the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit (1968). Obsolete Communism; the Left-Wing Alternative
. New York, McGraw-Hill.
In May 68 a student protest spread to other universities, to Paris factories and in a few weeks to most of France. A million Parisians marched; ten million workers went out on strike. At the center of the fray was Daniel Cohn-Bendit. Obsolete Communism was written in 5 weeks immediately after the state regained control, and no account of May 68 can match its immediacy or urgency.

Cole, Juan (2018). Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires
. New York, Nation Books.
"One of the features of the Qur’an, which I think is too little appreciated, is that it's a counterargument," Cole says. "It's an argument for tolerance, at least of the monotheistic religions, of Christianity and Judaism. … So I think it’s an extremely ecumenical book, the Qur'an, and the Prophet's preaching of it. And that is something that’s been lost, not only in Western conceptions of the religion, but often among some believers as well." In Muhammad, Cole shows how Muhammad came of age in an era of unparalleled violence. The eastern Roman Empire and the Sasanian Empire of Iran fought savagely throughout the Near East and Asia Minor. Muhammad's profound distress at the carnage of his times led him to envision an alternative movement, one firmly grounded in peace. The religion Muhammad founded, Islam, spread widely during his lifetime, relying on soft power instead of military might, and sought armistices even when militarily attacked. Cole sheds light on this forgotten history, reminding us that in the Qur'an, the legacy of that spiritual message endures.

Cole, Tom (1981). A Short History of San Francisco
. San Francisco, Lexikos.

Cole, Toby (1995). Acting: A Handbook of the Stanislavski Method
. New York, Crown Trade Paperbacks.
An essential, comprehensive guide to the art and science of acting, as taught by the creator and great teachers of the Stanislavski Method.

Cole, Toby and Helen Krich Chinoy (1995). Actors on Acting: The Theories, Techniques, and Practices of the World's Great Actors, Told in Their Own Words
. New York, Crown Trade Paperbacks.

Coleman, Janet (1990). The Compass: The Improvisational Theatre That Revolutionized American Comedy
. New York, Knopf: Distributed by Random House.
Janet Coleman brilliantly recreates the time, the place, the personalities, and the neurotic magic whereby the Compass made theater history in America. The Compass began in a storefront theater near the University of Chicago campus in the summer of 1955 and lasted only a few years before its players--including David Shepherd, Paul Sills, Elaine May, Mike Nichols, Barbara Harris, and Shelley Berman--moved on. Out of this group was born a new form: improvisational theater and a radically new kind of comedian."They did not plan to be funny or to change the course of comedy," writes Coleman."But that is what happened."

Coleman, Janet and Al Young (1989). Mingus/Mingus: Two Memoirs
. Berkeley, Creative Arts Book Co.
Freelance writer Coleman and prolific author Young, both devotees of Charles Mingus (1922-1979), here present an unconventional, nonchronological, anecdotal, impressionistic account of the personality and contributions of the great jazz bassist and composer. They met him in 1960 when they were students at the University of Michigan, and for the next 20 years, until Mingus died in Mexico, their lives and his were inextricably joined. Captivated by the violent musician – "the Marlon Brando and the Laurence Olivier of Jazz" – whose over-indulgence and self-destruction were balanced by a gentle generosity, Coleman and Young reveal a vibrant, wonderfully complex man who expanded traditional jazz forms, encouraged improvisation, established the first jazz musicians' cooperative and was an impassioned, outspoken foe of racism.

Coles, Nicholas and Janet Zandy, editors (2007). American Working-Class Literature: An Anthology
. New York, Oxford University Press.
America's workers have been singing, reciting, performing, telling stories, writing, and publishing for more than three centuries. Ranging from early colonial times to the present, American Working-Class Literature presents more than 300 literary texts that exemplify this tradition. It demonstrates how American working people live, labor, struggle, express themselves, and give meaning to their experiences both inside and outside of the workplace. The only book of its kind, this groundbreaking anthology includes work not only by the industrial proletariat but also by slaves and unskilled workers, by those who work unpaid at home, and by workers in contemporary service industries. As diverse in race, gender, culture, and region as America's working class itself, the selections represent a wide range of genres including fiction, poetry, drama, memoir, oratory, journalism, letters, oral history, and songs. Works by little-known or anonymous authors are included alongside texts from such acclaimed writers as Frederick Douglass, Upton Sinclair, Tillie Olsen, Philip Levine, Maxine Hong Kingston, and Leslie Marmon Silko. A rich selection of contemporary writing includes Martin Espada's poem Alabanza about the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center.

Coll, Steve (2008). The Bin Ladens: an Arabian Family in the American Century
. New York, N.Y.
The bin Ladens are famous for spawning the world's foremost terrorist and building one of the Middle East's foremost corporate dynasties. Pulitzer Prize-winner Coll (Ghost Wars) delivers a sprawling history of the multifaceted clan, paying special attention to its two most emblematic members. Patriarch Mohamed's eldest son, Salem, was a caricature of the self-indulgent plutocrat: a flamboyant jet-setter dependent on the Saudi monarchy, obsessed with all things motorized (he died crashing his plane after a day's joy-riding atop motorcycle and dune-buggy) and forever tormenting his entourage with off-key karaoke. Coll presents quite a contrast with an unusually nuanced profile of Salem's half-brother Osama, a shy, austere, devout man who nonetheless shares Salem's egomania. Other bin Ladens crowd Coll's narrative with the eye-glazing details of their murky business deals, messy divorces and ill-advised perfume lines and pop CDs. Beneath the clutter one discerns an engrossing portrait of a family torn between tradition and modernity, conformism and self-actualization, and desperately in search of its soul.

Coll, Steve (2005). Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
. New York, N.Y.
Ghost Wars offers revealing details of the CIA's involvement in the evolution of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the years before the September 11 attacks. From the beginning, Coll shows how the CIA's on-again, off-again engagement with Afghanistan after the end of the Soviet war left officials at Langley with inadequate resources and intelligence to appreciate the emerging power of the Taliban. He also demonstrates how Afghanistan became a deadly playing field for international politics where Soviet, Pakistani, and U.S. agents armed and trained a succession of warring factions. At the same time, the book, though opinionated, is not solely a critique of the agency. Coll balances accounts of CIA failures with the success stories, like the capture of Mir Amal Kasi. Coll, managing editor for the Washington Post, covered Afghanistan from 1989 to 1992. He demonstrates unprecedented access to records of White House meetings and to formerly classified material, and his command of Saudi, Pakistani, and Afghani politics is impressive. He also provides a seeming insider's perspective on personalities like George Tenet, William Casey, and anti-terrorism czar, Richard Clarke ("who seemed to wield enormous power precisely because hardly anyone knew who he was or what exactly he did for a living").

Collin, Matthew (2001). Guerrilla Radio: Rock 'N' Roll Radio and Serbia's Underground Resistance
. New York, Thunder's Mouth Press/Nation Books.
This is a book about a group of Belgrade's young idealists and their pirate radio station B92, who began with the naive desire to simply play music, but ended up facing two wars, economic sanctions, violent police and government crackdowns, the attentions of armed gangsters and neo-Nazi politicians, and ultimately became the leaders of an opposition movement forced into exile. Before Milosevic was finally ousted in October 2000, B92 would be shut down and resume broadcasting four times as, through an inspired combination of courage, imagination, and black humor - and a playlist, from The Clash's White Riot to Public Enemy's rap manifesto, Fight the Power," which in sound and spirit, echoed the street fighting in which they sometimes took part - it somehow persisted in disseminating the truth. Matthew Collin knows the founders of the station well and has had extraordinary access to the key personalities and their archives. He first reported on the station as part of a feature on Belgrade's mass street protest in 1996. The book is based on in-depth, first person interviews and exhaustive background research.

Collins, John Martin and Ross Glover (2002). Collateral Language: A User's Guide to America's New War
. New York, New York University Press.
Terrorism, jihad, fundamentalism, blowback. These and other highly charged terms have saturated news broadcasts and everyday conversation since September 11th. But to keen ears their meanings change depending upon who's doing the talking. So what do these words really mean? And what are people trying to say when they use them?

Each of the thirteen essays in Collateral Language offers an informed perspective on a particular word or phrase that serves as a building block in the edifice of post-World Trade Center rhetoric. In some cases this involves a systematic examination of the term in question (e.g."anthrax" or "unity") - its historical roots, the development of its meaning and usage in the U.S. over time, and its employment in the current context. In other cases authors provide a set of more philosophical or autobiographical reflections on a particular idea (e.g."vital interests" or "evil"), suggesting a need to consider the ethical and moral implications of using the concept uncritically. In every instance, however, the overriding goal is to give the reader a set of practical tools to analyze the political language that surrounds all of us at this critical point in our nation's history.

Conger, Cristen and Caroline Ervin (2018). Unladylike: A Field Guide to Smashing the Patriarchy and Claiming Your Space
. Berkeley, Ten Speed Press.
Through essential, inclusive, and illustrated explorations of what patriarchy looks like in the real world, authors and podcast hosts Cristen Conger and Caroline Ervin blend wild histories, astounding stats, social justice principles, and self-help advice to connect where the personal meets political in our bodies, brains, booty calls, bank accounts, and other confounding facets of modern woman-ing and nonbinary-ing. By laying out the uneven terrain of double-standards, head games, and handouts patriarchy has manspread across society for ages, Unladylike is here to unpack our gender baggage and map out the space that's ours to claim.

Coniam, Matthew (2015). The Annotated Marx Brothers: A Filmgoer's Guide to in-Jokes, Obscure References and Sly Details
. Jefferson, NC, McFarland.
Have you ever watched a Marx Brothers film and wondered what 'habeas Irish rose' is? What is the trial of Mary Dugan with sound? What is a college widow? When exactly did Don Ameche invent the telephone? In this viewer's guide to the Marx Brothers you will find the answer to such mysteries. Each of the Marx Brothers' 13 films is covered by a running commentary, with points in the film discussed as they appear. Each reference is listed by its running time, with time code given for both PAL and NTSC DVD.

Connell, Evan S. and Gus Blaisdell (1980). Saint Augustine's Pigeon: The Selected Stories of Evan S. Connell
. San Francisco, North Point Press.
Sixteen short stories representative of the long career of a writer whom the NYT reviewer Barry Yourgrau described as "distinguished for his precision with dramatic and physical detail; he hears the delicate modulation of mood, and he construes language with a special firmness and grace."

Conner, Amanda, Jimmy Palmiotti, et al. (2017). Harley Quinn: Omnibus, Volume 1
. Burbank, CA, DC Comics.
Surrounded by freak shows, oddities, and hot dog stands, Harley Quinn has never been more at home than at her new address on the world-famous Coney Island boardwalk. Her on-again, off-again relationship with a certain psychotic clown has finally ended (with a bang!), but there’s no such thing as a fresh start when you’re a former super-villain. And Harley’s new life is quickly complicated by a steady stream of creeps and criminals just begging for a Harley Quinn butt-kicking!

Collects Harley Quinn #0-16, Secret Origins #4, Harley Quinn Annual #1, Harley Quinn Invades Comic-Con International: San Diego Special# 1, Harley Quinn: Futures End #1, Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1, Harley Quinn Valentine’s Day Special #1, and Harley Quinn And Power Girl #1-6.

Conner, Amanda, Jimmy Palmiotti, et al. (2018). Harley Quinn: Omnibus, Volume 2
. Burbank, CA, DC Comics.
This second of three omnibus volumes continues collecting every issue, miniseries and special from Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's smash-hit run, and features 18 never-before-collected story pages from the extended Be Careful What You Wish for Special Edition.

Collects Harley Quinn #17-30, DC Sneak Peek: Harley Quinn, Harley Quinn Road Trip Special #1, Harley Quinn: Be Careful What You Wish for Special Edition #1, Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys #1-6 and Harley's Little Black Book #1-6.

Connolly, Cyril (1981). The Rock Pool
. New York, Persea Books.
In this engaging satire of the British upper class, a smug young literary man from Oxford joins an international group of artists and writers on the French Riviera, intending to study them as if they were aquatic organisms in a pool - with unexpected results.

Conrad, Joseph (1992). Lord Jim: A Tale
. New York, Knopf: Distributed by Random House.
When Lord Jim first appeared in 1900, many took Joseph Conrad to task for couching an entire novel in the form of an extended conversation--a ripping good yarn, if you like. (One critic in The Academy complained that the narrator "was telling that after-dinner story to his companions for eleven solid hours.") Conrad defended his method, insisting that people really do talk for that long, and listen as well. In fact his chatty masterwork requires no defense--it offers up not only linguistic pleasures but a timeless exploration of morality.

The eponymous Jim is a young, good-looking, genial, and naive water-clerk on the Patna, a cargo ship plying Asian waters. He is, we are told, "the kind of fellow you would, on the strength of his looks, leave in charge of the deck." He also harbors romantic fantasies of adventure and heroism--which are promptly scuttled one night when the ship collides with an obstacle and begins to sink. Acting on impulse, Jim jumps overboard and lands in a lifeboat, which happens to be bearing the unscrupulous captain and his cohorts away from the disaster. The Patna, however, manages to stay afloat. The foundering vessel is towed into port--and since the officers have strategically vanished, Jim is left to stand trial for abandoning the ship and its 800 passengers.

Stripped of his seaman's license, convinced of his own cowardice, Jim sets out on a tragic and transcendent search for redemption. This may sound like the bleakest of narratives. But Lord Jim is also touching, elevating, and often funny. Here, for example, the narrator describes the ship's captain (proving that clothes do indeed make the man):

He made me think of a trained baby elephant walking on hind-legs. He was extravagantly gorgeous too--got up in a soiled sleeping suit, bright green and deep orange vertical stripes, with a pair of ragged straw slippers on his bare feet, and somebody's cast-off pith hat, very dirty and two sizes too small for him, tied up with a manilla rope-yarn on the top of his big head. You understand a man like that hasn't a ghost of a chance when it comes to borrowing clothes.

This is formidable prose by any standard. But when you consider that Conrad was working in his third language, the sublime after-dinner story that is Lord Jim seems even more astonishing an accomplishment. --Teri Kieffer

Conrad, Joseph (1999). Heart of Darkness
. Peterborough, Broadview Press.
Novella by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1902 with the story Youth and thereafter published separately. The story reflects the physical and psychological shock Conrad himself experienced in 1890, when he worked briefly in the Belgian Congo. The narrator, Marlow, describes a journey he took on an African river. Assigned by an ivory company to take command of a cargo boat stranded in the interior, Marlow makes his way through the treacherous forest, witnessing the brutalization of the natives by white traders and hearing tantalizing stories of a Mr. Kurtz, the company's most successful representative. He reaches Kurtz's compound in a remote outpost only to see a row of human heads mounted on poles. In this alien context, unbound by the strictures of his own culture, Kurtz has exchanged his soul for a bloody sovereignty, but a mortal illness is bringing his reign of terror to a close. As Marlow transports him downriver, Kurtz delivers an arrogant and empty explanation of his deeds as a visionary quest. To the narrator Kurtz's dying words, "The horror! The horror!" represent despair at the encounter with human depravity--the heart of darkness.

Conrad, Joseph and Roger Tennant (1998). The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale
. Oxford [England]; New York, Oxford University Press.
In the only novel Conrad set in London, The Secret Agent communicates a profoundly ironic view of human affairs. The story is woven around an attack on the Greenwich Observatory in 1894 masterminded by Verlac, a Russian spy working for the police, and ostensibly a member of an anarchist group in Soho. His masters instruct him to discredit the anarchists in a humiliating fashion, and when his evil plan goes horribly awry, Verlac must deal with the repercussions of his actions.

Cook, Jonathan (2008). Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair
. London; New York, Zed Books.
This book claims that Palestine is fast disappearing and fulfilling the objectives of Israel's founding fathers. Over many decades, Israel has developed and refined policies to disperse, imprison and impoverish the Palestinian people, in a relentless effort to destroy them as a nation. It has industrialized Palestinian despair through ever more sophisticated systems of curfews, checkpoints, walls, permits and land grabs. Cook analyzes how Israel has transformed the West Bank and Gaza into laboratories for testing the infrastructure of confinement, creating a lucrative "defense" industry by pioneering the technologies needed for urban warfare, crowd control and collective punishment.

Cook, Jonathan (2008). Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East
. London; Ann Arbor, MI, Pluto Press.
"One of the most cogent understandings of the modern Middle East I have read. It is superb, because the author himself is a unique witness who blows away the media debris and presents both a j'accuse of those who would destroy the lives of whole societies in their pursuit of power and myth, and a warning to the rest of us to speak up and act." - John Pilger

Cook, Pam (1985). The Cinema Book
. London, BFI.
This much-anticipated new edition builds upon the achievements of the first, taking stock of the many recent exciting developments in the field while retaining the historical coverage and depth of the original. The text is supported by over 250 illustrations, selected reading guides, and full bibliographies. Another unique feature of The Cinema Book is its fifty-five sidebars that support the text with in-depth analysis and relevant information on over 350 films. This new edition will consolidate The Cinema Book's position as the leading teaching aid in the field.

Cook, William A. (2010). The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction
. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
A collection of voices from around the world that establishes in both theoretical and graphic terms the slow, methodical genocide taking place in Palestine beginning in the 1940s, as revealed in the Introduction. From Dr. Francis A. Boyle's detailed legal case against the state of Israel, to Uri Avnery's Slow Motion Ethnic Cleansing, to Richard Falk's Slouching Toward a Palestinian Holocaust, to Ilan Pappe's Genocide in Gaza, these voices decry in startling, vivid, and forceful language the calculated atrocities taking place, the inhumane conditions inflicted on the people, and the silence that exists despite the crimes, nothing short of state-sponsored genocide against the Palestinians.

Cooper, James Fenimore (1985). The Leatherstocking Tales
. New York, N.Y., Literary Classics of the U.S.: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by Viking Press.
The five novels in The Leatherstocking Tales, Cooper's great saga of the American wilderness, are now gathered in two volumes, in the order of their original publication. This volume contains The Pioneers (1823), The Last of the Mohicans (1826), and The Prairie (1827). Leatherstocking first appears in The Pioneers,involving himself in the struggle to control the changing American land and to determine what sort of civilization will replace the rapidly vanishing wilderness. The Last of the Mohicans, a pure unabashed narrative of adventure, looks back to the French and Indian Wars, and involves Natty in a daring rescue. The Prairie takes up Natty in his eighties, driven by the continuous march of civilization to his last refuge on the Great Plains across the Mississippi."The first full-scale imaginer, the progenitor of a literature." - The Village Voice

Cooper, James Fenimore (1991). Sea Tales
. New York, N.Y., Library of America: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by Viking Press.
The Pilot (1824), set during the American Revolution, involves a shadowy hero not unlike John Paul Jones, who commands a naval squadron in raids on the British Coast. The novel paved the way for Melville and introduced two archetypes to American letters, the bluff common seaman and, in Long Tom Coffin, the shrewd old salt.

The Red Rover (1828) takes place during the French and Indian Wars and presents a hero influenced by Byron, a noble outcast forced to adopt a life of piracy. The novels were admired by Conrad, who declared, "Cooper loved the sea and he looked at it with consummate understanding. His descriptions embrace the colors of sunset, the peace of starlight, the aspects of calm and storm, the great loneliness of the waters."

Coote, J. O. (1989). The Norton Book of the Sea
. New York, Norton.
An organized collection of excerpts from literature on the sea. Much of the book is drawn from British naval history, understandable given the editor's background in the Royal Navy.

Coover, Robert (1997). The Public Burning
. New York, Grove Press.
For quite some time after the 1977 publication of The Public Burning, it was almost impossible to find a copy. The book's own publisher seemed--no, was reluctant to admit it even existed. That's because this imaginative reconstruction of the 1953 execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted for giving atom bomb secrets to the Soviets, was the first major work of modern fiction to feature a still-living historical figure as a prominent character. The book's obscurity was the publisher's attempt to avoid legal repercussions from Richard Nixon, who over the course of the book engages in a romantic interlude with Ethel Rosenberg and graphically surrenders himself to a rapacious Uncle Sam.

Now that Nixon's dead, however, readers are free to marvel at one of the few American novels to rival Joyce's Ulysses for sustained stylistic inventiveness. Snippets of speeches and articles from Time are recast in poetic form, entire scenes are presented in dramatic verse, as events in the Rosenberg case move towards their historically destined conclusion. --Ron Hogan

Coover, Robert (2002). The Adventures of Lucky Pierre: Directors' Cut
. New York, Grove Press.
A virtuosic performance by one of "our most venturesome metafictional fabulists" (The New York Times Book Review), The Adventures of Lucky Pierre is the culmination of a project Coover has been working on for more than a quarter of a century. It is a tour de force that confirms why Coover is one of our preeminent writers. The place is Cinecity, the frozen meta-city where Lucky Pierre plies his trade. Part porn star, part clown, Pierre is quite literally defined by his films. Following the city motto -- Pro bono pubis -- each of Pierre's nine muse-directors creates her own sexual galaxy with Pierre the star of her show. Pierre becomes a naive castaway, a naughty little boy, a submissive slave, a lovestruck hubby, a sexual outlaw, a dirty cartoon, a sex machine, and more. But what will happen when the film ends? A sparkling meditation on how both sex and stories compel and invent us -- in both magical and violent ways -- The Adventures of Lucky Pierre is a masterpiece from one of America's best writers."Of all the postmodernist writers, Robert Coover is probably the funniest and most malicious." -- Michiko Kakutani, The New York TimesThe supreme chronicler of the unreality of American life." -- Carey Harrison, San Francisco ChronicleCoover couldn't write a dull note to the milkman."

Corbusier, Le and Ivan Zaknic (1997). The Final Testament of Père Corbu: A Translation and Interpretation of Mise Au Point
. New Haven, Yale University Press.
This book is the first English translation of Mise au point, Le Corbusier's last opus in the form of antobiographical reflections. The book is illustrated with photos and drawings, many of which appear here for the first time, and also includes a revealing interview granted by Le Corbusier in the final months of his life.

Corso, Gregory (1960). The Happy Birthday of Death
. New York, J. Laughlin.
Pure poetry, deep in imagery and passion: Bomb, Power, Army, Police, Marriage, and more.

Corso, Gregory (1962). Long Live Man
. New York, New Directions Books.
Long Live Man is too clouded an oracle to provide weighty conclusions about the New Poetry, which claims Gregory Corso as its own. As a matter of fact, he still enjoys writing an entirely graceful, old-fashioned style of verse.Apart from some mild peculiarities of punctuation, and the new verb, "to miracle," these fragments might have been written by any of Mr. Corsco's academic bêtes noires. Their presence in this fifth book of his verse may show how far he still must go to achieve the rich, strange diction he often aims at The raffish life seems to require a raffish hallucination, but the mind constantly snaps back to the crystal Elysium of plain cold-water sense.

Corso, Gregory (1976). Gasoline; the Vestal Lady on Brattle
. San Francisco, City Lights.
"Open this book as you would a box of crazy toys, take in your hands a refinement of beauty out of a destructive atmosphere. These combinations are imaginary and pure, in accordance with Corso's individual (therefore universal) desire." - Allen Ginsberg

Corso, Gregory (1981). Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit. New York, New Directions.
Corso beat poetry collection from mid-seventies: emotive, visionary, acutely real.

Corso, Gregory (1998). Mindfield: New & Selected Poems
. New York.
This first major volume by Corso in eight years includes selections from six previous collections, ranging from The Vestal Lady on Brattle (1955) to Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit (1981), plus 23 previously uncollected poems spanning his entire career (including five dated 1989). Corso's three most memorable poems-- "Marriage," "Bomb," and "Elegiac Feelings American "--are included, along with others that will remind readers of Corso's lyric grace and ability to view life with enthusiasm and humor bordering on self-mockery, no matter what the cost. Even the topicality of many poems, which would date the work of lesser poets, is given continual freshness by Corso's startling imagery. Line drawings by the author, embodying the same innocence as the poems, are a perfect complement.

Cotter, Joshua (2016). Nod Away
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books.
Nod Away is the new graphic novel from acclaimed cartoonist Joshua Cotter. Set primarily on a near-future version of Earth, a deep space transport has been developed to take a small crew to an earth-like, habitable planet in a nearby system in an attempt to begin colonization/repopulation. In this near future, the Internet is now accessed telepathically and referred to as the "innernet." Initially developed by the military, two-thirds of the world’s population is now able to connect and share information via a specialized central hub. When that hub is revealed to be a human child, political pressure prompts the need for a more humane solution. Melody McCabe is hired to develop this new hub on the second International Space Station, where the deep space transport has recently docked and where most of Nod Away takes place. Working within the structure of sci-fi, Nod Away moves back and forth between physical and psychological worlds, utilizing traditional and abstract storytelling styles in a way that blends the approaches his two previous books, Skyscrapers of the Midwest and Driven by Lemons. In Nod Away, Cotter explores what consciousness could be, where it could possibly be located, and what function or point it might serve. Nod Away is the first installment in an ongoing, multi-volume series and fans can look forward to more releases to come in the near future.

Cotton, Charlotte and Mert Alas, et al. (2018). Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott
. Berlin, Taschen.
Mert and Marcus shape the global image of such renowned brands as Giorgio Armani, Roberto Cavalli, Fendi, Miu Miu, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, and Lancôme, and public figures including Lady Gaga, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Linda Evangelista, Gisele Bündchen, Björk, Angelina Jolie, and Rihanna. Their photographs encompass a wide range of styles and influences but are renowned particularly for their use of digitized augmentation of images, and a fascination for strong, sexually charged, confident female subjects.

Cowan, Geoffrey (1993). The People v. Clarence Darrow: The Bribery Trial of America's Greatest Lawyer
. New York, Times Books.
A revisionist study of Clarence Darrow in which Cowan, an attorney and historian (See No Evil, 1979; UCLA), concludes that the legendary lawyer--despite being acquitted in 1912 of the charge--did indeed try to bribe a jury in a criminal case. Darrow is generally remembered as an almost saintly figure who used his matchless eloquence and intellect to serve the cause of the poor and working classes, with brilliant success and often for no pay. But the truth, Cowan suggests, was more complex and interesting: Darrow was a gifted, idealistic man, devoted to the causes of underdogs but cynically disdainful of traditional concepts of truth and justice. In 1911, the attorney, already nationally famous for his defense of labor cases, was comfortably engaged in a lucrative corporate practice when he assumed the defense of J.J. McNamara, a popular leader of the Structural Iron Workers Union, and of McNamara's brother Jim: The two were indicted for murder in the fatal bombing of the Los Angeles Times building. Cowan tells how Darrow, desperate to save his clients from almost certain hanging, urged his agents to plant spies among the detectives and prosecutors and to attempt to bribe key prosecution witnesses and jurors. After one of Darrow's friends was arrested in the act of passing money to a juror, the McNamara case was settled quickly, with Jim McNamara receiving a life sentence and J.J. getting 15 years. Prosecutors then indicted Darrow for jury tampering, but, after a long and spirited defense--much of which Darrow handled himself--the jury was won over by the lawyer's eloquence and acquitted him despite considerable evidence of guilt. Cowan suggests that Darrow emerged from the experience chastened and wiser, going on to argue his greatest cases. A tense and riveting account that neatly balances courtroom drama with fascinating glimpses into Darrow's enigmatic conscience.

Coyote, Peter (2015). The Rainman's Third Cure: An Unsentimental Education
. Berkeley, Calif., Counterpoint.
Peter's Coyote's new memoir is richly textured, beautifully written, sad, sweet, sometimes funny, always wise. It is about childhood losses and joy, growing up, mentors, loyalty, the search for Truth, survival, the sixties, the seventies, transcendence, healing, disasters. It is told by a writer of deep wisdom, self-knowledge and charm, yet I gobbled it up, like a novel. -Anne Lamott

Coyote, Peter (1998). Sleeping Where I Fall: A Chronicle
. Berkeley, Calif., Counterpoint.
Peter Coyote's shrewdly observant, cogently analytic and earthily detailed memoir of his years within the counterculture opens a door in 1998 and walks through it into the 1960s. Coyote reflects with maturity on the mistakes he and his peers made, but he affirms that the dream was worth having. -The Washington Post

Crace, Jim (2000). Being Dead
. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Crace is a brilliant British writer whose novels are always varied in historical setting, voice, theme and writing style, and are surprising in content. Those very factors may have contributed to his failure to establish a literary identity and to attain his deserved audience here. This latest, sixth effort (after Quarantine), a stunning look at two people at the moment of their deaths, is the riskiest of his works, the most mesmerizing and the most deeply felt. Joseph and Celice, middle-aged doctors of zoology married to each other for almost 30 years, revisit the seaside where they first met and made love "in the singing salt dunes of Baritone Bay." They are surprised on the dunes, murdered and robbed, and their bodies lie undiscovered for days. In alternating chapters of chronological counterpoint, Crace traces their last day, working backwards from the moment of their murders to their awakening that morning, innocent of what is to come. At the same time, he recreates the day they were introduced, in the 1970s, when they were researching their doctoral dissertations. By the time these chronological vignettes converge, Crace has created two distinctive personalities who sustain a marriage and careers and parent a rebellious, nihilistic daughter, Syl. His finesse in drawing character is matched by the depth of his knowledge and imagination, and the honesty of his bleak vision. Some readers may be horrified by the brutal imagery ("Her scalp hung open like a fish's mouth. The white roots at her crown were stoplight red") or the matter-of-fact details of the body's putrefaction: the first predators "in the wet and ragged centres of their wounds" are a beetle, swag flies, crabs and a gull, and their activities in each corpse are described with detached scientific accuracy. The profession of the deceased, of course, adds irony to the situation. Celice taught that the natural sciences are the study of violence and death, while Joseph maintained that "humankind is only marginal. We hardly count in the natural orders of zoology." In juxtaposing the remorselessness of nature against the hopes, desires and conflicted emotions of individuals, Crace gracefully integrates the facts and myths about the end of human life, and its transcendence (in Syl's epiphanic vision), into a narrative of dazzling virtuosity. - Publishers Weekly

Craig, Johnny, Al Feldstein, Max Allan Collins (2022). Deadly Beloved and Other Stories
. Seattle, Fantagraphics.
This volume of Craig's crime and horror work collects comics stories he wrote and drew for Vault of Horror, Shock SuspenStories, and Crime SuspenStories, as well as the complete collection of all his "Dateline" stories from Extra!. In our title story, a reporter stranded in a Louisiana bayou seeks shelter in a seemingly abandoned mansion, only to discover and fall in love with a beautiful woman living there. He wants to be with her, and she wants to be with him; there's only one way that can happen. Also: Craig's murder masterpiece, "Understudies," in which two lovers conspire to remove their respective spouses, in a twisted twist recalling The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity; and his signature horror story "…All Through the House" (twice adapted to film — for 1972's Tales From the Crypt movie and HBO's 1989 Tales From the Crypt pilot episode). Plus, the debut of EC's enigmatic horror hostess, Drusilla, and a look at the work of EC artists Harry Harrison, Howard Larsen, Sheldon Moldoff (Moon Girl) as well. Thirty-one stories in all, with essays and commentary by EC experts. Introduction by Grand Master crime novelist Max Allan Collins.

Craig, Johnny (2011). Fall Guy For Murder and Other Stories
. Seattle, Fantagraphics.
Surrounded by the ornate, retro, proto-splatter horror graphics of Jack Davis and Graham Ingels and the slick, futuristic sci-fi stylings of Wally Wood and Al Williamson, EC Comics superstar Johnny Craig stood out in the 1950s with his elegant, crisp, contemporary graphic style. And nowhere did this style work more beautifully than in the dozens of superb crime and horror comics he wrote and drew for EC, mostly for the two comics he also edited, Crime SuspenStories and The Vault of Horror. [Craig was the only EC artist to habitually write his own material for the entire length of EC's run.] Featuring murderous husbands and wives, executioners, thieving surgeons, vengeful sword-swallowers, time bombs, private dicks, vampires, werewolves, and ghouls, the 23 stories in this book comprise a perfect encapsulation of the very best and darkest kind of noir and horror writing, stunningly executed (in more than one sense of the word) by one of the great cartoonists of his (or any) era.

Crane, Stephen and J. C. Levenson (1984). Prose and Poetry
. New York, N.Y., Literary Classics of the U.S.: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. and Canada by the Viking Press.
"Stephen Crane's existence brings into play a great many possibilities of interpretation, some of them having a powerful human appeal, some serio-comic, some tragic, almost all touched with the inexplicable. We know, but we actually understand very little of his early life as a schoolboy baseball player, of the roust-about slum-journalist, the Bowery night-walker who would turn up anywhere there was misery, human pain, and hopelessness, of the ill and dissipated poete maudit who wrote about battle without ever having heard a shot fired, who was then catapulted from this imaginary war into various real ones, subjects which became of increasing fascination to him, and which seem to have constituted, as if by fate, his natural element.
Some see in Crane the poet as free-booter, the sniper at injustice from the ranks of the insulted and injured, the intellectual guerrilla, the outsider at times hardly above the criminal level, a kind of literary hit-man, or, better still, a gun-slinger, which impression Crane's cold-eyed photographs encourage. Yet his life is strangely of a piece; because of his diffident but forthright personality, plus - for some - the recognition of his talent, he was at home at all levels of humanity.

Craniford, Ada (2006). Mordecai Richler: A Life in Ten Novels
. Bloomington, IN, iUniverse.
Wickedly amusing and deceptively familiar, Mordecai Richler has been praised, reviled, and many times misunderstood. Intrigued by Richler's defiant denial that his personal history plays any part in his fiction, Craniford unveils the life-altering events he semi-discloses. Amazed at his brazen plundering of past and present literary works, she shows how he often reworked the stories and poems of other writers, for purposes of his own. Carefully researched and entertainingly presented, these revelations will forever alter the way you read Richler's novels, and think about his life.

Creeley, Robert (1982). The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley, 1945-1975
. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Robert Creeley was born in Massachusetts in 1926 and graduated from Black Mountain College where he befriended Charles Olson and edited The Black Mountain Review. Publications include: For Love (1962); Words (1967); Pieces (1969); The Finger (1970); St Martin's (1971); A Day Book (1972); Thirty Things (1974); Away (1976); Later (1978) and Memory Gardens (1986).

Creeley, Robert (1989). The Collected Essays of Robert Creeley
. Berkeley, University of California Press.
For nearly four decades, Robert Creeley has been a popular and often controversial force in American poetry and letters. His essays, written from the 1950s to the 1980s and collected here for the first time, show a poet deeply touched by and in touch with the concerns of his post-war generation. His spare prose illuminates many important literary and artistic figures Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Louis Zukofsky, Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Allen Ginsberg, Franz Kline, Jackson Pollock, Frank Stella, Willem de Kooning, Philip Guston, John Chamberlain, and otherscapturing the essence of their distinctively American achievements.

Creeley, Robert (1991). Selected Poems
. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Creeley, poet laureate of New York State, constantly gauges what it means to be human, in poems that cope with the rush of memories, the chaos of dreams, the sudden flare of feelings. His mercurial verses on love and life's vicissitudes respond instinctively to our innate but half-articulated need for roots, familial, social and spiritual. There is a deep strain of pessimism in a poet who proclaims "both men and women cold / hold at last to no one / die alone." From the pared-down, pure diction of "For Love" to the recent complex thought-experiments of Memory Gardens and Windows," this gathering of 200 poems charts the trajectory of a poet who delights in words and remains true to self.

Crepax, Guido (2016). The Complete Crepax (Volume 1): Dracula, Frankenstein, and Other Horror Stories
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
Italy’s Guido Crepax is one of the most internationally acclaimed cartoonists in the world. Instantly recognizable, his work is characterized by its erotically charged stylistic approach and seriousness of purpose. Valentina, his most famous character, was based on his wife Luisa, and the actresses Louise Brooks (Pandora’s Box) and Anna Karina (star of many Jean-Luc Godard’s films). Arguably the strongest and most independent female character in European comics up till this time, Crepax’s depiction of Valentina’s sensuality was so sophisticated that it single-handedly legitimized the erotic element in European comics. Only a handful of Crepax’s works have been reprinted in English, none currently available.

Crepax: Dracula, Frankenstein, and Other Horror Stories features, in addition to the artist’s unique take on the eponymous literary works by Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley, a half dozen Valentina stories from the ’60s and ’70s, several never before published, and influenced by contemporary fashion, architecture, and the French New Wave. Published in an oversized, deluxe coffee table format, this first of ten volumes in the complete works of Crepax will be a revelation to American readers.

Crepax, Guido (2016). The Complete Crepax (Volume 2): The Time Eaters & Other Stories
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
Spanning the 1960s–1980s, this science-fiction-themed second volume of our complete Guido Crepax library features, in addition to adventuress Valentina, two more of the famed Italian erotic artist’s heroines. Marianna is a mysterious friend of Valentina’s (or is she? And why do they look so alike?). Belinda is a motorcycle-driving, pop art action star inspired by then contemporary characters like Barbarella. In The Time Eaters & Other Stories, Valentina meets a curious couple in an asylum, encounters strange creatures on a photo assignment, is caught in a Rube-Goldberg-like death trap, and much more. Reproduced in a lush, oversized format to best showcase the sensuous beauty of Crepax’s drawing, these volumes also include contextual essays about the cartoonist — and the real-world, mid-century Milan that the characters inhabit — by an international cast of comics critics and historians. Universally acclaimed as one of the most extravagant and luxurious series of comics collections ever published, The Time Eaters more than lives up to the critical reception of our first volume of The Complete Crepax.

[Note: Due to editorial error, this edition is missing p. 183, in the story 'Reflection.' This missing page can be found online at the end of the image scroll bar under the cover image on this page.]

Crepax, Guido (2017). The Complete Crepax (Volume 3): Evil Spells
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
The third volume of Fantagraphics’ monumental collection of Guido Crepax’s comics collects the Baba Yaga storyline, which recasts the witch of folklore (it was adapted for the screen in 1973 starring Carroll Baker as the middleaged, lesbian villainess). Under Baba Yaga’s influence, a doll, Annette, comes to life; Valentina and her lover, Philip, are forced to act out the fairy tale Bluebeard; and Philip must fight the witch in her lair to save their kidnapped child.

Evil Spells also features the famed Italian cartoonist’s sinuous adaptations of several literary masterpieces: Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw, and a giallo genre take on Edgar Allan Poe. Accompanying the stories are notes providing historical context, and an article by the director of the film. The oversized format and exacting reproduction standards perfectly showcase Crepax’s virtuosic composition, design, and draftsmanship, as well the boundless visual imagination that has inspired several generations of cartoonists and designers.

Crepax, Guido (2018). The Complete Crepax (Volume 4): Private Life
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
The fourth volume of Fantagraphics’ groundbreaking Complete Crepax series puts the author’s sexy proto feminist heroine Valentina, the globe-trotting Milanese photographer, front and center in a series of erotic comics narratives. Most of the comics in this volume, spanning 1965 to 1985, have never before been published in English. It includes Crepax’s first foray into comics magazines—The Curve of Lesmo—in which our heroine is introduced as an adventurer’s sidekick! Elsewhere in this volume, she becomes a mother, outwits a gang of jewel thieves, flashes back to her childhood and adolescence, encounters a mysterious cello, and much more! Not only is Crepax’s impeccable draftsmanship on full display, but this deluxe package highlights the innovative visual storytelling techniques that made him an international sensation.

Crepax, Guido (2019). The Complete Crepax (Volume 5): American Stories
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
The Complete Crepax Vol. 5: American Stories collects stories that span 1968-1986, such as The Man from Harlem, Crepax's ode to boxer Joe Louis and jazz. In other tales, Valentina attempts to balance new relationships with lovers Bruno and Effi alongside the domestic life she shares with Phil. Meanwhile, Valentina's rich fantasy life goes Hollywood. Bonnie and Clyde make an appearance, and there are several homages to the silent film era. The first is the wordless BDSM classic, The Magic Lantern; and in the second, she 'meets' one of her inspirations -- actress Louise Brooks!

Crepax, Guido (2021). The Complete Crepax (Volume 6): Dangerous Liaisons
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
In this Italian erotic comics collection, which spans 1977–1989, the character Valentina, a music, art, and fashion-loving Milanese photographer, ages in "real time." First, she saves Effi, a German heiress, from kidnappers, and they become lovers. Valentina also has an affair with Bruno, a young cellist. Dangerous Liaisons follows our heroine into middle-aged home life with her longtime partner, Phil, with whom she has a grown son, Mattia. Two of Crepax's lauded graphic adaptations: "Venus in Furs" and "The Memoirs of Casanova" are featured in this volume.

Crepax, Guido (2022). The Complete Crepax (Part 1, Volume 7): Erotic Stories
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
In the first of two volumes in Fantagraphics' Crepax series devoted to the artist's comics adaptations of the erotic literary canon, Valentina takes on Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye, and then we follow Arsan's Emmanuelle on her sensual journey.

Crepax, Guido (2023). The Complete Crepax (Part 2, Volume 8): Erotic Stories
. Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
In Part 2 of Guido Crepax’s “Erotic Stories,” Alain Robbe-Grillet introduces the Italian master’s comics adaptation of the groundbreaking BDSM Story of O by Pauline Réage.

Crim, Keith R. and Roger A. Bullard (1990). The Perennial Dictionary of World Religions
. San Francisco, HarperSanFrancisco.
This concise, authoritative compendium of information on the world's living religions brings together the work of 161 scholars from major religious traditions and related fields. Over 1600 cross-referenced beliefs, and current status of the world's living religions: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Shintoism, Sufism, Taoism, and the many other religions of the world. This information-packed, illustrated volume, complete with maps and charts, provides:
  • Comprehensive articles on the historical development and status of the worlds living religions;
  • Doctrines, sects, movements, significant personalities, sacred writings, religious practices, and holy sites, with key creeds, prayers, and mantras given in full;
  • A detailed examination of religions that have spread to new geographical regions in articles such as Christianity in Africa, while other topics better studied across traditions have separate entries, such as Mysticism and Scarifice;
  • Over 150 black-and-white photographs, maps, diagrams, line drawings, and charts.

Cronin, A.J. (1983). The Citadel
. Boston, Back Bay Books.
The Citadel is a novel by A.J. Cronin, first published in 1937, which was groundbreaking with its treatment of the contentious theme of medical ethics. It has been credited with laying the foundation in Great Britain for the introduction of the NHS a decade later. In the United States, it won the National Book Award for 1937 novels voted by members of the American Booksellers Association.

Cross, Richard K. (1980). Malcolm Lowry: A Preface to His Fiction
. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Standard work on Malcolm Lowry, 1909-57, English novelist, b. New Brighton, Wirral. Lowry is widely recognized as an important writer who effectively articulated the spiritual desolation of the individual in the 20th cent. While still a student at Cambridge he wrote his first novel, Ultramarine (1933), later reworked and published in final form in 1962. His reputation is founded on his second novel, Under the Volcano (1947), a subtle and complex study of the dissolution of an Englishman's character. Set in Mexico, the novel is highly autobiographical. Like his hero Geoffrey Firmin, Lowry was an alcoholic whose addiction all but destroyed his family life and caused him to seek peace in such disparate locales as the United States, British Columbia, and Mexico. Lowry's other works, all published posthumously, include Selected Poems (1962); two volumes of short stories, Hear Us O Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place (1961) and Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid (1968); and a novel, Lunar Caustic (1968).

Crow, Scott (2010). Black Flags and Windmills: Hope, Anarchy, and the Common Ground Collective
. Oakland, CA, PM Press.
Tracing a life of radical activism and the emergence of a grassroots organization in the face of disaster, this chronicle describes scott crow's headlong rush into the political storm surrounding the catastrophic failure of the levee in New Orleans in 2005 and the subsequent failure of state and local government agencies in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. It recounts crow's efforts with others in the community to found Common Ground Collective, a grassroots relief organization that built medical clinics, set up food and water distribution, and created community gardens when local government agencies, FEMA, and the Red Cross were absent or ineffective. The members also stood alongside the beleaguered residents of New Orleans in resisting home demolitions, white militias, police brutality, and FEMA incompetence. This vivid, personal account maps the intersection of radical ideology with pragmatic action and chronicles a community's efforts to translate ideals into tangible results. Resisting indifference, rebuilding hope amidst collapse, and independence from government entities emerge as persistent themes in this call to activism, demonstrating what can be done by determined individuals in extreme circumstances.

Crowdus, Gary (1994). The Political Companion to American Film
. Chicago, Ill., Lake View Press.
The editor has compiled a wealth of information and insight in 101 essays, covering almost any political cinematic topic, from African American filmmakers (Sidney Poitier, Paul Robeson, and Spike Lee get their own chapters) to Darryl Zanuck. The editor-in-chief of Cineaste, Crowdus has achieved his goal of writing lucidly and with a point of view about films and filmmakers. Therefore, one should expect at times to disagree with a writer's judgment (e.g., David Bartholomew declares, "The horror film is dying if not, like the Western, dead already"), and there is an occasional factual error (replace "Russians" with "Red Chinese" in Forster Hirsch's synopsis of director Sam Fuller's Hell and High Water). Yet, overall, the essays are provocative and stimulating, as exemplified by R.T. West's analysis of postwar American film criticism. Each essay also has a bibliography for further reading. Only the relatively steep price might deter some libraries from purchasing. Recommended for informed readers.

Crumb, R. and Peter Poplaski (1997). The R. Crumb Coffee Table Art Book
. Boston, Little, Brown.
Robert Crumb, world-famous illustrator and definite pervert, got his start in the underground comics scene of the late 1960s and early 1970s. The R. Crumb Coffee Table Art Book is a collection of his best work from the last 50 years (it's got kids' stuff, too, which is pretty fascinating). The volume is a welcome reminder that, screwed up as Crumb may be, he's also a tremendously talented, utterly original artist. He artistically embodies a certain segment of the '60s, and as that fades even further into history, Crumb's material becomes more important. Is The R. Crumb Coffee Table Art Book funny? Yes, certainly, in a coarse, Rabelaisian way; you'll either find it a hoot, or horribly racist and sexist. And it's not for the kiddies, obviously. But R. Crumb is so well known by now, that you probably know which group you fall into, the lovers or the haters. The lovers will find this book a wonderful treat.

Crumb, R. and Peter Poplaski (1997). The R. Crumb Handbook
. London, M Q Publications.
From the mountains of Southern France where he currently lives and works, pop artist R. Crumb makes a grand entrance back to the publishing world with The R. Crumb Handbook. Part biography, part comic book, and part media critique, the latest Crumb book is a feast indeed. In addition to numerous reprints of Crumb comic hits like Fritz the Cat and Mr. Natural, the book also features new works by Crumb, including a hilarious dialogue between the artist and his wife. (Both Crumb's wife and daughter are comic book artists.) Fans already familiar with Crumb's comic book work will rejoice at the glossy reprints of Crumb oil paintings and sculptures, complete with gallery-owner narratives about working with the artist. There are also record covers reprints that Crumb has drawn over the years, as well as a CD of songs by the artist's traditional band, R. Crumb and the Cheap Suit Serenaders. But more important, the Handbook helps provide a window into the man himself.

In fact the more you read The R. Crumb Handbook the more you start to understand Crumb is really a political cartoonist, challenging stereotypes, cultural norms, and the media. U.S. media in particular has had a powerful and profound impact on Crumb. Readers will learn what TV shows and books inspired Crumb, the state of comics in the 1960s versus today, the media's effect on day-to-day life, and what other comics served as models for Crumb in his own work. Artists like Jack Davis, John Stanley, Carl Barks, and the late Will Eisner made powerful impressions on Crumb about what comics could achieve. Crumb offers up some interesting insight into comics during the Great Depression (e.g., Dick Tracy and Superman) and explains how many of these comics mirrored the era and encouraged readers to "fight on" even during tough times. The R. Crumb Handbook is a solid piece of work, not only giving us a glimpse into the artist, but serving as a great read for old and new fans alike. --Pat Kearney

Crystal, David (1997). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language
. Cambridge; New York, Cambridge University Press.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language covers all the major themes of language study, including popular ideas about language, language and identity, the structure of language, speaking and listening, writing, reading, and signing, language acquisition, the neurological basis of language, and languages of the world. Exposing this work to a new generation of readers, the Second Edition extends the range of coverage to include advances in areas such as machine translation, speech interaction with machines, and language teaching. There is new material on acoustics, physiological concepts of language, and World English, and a complete update of the language distribution maps, language-speaking statistics, table of the world's languages, and further reading. All geopolitical material has been revised to take account of boundary changes. The book has been redesigned and is presented for the first time in full color, with new pictures and maps added.

Crystal, David (1998). The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia
. Cambridge [England]; New York, Cambridge University Press.
The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia is the authoritative single-volume reference work on people, both living and dead. In addition to its thousand or more pages of A-Z entries, the book offers an invaluable Ready Reference section with lists of political leaders and rulers, Nobel Prizewinners, patron saints, sports champions and many more. Acclaimed on its first publication in 1994 as a new kind of biographical reference book, the Encyclopedia is now established as a reliable source of information on over 26,000 people, fully cross-referenced. The book's international coverage and devotion to important figures - both historical and contemporary - in science and the arts as well as sports and popular personalities make it unique. This Second Edition has been comprehensively updated and supplemented with new entries.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
. New York, Harper & Row.
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's famous investigations of "optimal experience" have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. In this groundbreaking classic work, Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates the ways this positive state can be controlled, not just left to chance.

Culinary Institute of America. (2003). Cooking at Home with the Culinary Institute of America
. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley.
This superbly organized, stripped-down offspring of the CIA's New Professional Chef has the no-nonsense tone that results when dozens of teachers collaborate on a serious project: "Keep the blades of your knives sharp and well honed "; "Don't be tempted to leave the fish in the marinade for longer than 30 minutes." It's a refreshing sobriety amid the current mania for anecdotes in the home-cooking market. Less French than most school-driven texts, the book emphasizes basic techniques, from sauteing and roasting to portioning a chicken and making pasts. The recipe selections were edited with an equally heavy but sure hand: Puree of Split Pea, Roast Chicken with Pan Gravy, Beef Tenderloin with Wild Mushrooms, Gnocchi with Herbs and Butter. Each has an unobtrusive sidebar pointing out the relevant techniques (seeding tomatoes, melting chocolate). Even less familiar or more complex recipes - Roast Goose with Apple-Prune Sauce, Mole Poblano de Pollo, Steamed Cod with Gingered Hoisin Sauce - rely on sure-fire methods. Since pasta is a mainstay of home cooking, the carbonara-primavera-puttanesca trinity puts in an o bligatory appearance, along with various types of ravioli and lasagna. Desserts are mostly of the simple showstopper variety: Chocolate Mousse and several classic cooking-school souffles. Look elsewhere, however, for game, sweetbreads, bread and pastry. Copiously photographed and filled with impressive-looking tables and charts (including 10 pages of weight/volume equivalents and temperature charts), this makes an ideal book for committed starting cooks, as well as culinary over-achievers who occasionally need reminding of the basics.

Culler, Jonathan D. (1983). Roland Barthes
. New York, Oxford University Press.
Combining biographical material with an overview of Barthes's work, this is a clear and concise guide to his life and writings.

Culver, John C. and John Hyde (2000). American Dreamer: The Life and Times of Henry A. Wallace
. New York, Norton.
The great politician, agriculturalist, economist, author, and businessman - loved and reviled, and finally now revealed. The first full biography of Henry A. Wallace, a visionary intellectual and one of this century's most important and controversial figures. Henry Agard Wallace was a geneticist of international renown, a prolific author, a groundbreaking economist, and a businessman whose company paved the way for a worldwide agricultural revolution. He also held two cabinet posts, served four tumultuous years as America's wartime vice president under FDR, and waged a quixotic campaign for president in 1948. Wallace was a figure of Sphinx-like paradox: a shy man, uncomfortable in the world of politics, who only narrowly missed becoming president of the United States; the scion of prominent Midwestern Republicans and the philosophical voice of New Deal liberalism; loved by millions as the Prophet of the Common Man, and reviled by millions more as a dangerous, misguided radical. John C. Culver and John Hyde have combed through thousands of document pages and family papers, from Wallace's letters and diaries to previously unavailable files sealed within the archives of the Soviet Union. Here is the remarkable story of an authentic American dreamer. A Washington Post Best Book of the Year.

Cumings, Bruce (2005). Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History
. New York, W. W. Norton.
Cumings's riveting history of modern Korea challenges much received wisdom. Rejecting the verdict of Western historians who support Japan's "modernizing role" in Korea, he characterizes the Japanese occupation (1910-1945) as a callous colonization that fostered underdevelopment, crushed dissent and suppressed indigenous culture. Director of Northwestern University's Center for International and Comparative Studies, the author is highly critical of the U.S. military occupational government (1945-1948), which he blames for bolstering the status quo and laying the groundwork for one of Asia's worst police states. Popular resistance in South Korea, he emphasizes, ultimately transformed an authoritarian regime into a relatively democratic society, while the North, which he has visited extensively, remains a cloistered, family-run, xenophobic garrison state. Yet, drawing on recent scholarship, Cumings argues that North Korea was never a mere Soviet puppet but instead resembled more autonomous communist nations, such as Yugoslavia. His incisive concluding portrait of Korean Americans presents a hardworking, upwardly mobile yet insular, ambivalent group, "in the society but not of it."

Cumings, Bruce (2010). The Korean War: A History
. New York, Modern Library.
With access to new evidence and secret materials from both here and abroad, including an archive of captured North Korean documents, Bruce Cumings reveals the war as it was actually fought. He describes its origin as a civil war, preordained long before the first shots were fired in June 1950 by lingering fury over Japan’s occupation of Korea from 1910 to 1945. Cumings then shares the neglected history of America’s post–World War II occupation of Korea, reveals untold stories of bloody insurgencies and rebellions, and tells of the United States officially entering the action on the side of the South, exposing as never before the appalling massacres and atrocities committed on all sides.

Cumings, Bruce (2003). North Korea: Another Country
. New York, New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton.
Few books of political commentary are as insightful, outspoken, and even personable as this one. The author feels no obligation to keep his opinions to himself (unlike many commentators, who strive so hard for neutrality that they wind up not saying anything of substance). "I have no sympathy for the North, which is the author of most of its own troubles," he writes at one point, although he does allude to the "significant responsibility that all Americans share for the garrison state that emerged on the ashes of our truly terrible destruction of the North half a century ago." He also asserts, flatly contradicting the prevailing wisdom, that the Korean War, whose armistice was signed 50 years ago, is still the defining event of modern-day North Korea. The book is full of assertions that will challenge readers to reconsider several of their conceptions of contemporary history. It's also, and this is most unusual for a book of this nature, occasionally funny or even sarcastic, especially in its criticism of media responses to North Korea. A fresh, original take on a subject of growing international importance.

Cummings, Claire Hope (2008). Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds
. Boston, Mass., Beacon Press.
Former environmental lawyer and one-time farmer Cummings offers a persuasive account of a lesser-known but potentially apocalyptic threat to the world's ecology and food supply - the privatization of the Earth's seed stock. For almost a century, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided seeds at no cost to farmers who then saved seeds from one harvest to another, eventually developing strains best suited to local or regional climates. But Cummings also tells how seeds became lucrative, patentable private properties for some of the nation's most powerful agribusinesses. Cummings bemoans the plague of sameness intensified by the advent of such fitfully regulated companies as Monsanto, which now not only own genetically modified seed varieties, but also sue farmers when wind inevitably blows seeds onto their neighboring fields. According to Cummings, this tyranny of the technological[ly]elite threatens agricultural diversity and taints food sources. Among the author's many startling statistics is that 97% of 75 vegetables whose seeds were once available from the USDA are now extinct. Cummings heralds plans for a Doomsday Vault to shelter existing natural seed stock, and finds comfort in organic farming's growth, but her authoritative portrait of another way in which our planet is at peril provides stark food for thought.

Cummings, E. E. (1959). 100 Selected Poems
. New York, Grove Press.
This volume, first published in 1959, is indispensable for lovers of modern lyrical verse, containing 100 of Cumming's wittiest and most profound poems, harvested from 35 of the most radically creative years in contemporary American poetry.

Cummings, E. E. (1974). 73 Poems
. London, Faber.
Four months after Cummings's death in September 1962, his widow, the photographer Marion Morehouse, collected the typescripts of 29 new poems. These poems, as well as uncollected poems published only in periodicals up to that time, make up 73 Poems. This is the final volume in Liveright's reissue of Cummings's individual volumes of poetry, with texts and settings based on E. E. Cummings: The Complete Poems 1904-1962.

Cummings, E. E. and George James Firmage (2002). 1 X 1 (One Times One)
. New York, Liveright.
Cummings's ninth book of poems, One Times One, was first published in 1944. The poems in One Times One have as their theme "oneness and the means (one times one) whereby that oneness is achieved - love," in the words of Cummings's biographer Richard S. Kennedy. Besides new expressions of universal concerns, Cummings writes here in a lyric and optimistic mode, drawing portraits of people dear to him in New Hampshire and New York City's Greenwich Village.

Cummings, E. E. and George James Firmage (2002). 95 Poems
. New York, Liveright.
A paperback collection newly offset from Complete Poems 1904-1962 with an afterword by the Cummings scholar George James Firmage. Published in 1958, 95 Poems is the last book of new poems published in Cummings's lifetime. Remarkable for its vigor, freshness, interest in ordinary individuals, and awareness of the human life cycle, the book reflects Cummings's observations on nature and his prevailing gratitude for whatever life offers: "Time's a strange fellow: more he gives than takes." This new edition joins other individual uniform Liveright paperback volumes drawn from the Complete Poems, most recently Etcetera and 22 and 50 Poems.

Cummings, E. E. and Samuel Lynn Hynes (1999). The Enormous Room
. New York, N.Y., Penguin Books.
A rambunctious modern novel by the twentieth century's most inventive poet.

Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1894, Edward Estlin Cummings rebelled against the prevailing values of his Harvard and Unitarianism-- steeped milieu. His relentless search for personal freedom led him to Greenwich Village in early 1917, where he established himself as a Modernist, composing his sui generis poems and abstract paintings. Later that year, he impulsively joined the war, serving in a Red Cross ambulance unit on the Western Front. His free-spirited, combative ways, however, soon got him tagged as a possible enemy of La Patrie, and he was summarily tossed into a French concentration camp at La Ferte-Mace in Normandy.

Unexpectedly, under the vilest conditions, Cummings found fulfillment of his ever-elusive quest for freedom. The Enormous Room (1922), the fictional account of his four-month confinement, reads like a Pilgrim's Progress of the spirit, a journey into dispossession, to a place among the most debased and deprived of human creatures. Yet Cummings's hopeful tone reflects the essential paradox of his experience: to lose everything--all comforts, all possessions, all rights and privileges--is to become free, and so to be saved. Drawing on the diverse voices of his colorful prisonmates--Emile the Bum, the Fighting Sheeney, One-Eyed Dah-veed--Cummings weaves a "crazy-quilt" of language, which makes The Enormous Room one of the most evocative instances of the Modernist spirit and technique, as well as "one of the very best of the war-books" - T.E. Lawrence.

Cunningham, Stephen Kittredge (2008). The Bartenders Black Book
. South San Francisco, Calif., Wine Appreciation Guild.
The newest and ninth edition to the Bartenders Black Book franchise adds 143 brand-new recipes that were created by bartenders, professional and laymen, around the world in the last two years. That brings the total beverage count to 3,000, more than double that of any other drink guide. All the sections have been expanded and updated, including Robert M. Parker, Jr.'s Vintage Guide and Mr. Cunningham's already vast Martini section. Of course this book still has all its classic features: an index by ingredients, in-depth mixing instructions, metric conversion tables, a list of every possible garnish, sections on hot drinks, frozen drinks, beers, ales, lagers, and malternatives.

Curl, John (2009). For All the People: Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America
. Oakland, CA, PM Press.
Seeking to reclaim a history that has remained largely ignored by most historians, this dramatic and stirring account examines each of the definitive American cooperative movements for social change - farmer, union, consumer, and communalist - that have been all but erased from collective memory. Focusing far beyond one particular era, organization, leader, or form of cooperation, the expansive analysis documents the multigenerational struggle of the American working people for social justice. With an expansive sweep and breathtaking detail, the chronicle considers Native American times and follows the American worker from the colonial workshop to the modern mass-assembly line, ultimately painting a vivid panorama of those who built the United States and those who will shape its future.

Curtis, Mark (2011). Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam
. London, Serpent's Tail.
In this groundbreaking book, Mark Curtis reveals the covert history of British collusion with radical Islamic and terrorist groups. Secret Affairs shows how governments since the 1940s have used militant forces to control oil resources and overthrow governments. The story of how Britain has helped nurture the rise of global terrorism has never before been told. "Unearthing this largely hidden history is a contribution of the highest significance, and could hardly be more timely." - Noam Chomsky

Curtis, William J. R. (1986). Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms
. New York, Rizzoli.
This thorough review of Le Corbusier (1887-1965), an inescapable force in 20th-century architecture, draws on masses of documentation now available and on a close viewing of the buildings themselves. Curtis has published several works on the architect, and this is a largely successful overview of the entire oeuvre, linking Le Corbusier's ideas and philosophy to the buildings. It is a carefully considered book, based on extensive thought and study of the vast documentation, addressed to the advanced student of modernism.

Curtis, William J. R. (1996). Modern Architecture Since 1900
. London, Phaidon.
A comprehensive and balanced overview of modern architecture, this edition combines a clear general outline with masterly analysis and interpretation of individual buildings. The text includes much new knowledge and research and a fresh appreciation of regional identity and variety, including expanded and developed discussions of European, American and non-western traditions.

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